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Call Dubai from anywhere in the world with our simple guide
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Dubai is the most populated city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With foreigners making up roughly 80% of the city’s population, Dubai is connected to countries all across the globe. [1] Making an international call to Dubai may seem tricky if you’ve never done it, but if you follow a few simple steps, you’ll catch on in no time.

Quick Guide to Calling Dubai

  1. Dial the exit code for your country—like 011 if you're calling from the US or Canada.
  2. Press 9-7-1, which is the country code for the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  3. If you're calling a landline: Press 4, then the 7-digit phone number of the person you're calling.
  4. If you're calling a cell phone: Dial the operator prefix (50, 55, or 56), then the person's phone number.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Dialing the Number

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  1. A country’s exit code must be dialed before making any international calls. This is also known as an international access code, and it varies from country to country.
    • Use the exit code 011 for the United States, Canada, and most of the Caribbean.
    • Use the exit code 00 for China, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
    • Use the exit code 0011 for Australia.
    • Look up all other codes at https://www.howtocallabroad.com/codes.html
  2. This is the country code for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is the country Dubai is located in. Enter "971" directly after inputting your country's exit code.
    • For example, if you’re calling from the United States, your number will look like this: 011-971
  3. Determine the kind of number you are calling before you proceed. If you are calling a landline number, press the number 4 before you dial the number. Then, immediately punch in the 7-digit landline number you wish to call. [2]
    • If the number you are calling is 7 digits long (xxx-xxxx), it is a landline.
    • The final number for a landline will look like: 011-971-4-000-0000 (if you are calling from the U.S., Canada, or the Caribbean).
  4. Mobile numbers in Dubai have associated operator prefixes. This prefix will be either 50, 55, or 56. It should be included in the cell phone number given to you. [3]
    • If the number is 9 digits long (xx-xxx-xxxx), it is a mobile number. The 2 additional numbers are the associated operator prefix. [4]
    • If you are calling from Canada, the Caribbean, or the U.S., the final number for a mobile phone will look like: 011-971-55-000-0000.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Communicating Successfully

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  1. Dubai operates on Gulf Standard Time (UTC + 4), so if you’re calling internationally, it’s likely you’ll be calling from a different time zone. Check the current time in Dubai before you make your phone call so you don’t call someone at an inappropriate time.
    • Dubai does not follow Daylight Savings Time. [5]
    • You can easily check the current time in Dubai at https://time.is/Dubai .
    • "UTC" stands for Coordinated Universal Time.
  2. Use an international calling card to save money on long-distance calls. Calling cards can be purchased at most convenience stores, grocery stores, or online. These cards range in price, but using them could save you money in the long run.
    • Check with your phone company to see how much they charge for long-distance calls and compare that rate to the cost of a calling card.
    • Ask your phone company if they offer international calling plans that could save you money over time.
  3. With differences in time zone, it can be tricky to find a time to talk on the phone that works for both parties. Consider chatting over the Internet through e-mail, Facebook Messenger , or another messaging service so you can respond to each other at your convenience.
    • VoIP services, such as WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime, are currently banned in the UAE. [6]
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  • Question
    Is Botim free in Dubai?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Unfortunately, no. While you can download the app and place calls for free, you need to purchase an unlimited calling package in order to use it in Dubai.
  • Question
    How can I call Dubai for free?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can make free calls by connecting over a VoIP service, such as Botim or YzerChat. Keep in mind that many VoIP and video calling services, such as Facebook Messenger and Skype, are blocked in the UAE.
  • Question
    Does WhatsApp work in Dubai?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    WhatsApp will work for texting, but most VoIP and online video calling services are currently blocked in Dubai. You may be able to get around this by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which can hide your IP address and help you bypass these blocks.
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      • If you are calling from within the United Arab Emirates, you do not need to dial the exit code or the country code. Add 0 before dialing 4 (the area code for Dubai), then proceed with the 7-digit telephone number.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To call Dubai, first dial the exit code of the country you are calling from. You can find this code by looking online if you don’t already know it. After you dial the exit code, dial 971, which is the country code for the United Arab Emirates, where Dubai is located. If you’re dialing a landline, dial the number 4 after the UAE country code, then punch in the 7-digit landline number. If you are dialing a cell phone, the prefix will be included in the 9-digit cell number. For tips on using an international calling card, keep reading!

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        May 20, 2017

        "I want to call my father, who lives in Dubai."
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