Do I Have Brain Fog?

Take this quiz to find out!

Having trouble concentrating? Struggling with hazy memories? Do you suddenly find yourself losing your train of thought mid-conversation? These are all symptoms of brain fog . Thankfully, brain fog is usually temporary—but can still be very frustrating and concerning!

Wondering if you might have brain fog? This quiz can give you an idea of whether what you’re experiencing is nothing to worry about or if you might have a case of brain fog after all.

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Questions Overview

1. True or false? “I have trouble maintaining my concentration.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
2. True or false? “I easily lose my train of thought when someone is speaking to me.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
3. True or false? “I often walk into another room and totally forget why I went there.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
4. True or false? “Ordinary tasks, like making the bed or answering an email, seem more challenging than they used to be.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
5. True or false? “I’m easily confused by things that used to seem really clear.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
6. True or false? “It’s easy for me to express myself.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
7. True or false? “I often forget what I’m trying to say mid-conversation.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
8. True or false? “I keep forgetting things I used to know like the back of my hand.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
9. True or false? “I often have trouble finding the right words when I’m speaking.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
10. True or false? “I have trouble mentally keeping up with what’s going on around me.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
11. True or false? “I find it easy to multitask.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
12. True or false? “I don’t get frustrated easily.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
13. True or false? “I frequently feel mentally burned out.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
14. True or false? “Sometimes it feels like my thoughts are in slow motion.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
15. True or false? “No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel exhausted.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
16. True or false? “It’s hard for me to make even simple decisions, like what to eat for dinner or what shirt to wear in the morning.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false
17. True or false? “I’m more stressed out than usual lately.”
  1. Definitely true
  2. Mostly true
  3. Mostly false
  4. Definitely false

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  • Sleep deprivation<\/li>
  • Stress<\/li>
  • Poor nutrition<\/li>
  • Anxiety or depression<\/li>
  • ADHD and autism<\/li>
  • Pregnancy or menopause<\/li>
  • Diabetes and hypoglycemia<\/li>
  • Lupus, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and other autoimmune disorders (but these conditions are rare)<\/li><\/ul>
    You might also develop brain fog following certain illnesses or medical treatments, like:
  • What is brain fog?

    Brain fog is a group of symptoms that can affect how you think, recall information, and concentrate. Brain fog is typically short-lived and often fades after a few weeks, but the duration and severity of brain fog varies from situation to situation. Brain fog is usually characterized by:

    • Difficulty focusing or paying attention
    • Confusion
    • Forgetfulness
    • Losing your train of thought
    • Mental exhaustion
    • Fatigue
    • Inability to think of the right words
    • Slow thought process and reaction time

    There are a number of possible causes of brain fog, including:

    • Certain autoimmune conditions (like lupus, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia)
    • Diabetes and hypoglycemia
    • Certain mental health conditions (such as anxiety or depression)
    • Neurodivergent conditions (like ADHD and autism spectrum disorder)
    • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menopause
    • Sleep deprivation
    • Stress
    • Poor nutrition

    You might also develop brain fog following certain illnesses or medical treatments, like:

    • Covid-19 (as a symptom of Long Covid)
    • Chemotherapy (sometimes called “chemo brain”)
    • Long hospital stays

    If you’re not sure what may be causing your brain fog, or if it’s interfering with your quality of life, consult a medical professional. They may be able to help you determine what could be instigating your mental confusion and how to get through it. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) if your brain fog is severe or doesn’t seem to be getting better, but you may be able to minimize or eliminate brain fog yourself by:

    • Getting plenty of sleep.
    • Eating nutritious meals.
    • Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.
    • Writing down important information so that you don’t forget it.
    • Taking short breaks throughout the day to avoid overworking your brain.
    • Participating in psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy.