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Some guys seem to be born with a knack for making an effortless connection with women at first glance. Thankfully for the rest of us, developing great chemistry is a skill you can learn with some practice and confidence! We’ve made a list of the best ways to ignite that spark with a woman right from the moment you lock eyes across the bar.


Say her name in conversation.

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  1. Saying, “Hey, Sarah!” sounds a lot more inviting than a plain “Hey!” that could be for anyone. If you’re meeting someone new, make sure to ask for their name and repeat it back at least once in the conversation. [1]
    • Don’t go overboard. Using someone’s name too often can come off as creepy or even manipulative.
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Mirror her movements.

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  1. You can subtly recreate this feeling to build a deeper connection and trust. If she leans in to tell you something, lean in to hear it. If she’s facing you with open, welcoming posture, do the same back. [2]
    • Again, don’t overdo it. If your mirroring looks obvious or excessive, it will come off as mocking or weird. Subtlety is key!


Make eye contact.

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  1. Hold eye contact for about 3 seconds when you greet her. A warm gaze will grab her attention, and everything happening around her will briefly fade into the background while she focuses on you. [3]
    • Making little to no eye contact at all will make her feel rejected, making your job of building chemistry much harder.
    • Too much eye contact comes off as intimidating. A good rule of thumb is to keep eye contact about 50% of the time when you’re speaking, and about 70% of the time when you’re listening. [4]
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Make her laugh.

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  1. She’ll be more attracted to you if she thinks you share a similar sense of humor, plus it just feels good to laugh! A sense of humor is a powerful and valuable characteristic to show in the early days of flirting or dating to kickstart that initial connection. [5]


Tease her.

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  1. Remember that teasing only works if it’s enjoyable for her and she’s laughing with you. Keep sarcastic comments to a minimum and don’t say anything outright rude or mean. [6] Some great teasing ideas include:
    • Silly nicknames
    • Playful disagreements like, “I can’t believe you don’t think The Mummy is the greatest movie of all time!”
    • Flirty challenges like, “I bet you can’t text me AND watch The Bachelor at the same time.”
    • Playfully accusing her of hitting on you if you’re ready to move things to a more physical level. Try something like, “I see the way you look at me in my Target uniform!”
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Keep the conversation flirty over text.

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  1. Instead of a bland “Hey,” try a fun reference to an inside joke, like “Finally watched Squid Game like you told me to. I’d buy you all the Baskin-Robbins daiquiri ice cream in the world with that prize money!” A good selfie that shows what you’re up to in the moment is another fun touch to show that you’re thinking about her. [7]
    • Sprinkle some genuine questions into the conversation as well to show you care about what she’s up to and that you remember details or plans she told you about.
    • It’s OK to leave a little lag in the conversation. A few minutes spent waiting for a text is a few minutes spent thinking about you! Don’t wait too long though, or she’ll feel you’ve lost interest in the conversation.
    • Be the one to end the conversation, but promise to text her again soon. Say something like, “I’ve got to go tackle that advertising deck I told you about. I’ll text you once I make it to the other side!”


Ask questions that touch her emotions.

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  1. They connect with others by sharing how they feel. Instead of asking, “So what do you do for work?” try reframing the question as, “What’s your favorite thing about your job?” The extra layer of thought will make her feel like you’re really interested in getting to know her, and she’ll enjoy giving you a personal answer. [8]
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Highlight your common interests.

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  1. Listen carefully when she talks and take note of the things she mentions that you also enjoy. These can be anything from common goals, favorite colors, bands, or foods to deeper thoughts on family and politics that you can bond over. [9]
    • Keep it genuine. If you’re faking an interest in something, she will find out at some point and feel like you’ve been dishonest with her. That’s a major chemistry killer.


Take care of your basic hygiene.

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  1. You don’t have to be a supermodel wearing the hottest fashion trends. Just shower regularly and use shampoo, soap, deodorant, and cologne to keep your scent fresh. Clean, unwrinkled clothes add a nice finishing touch. [10]
    • Too much cologne can be worse than not using enough. Use 2 squirts maximum: 1 around the neck line, and 1 on the wrist.
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Use respectful and nonsexual physical contact.

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  1. Get your chemistry sizzling with nonsexual contact like hand holding or hugging that build trust and attraction quickly. Try inventing a secret handshake, or playing a game that involves hand touching to light that initial spark. Even just grazing her hand while you pass her the salt at dinner can set off a romantic chemical reaction. [11]
    • Always ask for consent before changing or elevating the way you use physical touch. Asking “Can I hold your hand?” is a polite and endearing way to show you want to get closer while respecting her boundaries. Continue checking in with her as the nature of your relationship and physical contact changes. [12]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 2202 wikiHow readers who are attracted to women, and only 9% of them agreed that the best way to know if she’s interested is when she gently touches you. [Take Poll] Physical touch is definitely a good sign, but try not to overthink it or assume she wants to take things to the next level.

Plan exciting activities outside of your comfort zone.

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  1. Try a new restaurant neither of you has been to, take a painting class together, or go stargaze from a spot you probably aren’t allowed to be. You’ll learn more about each other this way and she’ll be impressed by your adventurous ideas. [13]
    • Try some activities that get your heartrate going, like intramural sports or a hike. She’ll associate that out-of-breath, exhilarating feeling with you. [14]
    • Plant the seeds for your next outing before you part ways to keep the chemistry sizzling. Tell her about the amazing view you want to show her at your favorite rooftop bar instead of “Bye!”
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Show some vulnerability.

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  1. Tell her you’re excited to see her this weekend, or that you were a little nervous the first time you held her hand. Take a risk and communicate your feelings to spark a real connection. [15]
    • Vulnerability doesn’t have to be all verbal. Trying a new food with her or introducing yourself to a stranger in front of her are nonverbal ways to show vulnerability.


Be yourself.

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  1. You don’t have to reveal your whole self right away to be honest and sincere about your likes, hobbies, thoughts, and feelings. Instead, choose which personal qualities you want to present to her and remember that genuine flirty chemistry should feel fun! [16]
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