Dr. Niall Geoghegan, PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
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Co-authored Articles (16)
How to
Be a Good Child
What is the difference between a "good" child and a "bad" one? Maybe Santa can tell the difference, but for the rest of us, it isn't always so easy to know. Are you "good" if you listen? Show respect? Do well in school? ...
How to
Deal If You Think Your Friends Are Being Mean to You
You’re having a good time with your friend when out of nowhere they make a mean or offensive comment about you. Or maybe you’re hanging out with your friend group and suddenly everyone starts unfairly ganging up on y...
How to
Deal with Ungrateful People
Dealing with an ungrateful person is frustrating, but it’s something everyone has to do sometimes. Whether you’re managing a difficult customer or dealing with an unappreciative friend, the best approach is often to ...
How to
Deal With Bullying, Gossip and Rumors
Bullying can happen in the classroom, on the playground, through social media, over the phone via text messaging or phone calls, and even in the workplace. Some forms of bullying are obvious, like name-calling and physic...
How to
Respond to an Adult Bully
Bullying doesn’t always stop in adulthood, but that doesn’t mean you should have to put up with it. It’s never okay for someone to bully you, whether they’re a friend, coworker, family member, or stranger. The go...
How to
Deal with Bullying Neighbours
You love everything about where you live… except the people next door. From the nosy to the noisy, nasty neighbors are a nightmare to deal with, and can make you feel unsafe or unwelcome in your own home. If relocating...
How to
Interact With People
People are complicated: you never know what you're going to get! '''To interact with someone new, start with a friendly smile and make eye contact. Introduce yourself and ask polite questions about the other person—bei...
How to
Be a Good Son
Discover how to be a great son with this guideIt’s not always easy to be a good son. Sometimes, you’ve made a mistake and can’t find a way to fix it. Other times, you fundamentally disagree with your parents and do...
How to
Deal With a Mean Friend
Mean friends (sometimes called frenemies) can pose serious problems in your daily life. The challenges of dealing with mean friends can also wreak havoc on your emotions. If you have a mean friend who you either can’t ...
How to
Cope With Hurtful Insults
Sadly, everyone occasionally encounters being verbally insulted by others. Sometimes people make insults as a joke. Sometimes people aren’t even aware that their words were hurtful, however, there are times when peop...
How to
Be a Good Parent for Your Teenage Daughter
Let your daughter know you support and love her with these helpful stepsOnce the teen years hit, you might start wondering, "What does it mean to be a good parent to a teen?" As your teenage daughter goes through a huge ...
How to
Make a Bully Bored
Being bullied can be devastating and hurtful. It hurts our feelings, and many people who are bullied develop depression, anxiety, loneliness, and physical problems like headaches and stomachaches. You can deter a bully b...
How to
Deal With an Abusive Friend
Do you have a so-called "friend" who verbally or emotionally abuses you? Be honest with your friend about what you're feeling when they abuse you and try to resolve the situation amicably. If you don't think maintaining...
How to
Blend In
Maybe you have social anxiety and just want to walk around among others and blend in. Or perhaps you struggle with getting attention in public, at social gatherings, or even among friends. You can take steps to blend int...
How to
Deal With Bullying Teachers
A bullying teacher is so much worse than a bullying student because a teacher has the power to make your life hell if you try to take revenge. Not only that, but there are more ways to avoid a bullying student (different...
How to
Be Friends with Someone Emotionally Unable to Be an Equally Supportive Friend
Not all friendships are equal. You may have friends that do not offer as much to you as you do to them. If the person is particularly unable to be there for you, you may have an emotionally unavailable friend. Try to ide...