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You're a Sagittarius Archer who's set your sights on a Leo Lioness—no surprise there! Bright and energetic, she's always the center of attention. She also has plenty of adoring suitors, so how do you stand out from the crowd? As two fire signs, you both have a lot in common and you both burn with the same passionate zest for life. Read on to learn everything you need to know to draw the lovely Lioness to you and keep her close.


Approach her like a gentleman.

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  1. It's rare that she'll make the first move—she prefers for people to come to her, since she is the attraction, the one whose attention everyone is clamoring for. As an outgoing Sagittarius, you're not going to have any problems making the initial approach, but keep it a little on the formal side. She can be a bit put-off if you act overly familiar with her before you know her.
    • Introduce yourself formally and make some comment about how you noticed her, then ask if she'd like to chat rather than just striking up a conversation—it puts the ball in her court to accept the invitation to talk, which she'll appreciate.
    • After you've been together for a while and people are asking how you met, she'll likely swear that she approached you first—and in her mind, she probably believes it's true.
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Engage in playful banter.

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  1. Channeling the innate optimism of your ruling planet Jupiter, you have an exuberant personality and love making people laugh. She'll enjoy your light-hearted and cheerful approach to life and will have a hard time hiding her smile when you're around.
    • For example, if she says she wants to ask you something, you might respond, "You can ask, but whether I'll answer is a different story."
    • You can also take the opposite approach. Say she says, "I have a question." You can respond, "And I have an answer." When she asks her question, respond with something ridiculous and unrelated, such as "Ducks."
    • A Leo lady is a child at heart—she'll swoon if you offer to race her to the corner or push her on the swings at the playground.

Shower her with compliments.

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  1. Archers have a reputation for being among the most flirtatious signs in the zodiac. Put those skills to good use with creative compliments that charm the Lioness. [1]
    • Stay away from the basic compliments she's probably heard a million times before—that's no way to stand out from the crowd and get her attention. Does she have beautiful eyes? You're probably not the first person to notice. Compliment their expressiveness or depth rather than their color.
    • She loves to feel the impact she has on others, so mentioning that gives your compliment more power for a Leo. For example, you might say, "You did so well on that presentation! Everyone there was clearly hanging on your every word. I never saw a single person check their phone the whole time you were up."
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Dress in neat and well-fitted attire.

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  1. Sagittarians tend to be more casual guys, but that doesn't mean you can't wear clean clothes that suit your frame. Choose sensible clothes that suit the occasion and aren't very high maintenance and you'll be fine.
    • For example, take a sports coat if you know you're going to a nice restaurant for dinner or a fancy club for drinks.
    • When in doubt, ask her to go shopping with you. Lionesses love playing stylist and it'll appease her possessive tendencies to have a hand in dressing you.

Plan active, adventurous dates.

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  1. [2] A Lioness is always down for something wild and fun—she loves going out and trying new things. As a Sagittarius, you tend to feel more at home in the outdoors than anywhere else. A hiking or camping trip gives you the opportunity to show off those skills.
    • If she's not really the rugged type, you can always go for more "civilized" adventures that don't involve getting your shoes muddy. Ax throwing, anyone?
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Let her know when she's right.

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  1. Don't fool yourself, here—you're not telling her anything she doesn't already know. But when you take a moment to spell it out, she'll relish the small victory. Sagittarius guys have the reputation for being straightforward and honest, so you have no trouble admitting when you're in the wrong.
    • For example, suppose the two of you disagreed on what time a TV show was airing. You thought it started at 6 p.m. but she swore it was 7 p.m. After you check the listings, you might say, "Okay, you were right. It does start at 7. Good thing I found out early—now we have time to get dinner first."
    • If she understands how committed to the truth you are, she'll appreciate this admission even more. She knows you're not telling her that she's right just to get on her good side.

Give her your undivided attention.

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  1. Like her ruling planet, the Sun, a Leo lady needs the world to revolve around her. As a Sagittarius guy, you have a reputation for being an enthusiastic listener. [3] This skill will endear you to the Lioness, who loves to feel as though she's truly being heard.
    • When you're out together, switch your ringer to silent and put your phone in your pocket. She'll see this gesture and understand that it means you won't let anything distract you while you're with her.
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Spoil her with small, unexpected gifts.

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  1. Leos tend to be a little materialistic and bright, shiny things will always make her smile. Don't wait until her birthday or a holiday to lavish her with tokens of your affection. [4] Archers tend to be pretty spartan and utilitarian, so you might be a little out of your element here—just keep your sharp eye out for things that would catch her eye.
    • For example, you might surprise her with a small, inexpensive piece of jewelry that just happens to match her favorite dress.
    • Watch her closely whenever you're out together in shops and watch what she gravitates towards. You might also check her social media for clues—she might post about things she likes or wants and you can start a list.

Capture her heart with a grand romantic gesture.

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  1. A Leo lady loves being the center of attention, so she's sure to swoon at a large-scale gesture before an audience. [5] As an Archer, you certainly aren't shy, so make the effort to boldly proclaim your affection to the world and she'll swoon.
    • For example, you might take her to a sporting event and make sure your message is displayed on the Jumbotron during the event. She'll be overcome with adoration.
    • If you're out at a bar or club, go over and ask the DJ or band playing if you can dedicate a song to her. She'll swoon when she hears them play her special song.
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Show her that you're loyal and trustworthy.

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  1. Archers are among the most loyal and honest in the zodiac, but your lovely Leo won't buy it until you show her. Stick up for her and protect her and she'll feel she can depend on you. When she starts talking to you about how she feels, you'll know she's smitten.
    • Sagittarius guys aren't known for wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Just remember that actions do speak louder than words. What you're less inclined to say, you're more than capable of showing in the way you treat her and how you act.
    • Sagittarians tend to need a lot of freedom and space. Leo ladies tend to be clingy, but if she understands that you're loyal and trustworthy, she'll back down.

Soften your critical comments.

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  1. Archers have a reputation for being brutally honest. While your Lioness will always appreciate your honesty, she can also be easily wounded by unfiltered words. Just think before you speak—framing criticism in a more positive light will keep you from unintentionally hurting the woman you love.
    • For example, if you're frustrated that she's so dependent on compliments and adoration from others, you might talk instead about helping her find value within.
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Join the Discussion...

Hi, Leo girl here. I've been really into someone recently, but they're a Sagittarius and I've heard from other couples that there could be some problems. I really like them and don't want to miss out on anything, but I'm really not sure if we'd be good in a relationship together. Is there anyone that could help me out and walk me through what to expect?
Leo and Sagittarius are both fire signs and they're very compatible. You two probably have an instant attraction! As a Leo, you're confident and friendly, while Sag is adventurous and outgoing so you two are on the same wavelength.

You might face challenges when it comes to committment. Leos crave stability while Sagittarius needs freedom—just don't push your Sag to commit and they'll do it on their own time.
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Sagittarius is a very good match for a Leo, but Sagittarius is mutable and Leo is a fixed sign. Sometimes, mutable signs can annoy fixed signs because they're a little all over the place. Mutable signs on the other hand might find fixed signs a bit uptight, stiff, or controlling. However, these two can still work well together.

One thing to keep in mind is that Sagittarius likes to maintain a sense of freedom and space from other people. They might need to get away every now and then, and they aren't the biggest fan when they feel like they're being controlled, but give them the space they need and they'll love you for it.

Leos are strong-willed and they're more dominant in a relationship. If they feel like their ego is wounded, then they might have a bit of a temper that you need to manage. However, they also love to give gifts and compliments to shower who they care about with love.

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