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Is dating a Scorpio hard?

06/23/24 2:28 PM
I went on a date with someone recently and they told me they were a Scorpio and idk if that's a red flag or not. I've heard that Scorpios are obsessive and difficult to be in a relationship with, is that facts or nah? I kinda wanna go on a second date but idk if I should so pls help
06/23/24 6:37 PM
When I was dating a Scorpio, getting him to open up to me was a chore. He always felt a little closed off when I'd ask him questions about himself or try to get to know him better. I'm not sure if he was trying to create an air of mystery or play hard to get or if he just had issues with being vulnerable but whatever it was made me feel like I couldn't truly connect with him. I did notice that slowly over time he was warming up to me a liiitle bit, but it was just going way too slowly for my taste. It felt like I was talking to a brick wall at times.
wikiHow Expert
06/23/24 10:59 PM
Scorpio is an obsessive sign. They're looking for someone to obsess over and they're going to provide a series of tests to gauge your loyalty to them. For example, they may play hard to get or act obsequious. If they sense that you're not matching their intense energy, they're gonna lose interest. Scorpio is also a very sensual sign, so if they not sensing that you're sexually interested in them, they will lose interest. So you would definitely need to engage in sex or intimacy with a Scorpio in order for them to fall for you. Scorpios want to dive deep into issues and topics. They're not a superficial sign, so they'll be turned off if you're very shallow. They like intensity and passion. If they don't feel engaged, enthralled, sexual, and intimate with you, then they're not going to have interest in you. So there has to be something intriguing. But also, if you provide a little bit of a mystery that they need to unravel, that will keep them pulling on the yarn forever. So don't give it all up right away! Leave a veil of mystery and then they will be intrigued and obsess over you because they always have to obsess.

If they're jealous or obsessive and you show even the tiniest bit of interest in other people, a Scorpio will show you their vulnerability (which is their most cherished prize). Scorpios like to keep their vulnerability to themselves, so if a Scorpio shows you their inner sensitivity, that means they trust you enough to love you. Without vulnerability, there is no intimacy, and that's why Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, because they like to lay bare of all things so that they can get inside.

Scorpios are all or nothing, do or die. But they're also the most distrustful sign, so if they show anything that indicates trust in you—like talking about marriage or moving in together—that means they are serious about you. And another sign they're serious about you is if they tell you their secrets. They see secrets as powerful weapons, so a Scorpio revealing their secrets means that they're very serious about you because they have trusted you with their secrets.
06/24/24 7:59 PM
Yeah my Scorpio man was incredibly jealous! After we started officially dating, he'd get upset every time I hung out with my guy friends and asked me to spend less time with them. At first I didn't realize that he was trying to cut me off from my male friends and thought maybe he just wanted me to spend less time with friends so that I could spend more time with him (which is still a red flag), but eventually I realized he was jealous of me having male friends. I was upset that he had waited so long to show his true colors because that was a dealbreaker for me. I simply will not be with a partner that forces me to choose between them and my friends.
06/25/24 10:44 PM
I think people don't give Scorpios a chance. I've been married to a Scorpio for 6 years now and our relationship is going strong. Yes, I do find that sometimes he gets a little jealous but I think that comes from a place of insecurity, so I make that work by reassuring him that I love him by being affectionate and reminding him about all of the wonderful qualities of his that make me swoon. And people may see Scorpios as "obsessive" but personally I really like that my partner is madly in love with me, because I'm madly in love with him too! We match each other's energies and that has been working great for us so far. Ultimately, Scorpios are people too and all the negative stereotypes about them are not necessarily true. Even if you find some of those negative qualities in your partner, if you're meant to be then you'll find a way to communicate and make things work together.

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Reader Tips from How to Treat a Scorpio
Anonymous wikiOstrich
Anonymous wikiOstrich
It's hard to make a Scorpio forgive you when you hurt or betray them, and it may take a while. Give them space and time, and they may eventually forgive you. Be forewarned though: forgive does not necessarily equal forget with a Scorpio.
Anonymous wikiMouse
Anonymous wikiMouse
When an independent Scorpio reaches out needing support, they are communicating something important. Make your best effort to be present, whether in person or returning calls.
Anonymous wikiRabbit
Anonymous wikiRabbit
Scorpios crave deep emotional connections in romantic relationships. Take time building trust before rushing physical intimacy. Once devoted, they remain loyal partners. Handle their heart carefully, as betrayal wounds them deeply.
Anonymous wikiFox
Anonymous wikiFox
A Scorpio needs plenty of alone time. She's not necessarily sad or angry, Scorpios just need to recharge on their lonesome. She has a world inside her head you will likely never catch a glimpse of, but you need to let her vacation there.
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
A Scorpio would rather hear about you than talk about themselves. Don't divulge everything on the first date, keep them interested, but tell them things you wouldn't tell another person. Scorpio will never reveal your secrets to anyone else, and often have a unique perspective and can offer decent advice.
Anonymous wikiLynx
Anonymous wikiLynx
Do not flatter her. A Scorpio likes to be admired, but can tell the difference between an honest compliment and someone schmoozing her.
Reader Tips from How to Attract Scorpio Guys
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Pay attention to the details. How they take their coffee, where in the neighbourhood they frequent, which album is most-played in their iTunes, which animals they get most excited about seeing on the street. A Scorpio loves to feel appreciated and understood.
Anonymous wikiParrot
Anonymous wikiParrot
Most Scorpios have a need to be alone from time to time, and on these occasions it is best not to disturb them if you can help it. In many cases a Scorpio's alone time has a positive effect on their psyche, allowing them to emerge rested and ready to face life's next set of challenges.