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How can I become a psychic?

08/22/24 4:36 AM
I want to develop my psychic abilities. Is it possible for anyone to become a psychic with enough practice and training or do you have to be born with it? I'd love to hear stories of how people realized they had psychic abilities and honed their abilities.
08/22/24 9:20 AM
I personally believe that anyone can become a psychic and that everyone has psychic abilities! It just takes practice to really hone those abilities and become in tune enough with your body for these things to come easily. Set aside time every day to listen to your body, and be really intentional about it. Approach these exercises with an open and receptive mind, and trust and believe in the things your body tells you.

When you become more open to the messages all around you, you'll find it easier to pick up on those messages. Invite the information in and receive it as it presents itself. When the time is right, clarity will accompany that information and you'll be able to understand the messages the universe has for you.
wikiHow Expert
08/22/24 11:56 AM
One thing I wish I would have known when I started exploring my psychic abilities is just how powerful my mind was. I wish I had realized that I was actually in control of everything… recently I've discovered that all the goals you've ever set in your life are still running in the back of your mind. So, if you change your mind or decide you don't want something, then you have to do something about it to get it out of your head or your mind is going to keep trying to create it for you 20, 30, 50 years later. All that space is then taken up because it's still trying to go out and get… what you don't care about anymore.
08/22/24 5:54 PM
I've found meditation really helpful for getting in touch with my intuition and developing my psychic abilities. Every day, I like to find a quiet place and meditate, even if it's just for a few minutes. I close my eyes and focus on the rhythm of my breathing until the rest of the world falls away, and then listen to what my thoughts and feelings are telling me. Sometimes I get really clear images and messages coming to me and other times I get strong emotions or sensations. It's up to you to make sense of the things that appear to you while you're meditating. Some things may be confusing at first, but eventually you'll come to realize the meaning.
08/22/24 11:09 PM
My psychic abilities are strongest when I'm in nature and my body is nourished. I take long walks outside when I want to tap into my psychic abilities. Sometimes I will leave my phone at home so that I only have the natural world around me. It works best when I am well-rested and refreshed. When I take care of my body, my intuition feels strongest. When I'm stressed or tired or hungry or anything like that it is very hard for me to pick up on things.

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Reader Tips from How to Become a Psychic
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Find a mentor that's willing to open up, help and teach you different rules on becoming a Psychic.
Anonymous wikiEagle
Anonymous wikiEagle
Foster an awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Psychic ability is a sixth sense which can best be harnessed when your five traditional senses are operating at optimal capacity.
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
If you're experiencing a psychic block, check the astrological calendar. Celestial events can interfere with psychic energy. Cleanse your psychic energy by fasting, adopting a whole-foods diet, or cloistering yourself away for a period of mindful meditation.
Anonymous wikiBird
Anonymous wikiBird
Focus your energies with talismans. Tarot cards, some believe, are useful for telling individual fortunes. Rune stones might be similarly useful for acquiring secrets of yore which may improve your command of the psychic world.
Anonymous wikiRaccoon
Anonymous wikiRaccoon
Interact with other psychics to learn how you might improve your own experience and practices.
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Learn to trust your instincts. Don't be afraid to follow the path revealed by what you believe are your psychic adventures.
Anonymous wikiTapir
Anonymous wikiTapir
Practice, practice practice! If you are easily disappointed, psychic abilities aren't for you. You really need motivation and dedication to get to results.
Anonymous wikiCaribou
Anonymous wikiCaribou
Sometimes, just seeing the ability being done by someone else will lead to yourself being able to do the thing. Note that this is only a temporary "shock" effect by your subconscious seeing the real thing being done.
Anonymous wikiLynx
Anonymous wikiLynx
Next time you're at the pool, try to predict what gender the next person will be down the slide. Practical applications will improve your psychic abilities.