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Are you having some trouble charging your iPhone? If there is any dust or debris stuck inside the charging port, your iPhone may not be able to charge. This wikiHow article will teach you a safe, effective way to clean out your iPhone charging port using a toothbrush.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Inspecting the Charging Port

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  1. Take off your phone case if you are using one.
    • Depending on the case, you can remove it using a variety of methods. A common technique is to first peel off one corner of the case so you can then grip that part of your phone. Once you have a hold on your phone, proceed to remove the other corners of the case.
  2. In order to clearly see all of the potential debris, we recommend shining a flashlight on the charging port. [1] If you see any signs of debris, dirt, or dust, follow along with our next method to learn some cleaning tips and tricks!
    • If you don’t have a flashlight handy, ask someone with a smartphone if you can use their built-in flashlight.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cleaning the Charging Port

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  1. To do so on an iPhone X, 11, 12, or 13, simultaneously hold down the Power button and one of the Volume buttons. [2] For any generation below an iPhone X, simply hold down the Power button. [3] You should now see a new screen pop up on your phone. Swipe the “slide to power off” button at the top of your screen by tapping and holding the white circle and then swiping your finger towards the right.
    • While powering off your phone is not absolutely necessary, we recommend doing so to avoid accidentally manipulating your phone while cleaning the charging port. [4]
  2. Using an anti-static toothbrush will minimize the static electricity created when brushing, making it extra safe to use with your iPhone. [5] Alternatively, if you do not have access to one, you can use a brand new, clean toothbrush. [6]
  3. Using the head of the toothbrush, carefully swipe the bristles along the charging port to remove any debris. If you observe any particles further within the charging port, use the tip/corner of the bristles to reach inside. [7] We recommend using a scooping motion to fully clean out the port.
    • Make sure that you never wet the toothbrush. This could potentially cause unwanted water damage to your iPhone.
  4. After you have removed all debris, turn on your phone using the same method as when you turned it off. Plug a charger into the port and see if your phone is now charging. If your phone is still unable to charge, we'll give you some additional cleaning tips.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Removing Hard-to-Get Debris

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  1. Carefully insert the toothpick into the port and lightly guide it along the inside walls. Remove it after you have completed one circle to see if it picked up any debris. If so, wipe off the toothpick with a paper towel or cloth and repeat the process until it comes out clean. [8]
  2. A can of compressed air may help remove any dust. Make sure to hold the can upright and a couple inches away from the charging port. You can now blast a few brief shots of air into the port. [9] Just as before, you should power on and plug in your phone to see if it worked.
    • Feel free to combine these steps for optimal results. Simply alternate between a toothpick and compressed air until no debris remains. [10]
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