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Using Instagram can be confusing sometimes, especially when you're new to the app. Following people is a major part of the site, and can become hard if you just joined. Luckily, this wikiHow teaches you how to follow friends, celebrities, and organizations on Instagram.

  1. The icon looks like a camera and should say “Instagram” underneath it. [1]
    • If prompted, select your Instagram account and log in.
  2. Advertisement
  3. [2]
    • If the user you’re looking for doesn’t show up, ask them what their Instagram username is.
    • If you want to follow a celebrity or organization but can't find their account, try searching for their Instagram username on Google.
  4. [3]
    • Select your profile by tapping the button shaped like a person at the bottom-right of the screen.
    • Tap the “â‹®” at the top right of the page to open more options.
    • Under “Follow People,” tap “Facebook Friends” to follow users from your Facebook friends, and tap “Contacts” to follow users from your phone’s contact list.
  5. Advertisement

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  • Question
    How can I follow a user who has a private account?
    Community Answer
    You will have to send a request and wait for them to respond. You'll know they accepted your request when you can see their posts.
  • Question
    Can my followers see who I am following?
    Community Answer
    If your account is public, anyone can see who you are following. If your account is private, only people who follow you can see who you are following.
  • Question
    Can I join Instagram just to follow someone without posting anything?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Yes; however, you will still need to fully register to use the Instagram app.
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      • If you would like to require authorization before other Instagram users can follow you and view your photos and videos, tap the Profile tab, tap the “â‹®” at the top right, then scroll down and tap the button next to “Private Account.”
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      Article Summary X

      1. Open the Instagram app.
      2. Tap on the search tab (magnifying glass).
      3. Type the name or username of the person you want to follow.
      4. Tap the result that matches who you’re looking for.
      5. Press the “Follow” button.

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