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Defining this popular slang term and showing you how to use it
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Blud . You’ve seen the word pop up on your TikTok FYP (For You Page), and now you’re left questioning what it even means. “Blud” is a popular slang term used on TikTok (and other social media platforms) to describe a male friend. Think of it like using the word “bro” or “dude.” So, where does this slang term come from, and how can you use it? Keep reading to find out!

“Blud” Meaning

“Blud” means “friend” or “bro” on TikTok. This trendy term comes from the Jamaican slang used to describe and greet male friends. The term can be used to replace words such as “mate,” “brother,” or “dude.”

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What does “blud” mean?

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  1. On TikTok, “blud” is often used to express friendship or brotherhood. The term is often an informal greeting amongst male acquaintances and friends. Think of it like calling someone a “mate” or “bro.” [1]
    • “Blud” and “bruv” are often used interchangeably on TikTok; they mean the same thing.
    • Some people may take offense to “blud” or find it derogatory, especially if it’s coming from someone outside of Jamaican or Black culture. While the intent behind “blud” on TikTok is usually harmless, keep this in mind when using the term.
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“Blud” History & Origins

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  1. Before it became popular on TikTok, “blud” was a commonly used term in Jamaican culture. Men typically used the term to address other men. [2]
    • Over time, the term lost its negative connotation and became a positive, informal greeting used between men. For instance, someone may say, “Wagwan blud?” which means, “What’s going on, brother?” [3]
  2. The English shortened the phrase to “blud,” adopting the Jamaican word to use similarly to “mate,” “bro,” or “friend.” This now common usage of the word indicates a close friendship or bond between men, especially in the UK. [4]
  3. In the UK's gang culture, “blud” has a similar meaning and connotation to the N-word in the US; however, it’s not connected to race. The term is equally offensive when used by and against white and Black gang members. [5] Think of it as a heated way of saying “bro” or “brother.”
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How to Use “Blud” on TikTok

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  1. If you’re talking about or to a male friend on TikTok, be trendy by calling him “blud.” This usage works best when you’re being silly, sarcastic, or self-depreciating. Swap “bro,” “bruh,” “dude,” or “friend” with “blud” when captioning or adding text to a post, or use it when commenting on TikToks or DMing your male pals.
    • “What is blud talking about? 😂”
    • “Hanging out with the blud 💯🔥”
    • “Blud needs help yo”
    • “What is blud doing? Smh”
    • “Blud, you good? 😳”
    • “You feel me, blud?”
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Other Popular TikTok Slang

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  1. “Blud” isn’t the only slang term on TikTok! Stay in the know and learn the TikTok lingo by checking out these common slang words and phrases below: [6]
    • Gyatt: A shortened form of “goddamn” to describe an attractive woman.
    • Heather: Someone beautiful, desirable, and overall superior.
    • Cheugy: Something or someone that’s outdated or uncool.
    • Bussin: Something exceptionally good.
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