Do I Have “That Girl” Aesthetic?
Health. Fitness. Mindfulness. Those are the 3 main ingredients of the “That Girl” aesthetic. So, are you living a “that girl” lifestyle? Are people aspiring to be you?
Answer these questions about your daily routine, and we’ll tell you if you’re “that girl” or not. But remember, at the end of the day, your aesthetic doesn’t define you—you’re perfect just the way you are without any labels.
Questions Overview
- 6 AM or earlier. I love to wake up early.
- 7-8 AM. I like to wake up early but get a little more sleep.
- 8-10 AM. I don’t want to wake up too early!
- Definitely later than 10 AM. I always end up sleeping in.
- Make my bed.
- Stretch.
- Check my phone for a few minutes, but then I get out of bed and start my day.
- Lay in bed on my phone for at least 30 minutes.
- I don’t need an alarm.
- Nope. I wake up when they go off.
- I might snooze it, but only once or twice.
- Yes! I’d sleep all day if I could.
- I do my homework and study.
- I check my phone to decompress for a bit and then do my homework.
- I scroll my phone for a couple of hours. Homework can wait.
- I watch TV or text my friends until I forget about my homework.
- A salad with green juice or water.
- Spicy chicken with veggies.
- A burger and fries.
- I'm not sure. I'll just eat whatever is frozen in the freezer.
- Write in my journal or exercise.
- Listen to music or watch a movie.
- Scroll on TikTok until I lose track of time.
- Stay up late doing whatever.
- Between 8 PM and 9 PM.
- Between 9 PM and 10 PM.
- Between 10 PM and 11 PM.
- Any time after 11 PM.
- A workout class, a hike, a trip to the farmer's market, and a face mask.
- I'm going for a nice long walk, reading a book, then cooking a big delicious dinner.
- I'm going to see friends, maybe go see a movie, and then, grab a delicious ice cream.
- I spend the whole day bed-rotting (scrolling on TikTok, watching Netflix, and playing games).
More Quizzes
Even so, there are some things everyone can learn from the \u201cthat girl\u201d trend, especially when it comes to mental and physical health. Try adding some of these things to your daily routine:
- Wake up a little earlier to get a jumpstart on the day.<\/li>
- Eat a healthy breakfast to fuel your day.<\/li>
- Exercise at least once a day.<\/li>
- Limit your screen time.<\/li>
- Write thoughts and ideas in a journal daily.<\/li>
- Do at least one thing for yourself each day.<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Beat-an-Addiction-to-Cell-Phones"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Take-Better-Care-of-Yourself"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Beat an Addiction to Cell Phones: Tips to Get Off Your Phone","id":208285,"url":"https:\/\/\/Beat-an-Addiction-to-Cell-Phones","relUrl":"\/Beat-an-Addiction-to-Cell-Phones","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/81\/Beat-an-Addiction-to-Cell-Phones-Step-12-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Beat-an-Addiction-to-Cell-Phones-Step-12-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Beat an Addiction to Cell Phones: Tips to Get Off Your Phone"},{"title":"How to Take Better Care of Yourself","id":1274231,"url":"https:\/\/\/Take-Better-Care-of-Yourself","relUrl":"\/Take-Better-Care-of-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/94\/Take-Better-Care-of-Yourself-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Take-Better-Care-of-Yourself-Step-20.jpg","alt":"How to Take Better Care of Yourself"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>
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What Does It Mean to Be “That Girl”?
“That girl” is a social media trend that prioritizes a healthy lifestyle rich in productivity and aspirational content. The archetype became popular on TikTok in 2021 as influencers and content creators quickly started making lifestyle changes that value aesthetics but promote wellness.
So, who is “that girl”? “That girl” is a girl or woman who wakes up early, exercises regularly or practices yoga, journals, eats healthy, and wears athleisure. She has a strict routine that prioritizes her mental and physical health. All in all, she always seems to have her life together!
How do you become “that girl”? To become “that girl,” focus on implementing daily habits that make you feel good. In other words, prioritize self-care! Try waking up at the same time each morning or waking up earlier, eating a nutritious breakfast, incorporating more fitness into your routine, and ending the day with a relaxing activity like journaling.
Want to learn more?
For more information about the "that girl" lifestyle, check out these resources: