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Do you want to transfer your documents wirelessly to your Kindle? If so, you'll need to know the email address where you can transfer the documents to. To do so, you'll need to set one up. This article will tell you how to create this email address.

  1. Open the device and register through its settings (after pressing the Menu button). This sign-in/register link is on the first page of the settings of your Kindle), So your items can be downloaded and you can send files to it.
  2. Visit and sign into the Amazon- Manage Your Kindle Settings webpage in your web browser, to manage your settings.
    • Click the link titled "Personal Documents Setting". You'll find the link underneath your account name, as well as your registered address, serial number of the device, and your Kindle's name.
  3. Be sure that name portion is filled out. The "@Kindle.com" portion is already encoded into the system, to be used for every Kindle Deliver-to email.
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  • Question
    How do I find my password?
    Community Answer
    It's your Amazon password. If you forgot that, you will have to reset your password.
  • Question
    How do I find my Kindle address?
    Community Answer
    Click Settings > Your Account. At the bottom of the screen, it will show your Send-to-Kindle email address.
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      • There's a free Kindle.com email address that can be used, so the fees aren't a problem. However, as long as you don't try to transmit it via Whispernet's 3G-only network, you won't be charged anything. Be sure to keep it connected to a Wi-Fi network when transferring (if doing it wirelessly).
      • An Amazon.com Customer service agent can help you with registration of your Kindle, and the settings of your Kindle.com email address. Notify him/her of what your intentions of contacting them are, when speaking to him/her. The Customer Service agent, can also help you deregister a Kindle from your account, should problems result. Contact an Amazon.com representative for details.
      • Buy an Amazon Kindle, download the free apps for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7, or use your browser by Kindle Cloud Reader.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Internet access with non-mobile web browser
      • Amazon Kindle or Kindle App
      • computer mouse and keyboard
      • written down ideas for what your address should be
      • access to the Amazon webpage

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