There are two ways of crying, the ugly way, and the pretty way. If you're someone who is emotional and cries quite often––which is totally fine, by the way––why not try to look pretty when you cry? Don't worry, it is possible with the knowledge of some handy tricks and tips.
Wear waterproof makeup. If you know you're going to an emotional event, (wedding, funeral, etc.) where you know you will have a high chance of crying, be sure to wear waterproof makeup, to avoid those panda eyes.
Have tissues handy. A quick wipe-up can at least prevent you from crying even more about spoiled makeup or having a snotty nose.Advertisement
Have an item of clothing you can hide under. Most useful is a low-brow hat that can be tilted over the eye area. But you could try a scarf, sunglasses or a veil as well.
- If you're lacking clothing to help, shield your eye area with a magazine, book or clutch bag until the crying is over.
Don't rub your eyes. If you rub them too hard, they will most likely turn red and puffy, and that does not look attractive. Instead, just let the tears flow down your cheeks. If you're crying because of a smaller reason(not a funeral or something where you'll cry a lot, but rather getting frustrated about something you know you'll get over quickly with only a few tears), then don't hold it in. If you do, then your eyes can become red, and eventually you'll have to let the tears out anyway, so your efforts will be wasted. If you don't try to hold it back at all(which can be very hard sometimes), then the tears will come out without any redness, or lasting effects. Then, gently wipe the tears away once they have fallen down your cheek.
- Use a tissue to gently dab away the wetness, if you need. When you wipe your tears, gently swipe them off your face. Or else your face will feel sticky and shiny, and yes, it makes your skin look worse. So, gently swipe the tears off, then smile!
Try not to make a face. This is a common thing that lots of people, especially children, tend to do automatically. Screwing or scrunching up your face mars its natural attractiveness, so avoid this as much as possible.
- Don't purposely make an ugly face, although some people do it by instinct. Think positive thoughts, not negative. Smile and be happy.
Breathe deeply. This can help you to relax and calm the belly sobs welling up. Breathe in, and out, in and out. Focus on trying to relax.
- Purse your lips together to contain yourself better.
Try to be quiet. Try your best not to make any heavy, loud breathing sounds, (although it is hard to control for some people). Instead, take slow and steady breaths and just sob or sniffle every once in a while.
Giggle a bit when you cry. If you act all serious and dark, you won't look cute. Although giggling does induce a few more tears, it makes you look prettier and happier, so giggle!
Bury your face in your hands. If you are an ugly crier and you can't help but make an ugly face and sob really loudly, which is not uncommon, once you start crying, bury your face in your hands. Once you have slowed down your crying and you're just sobbing and sniffling, put your head back up and continue on.
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- After crying, splash your face with cold water. This helps to cool you down and relieve any facial flushing.Thanks
- When crying, blink often and quickly.Thanks
- Some people are lucky to have the most amazing eye color after crying. That can be incredibly attractive, so flaunt those sad eyes!Thanks
Tips from our Readers
The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
- Try wearing waterproof mascara so your make-up doesn't run if you cry.
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- Trying to worry about how you appear when you are genuinely sad and distressed can make you feel even worse. Sometimes it is more important to let out your emotions properly and not be worried about how you look in front of others. A lot of the time, people don't really care! They just want to help you.Thanks
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- "I cry ugly a lot, and I was scared that the boy that I love would not like me, but now wikiHow helps me cry cute. So thank you, wikiHow." ..." more