Am I Sexy?

Take this quiz to see how irresistible you are!

Are you a total bombshell? Do people stop and stare in the street? If you’re not sure…do you wanna find out?

Just answer these quick questions about your looks and personality, and we’ll figure out the answer for you. To find out if you’re sexy, click “Start Quiz” now!

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Questions Overview

1. What do you think is your best feature?
  1. My lips. They're perfectly shaped and kissable.
  2. My body. I work hard to look this good.
  3. My laugh. It makes people melt.
  4. My eyes. You could get lost in them.
2. What kind of compliment do you get most often?
  1. People usually compliment my physical features.
  2. People usually compliment my taste, like the music I listen to.
  3. People usually compliment my personality.
  4. People usually compliment my style and fashion.
3. If you were interested in someone, would you ask them out?
  1. I’d drop hints that I like them, but I’d wait for them to pop the big question.
  2. Sure! I’m not afraid to chase after someone.
  3. It depends! If I really, really, really liked them, maybe.
  4. Nah, they have to be the one to ask me out!
4. How would you flirt with someone you're interested in?
  1. I'd get up close and personal to get their attention.
  2. I'd ask them questions about themself! People love talking about themselves.
  3. I'd give them a sincere compliment. It always makes them smile.
  4. Body language! A smile, wink, maybe bite my lip.
5. What quality do you find most attractive in other people? (Trust us, it matters!)
  1. Their face. I just like to look at a beautiful face!
  2. Their voice. I could fall in love with a good voice.
  3. Their sense of humor. They should know how to have fun.
  4. Their taste. I can't stand someone who's corny or cringe.
6. If you could change one thing about yourself, which of these would it be?
  1. I'd want to be more educated and thoughtful.
  2. ...Nothing! I like the way I am.
  3. I'd want to look more like a model.
  4. I'd want to be more outgoing and friendly.
7. What vibe do you usually go for when you get dressed in the morning?
  1. I want to look like I could walk a runway.
  2. I just throw on whatever feels right.
  3. I want to look adorable and approachable.
  4. I want to look professional and put-together but not stuffy.
8. How do you want other people to think of you?
  1. As someone who could be with anyone they wanted.
  2. As someone who's confident and knows what they're all about.
  3. As someone who's nice to be around.
  4. As someone mysterious and intriguing.
9. Do other people start conversations with you, or do you start most conversations yourself?
  1. Other people tend to talk to me. They practically form a line for a turn.
  2. Both! I think it goes both ways.
  3. I usually start them! I like approaching other people.
  4. I don't know! I haven't really noticed.
10. Do people ever spread rumors about you?
  1. All the time. It's super annoying. But some of them are true...
  2. Sometimes, but I don't let it get to me.
  3. Not that I've heard!
  4. Sure, but they're usually positive.
11. Do other people tend to hold eye contact with you when you walk by?
  1. They tend to stare, but it's not always eye contact.
  2. Nah, they usually mind their business.
  3. Sure! We usually smile at each other.
  4. They take a peek, but they look away pretty quickly.
12. What's your social media presence like?
  1. I mostly post photos of myself and my adventures.
  2. I mostly blog or post my thoughts.
  3. I tend to browse and scroll, but I don't post.
  4. I don't really use social media.

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That's<\/i> what being hot is all about.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age","id":20800,"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Look-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/ae\/Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age"},{"title":"How to Be Sexy","id":2982511,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Be-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/88\/Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You're totally cute!","meaning":"We wouldn't say you're sexy, exactly. Instead, we'd say you're absolutely charming. When people talk to you, they feel all ooey-gooey inside, like their heart is thawing after a long winter. You're a warm ray of sunshine, an ice cream sundae on a breezy afternoon. People find you easy to talk to, and easy to be around, and they feel like they have a duty to cherish and protect you, kind of like a puppy. That doesn't mean you're not attractive, just that you're a different kind of attractive, the kind that makes people really want to get to know you, not just stare at you from across a room.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age","id":20800,"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Look-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/ae\/Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age"},{"title":"How to Be Sexy","id":2982511,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Be-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/88\/Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":4,"text":"You're absolutely gorgeous!","meaning":"If you ask us, gorgeous and sexy are two different things. You can be sexy but not gorgeous, but someone who's gorgeous is always sexy, too. It's like a square\/rectangle situation. You're someone who's a real stunner, but it's not just because you show a lot of skin or know how to flirt. Instead, you're someone who carries themself with confidence, dignity, and grace. You're thoughtful, kind, and generous, and while people might be attracted by your good looks at first, they quickly fall in love with your personality, and who you are deep down. Gorgeous!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age","id":20800,"url":"https:\/\/\/Look-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Look-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/ae\/Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Look-Sexy-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy at Any Age"},{"title":"How to Be Sexy","id":2982511,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sexy","relUrl":"\/Be-Sexy","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/88\/Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Sexy-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sexy"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Kibbe<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Kibbe Body Type Quiz"},{"title":"What's My Hottest Feature Quiz","id":14578238,"url":"https:\/\/\/Hottest-Feature-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Hottest-Feature-Quiz","image":"\"Hottest<\/picture>","alt":"What's My Hottest Feature Quiz"},{"title":"How Cute Am I Quiz","id":14817723,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Cute","relUrl":"\/Am-I-Cute","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"How Cute Am I Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Personality","result":"We hear ya! In that case, we think you'll vibe with these quizzes:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Vibe Do I Give Off Quiz","id":13381647,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Vibe-Do-I-Give-Off","relUrl":"\/What-Vibe-Do-I-Give-Off","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Vibe Do I Give Off Quiz"},{"title":"What Is My Style Quiz","id":14367807,"url":"https:\/\/\/Style-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Style-Quiz","image":"\"Style<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Style Quiz"},{"title":"What Perfume Note Am I Quiz","id":14709445,"url":"https:\/\/\/Perfume-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Perfume-Quiz","image":"\"Perfume<\/picture>","alt":"What Perfume Note Am I Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

What makes someone sexy?

“Sexy” is a pretty powerful word. It grabs your attention, and doesn’t let go. It seems like everyone wants to be sexy, wants to be hot, wants to be wanted, but what does “sexy” even mean? How does one become sexy? Is being sexy all it’s cracked up to be?

We studied some scientific polls and professional surveys, and here’s what we found. According to science, and other people, the things that make someone sexy are:

This is maybe the biggest secret to sexiness, and it’s not actually that much of a secret. People who are sure of themselves, and sure of who they are, are more alluring than someone who’s good-looking but not necessarily confident. Plus, confidence has the effect of making someone more good-looking. After all, it’s all about how you sell yourself. If you believe you’re all-that, then other people start to think, “Woah, maybe they really are…” and that’s the essence of sexy!

According to a 2017 study of a speed dating event, people who were seen as funny or sharp were more highly rated and sought after than people who were only “good-looking.” And if that’s not proof that looks aren’t everything, we don’t know what is. You can be sleek and stylish as a fashion model, but if you’ve got nothing to say, it’ll only get you so far.

Personal preference It’s true what they say that beauty’s in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there’s a certain beauty standard you’ll see in movies, magazines, and runways, but the truth is that everyone’s got their own taste. What’s sexy to one person might be a total turnoff to another person, and vice versa. What that means is that, even if you don’t believe it, there’s someone out there who’ll find you totally irresistible, just the way you are.

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