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What happens when the dreamer of the zodiac pairs up with astrology’s most practical sign? Pisces and Virgo sit directly across from each other in the zodiac, but that doesn’t stop them from finding real, lasting love. Despite the contrast of Pisces’ emotional nature and Virgo’s cool and collected style, their compatibility might surprise you. For everything you need to know about this zodiac love match—from emotional to sexual compatibility—read on!

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 6:

Pisces and Virgo Relationship at a Glance

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  1. Practical, earth sign Virgo will sometimes struggle to understand the dreamy, water sign nature of Pisces. Nevertheless, Virgo will be drawn to Pisces’ individuality, and Pisces will be drawn to Virgo’s common sense. Though Pisces and Virgo aren’t considered traditionally compatible, they can certainly make it work!
    • Virgo’s practicality can help push Pisces into action to achieve their loftiest goals.
    • Pisces’ emotional nature and natural intuition can encourage Virgo to get more in touch with themselves and their feelings.
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Section 2 of 6:

Emotional Compatibility

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  1. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination, Pisces is deeply in touch with their sensitive side. They’re willing to let their partner in on everything from their life dreams to the stressful thoughts that keep them up at night. On the other hand, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of logic. As a result, Virgos tend to appear logical and cool, though deep down, they’re just as empathetic and caring as Pisces.
    • Compatibility Tip: Schedule regular check-ins with each other to ask “How are you feeling about us?” Virgo will love the sense of routine and Pisces will feel right at home with the chance to express themselves.
  2. In this water-earth pairing, you’ll always feel supported. Pisces brings a naturally intuitive, caring personality to the table. Meanwhile, Virgos possess an unparalleled ability to stay grounded and breathe through tough times. If Pisces gets to be too hard on themselves, Virgo can help them keep things in perspective. Likewise, Pisces is always ready to help Virgo deal with the stress that comes from Virgo's innate perfectionism.
    • Compatibility Tip: This pairing can tend towards co-dependence because these two signs are so good at supporting each other. Be sure to set healthy boundaries and develop a support system of friends and family outside of your relationship.
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Sexual Compatibility

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  1. These two signs are all about trust and open communication, which makes for a blissful, emotionally intimate sex life. These signs also fall along the axis of Venus’ exaltation and fall, which means the planet of love naturally connects these two.
    • Compatibility Tip: Since Virgo loves routine, this sexual pairing can fall into a pattern. Try talking about your fantasies to shake things up. Pisces will enjoy the chance to talk about their wildest fantasies and Virgos will enjoy the clarity of knowing what Pisces likes.
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Intellectual Compatibility

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  1. Intellectual compatibility is the weakest point for this dynamic duo. Virgos are people of action. When a Virgo gets an idea, they like to run with it and plan out every minor detail. [1] Pisces prefer ideation to action—which can frustrate a Virgo to no end. Fortunately, these two are both mutable signs, which means they’ll be able to roll with the punches and work through their issues.
    • Compatibility Tip: If you’re looking for common intellectual ground, turn towards humanitarian topics. Both Virgos and Pisces love helping other people. Planning a community project or volunteering campaign together will help you bond!
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wikiHow Quiz: What Zodiac Sign Should I Date?

According to astrology, one zodiac sign is your ultimate dream date. Once you know which sign that is, you can stop searching, and start kicking it with your soulmate.
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If my partner did this, I would be thrilled:

Section 5 of 6:

Trust Compatibility

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  1. Pisces is one of the most compassionate signs of the zodiac, and betraying their partner would feel like a betrayal to themselves. [2] Luckily, Virgo’s on the same page. Virgo is a reliable, steady sign governed by the planet Mercury, which rules logic and communication. As a result, lying and cheating are the last things on Virgo’s mind.
    • Compatibility Tip: Assume that your partner has the best intentions in mind. Virgo can sometimes come across as cold in relationships, but they’re really just shy. Pisces, if you ever feel like you’re unsure about where you two stand, talk it out.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 368 wikiHow readers what they, as a Pisces, value most in a relationship, and 60% of them said loyalty. [Take Poll]
Section 6 of 6:

Pisces and Virgo Compatibility: The Bottom Line

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  1. While these signs might seem entirely different at first, this is a case where each sign’s strengths and weaknesses balance out the other person's quirks. As long as Virgo is willing to open up to Pisces, and as long as Pisces is willing to roll with Virgo’s methodical approach, these two can make a power couple.
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Join the Discussion...

Basically what the title says.....what signs are compatible with Pisces? Romantically, emotionally, sexualy, ect
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Pisces are flexible and fluid, and they need to be with someone who also has flexibility: if you're very rigid with a Pisces, they're going to escape. They're compatible with their opposite sign, Virgo, because Virgo is also a fluid sign, but they can also can be very micromanaging and controlling. And that's water off a duck's back for a Pisces: all the Virgo's little criticisms just kind of roll off their back.

Pisces are big romantics, they love flowers, they love candlelight. They love the trappings of romance, so if a partner is very clinical and cold, that's a total turnoff for a Pisces. Reality is a real turnoff for Pisces as well. They need somebody who will put some imagination into lovemaking and into the wooing process. They do not like direct action at all.
Scorpios and Pisces have electric chemistry! I'm a Pisces and my most magnetic, intense connection I've felt in a relationship was with a Scorpio. Intimacy was high on the priority list for both of us, so we were able to get close to each other really hard and really fast.

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