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What should I get my girlfriend for her birthday?

06/04/24 2:51 PM
I want to make my girlfriend's birthday special but don't know what to get her or do for her. What would be meaningful? What do girls like? I want so hard to make it something nice but I just have no idea what to do.
wikiHow Expert
06/05/24 4:56 PM
Focus on two things: surprise and thoughtfulness. Create something that really shows you took time to consider your girlfriend. Romance isn't the same for each person, so consider what your girlfriend likes and what she would enjoy. While one person might love flowers, a different individual may not find that romantic. Taking time to observe and ask your girlfriend at different moments what she likes will help you design a romantic birthday outing that is sure to wow her. As you date, always be taking note of things she likes or mentions. You can even create a secret, running list so you can consult it when her birthday comes around.
wikiHow Expert
I might make a card, buy a card that's empty, or get a card personalized. And then I would write how I feel about her on the card. Some heartfelt words can mean a lot to your girlfriend.

You can also gift something that is a memory you shared together or something that's relevant to what resonates with your girlfriend. Try to find a more thought provoking emotional gift. You can do a painting, you can make a poem, or you could even make a collage of pictures. She'll appreciate something that allows her to reminisce about all the wonderful memories you've made together.
06/05/24 9:58 PM
Ngl strangers on the internet should not know what your girlfriend wants for birthday better than you. Think about what your girlfriend likes. What are her interests and hobbies? Her favorite places to shop? Her favorite places to go? Her favorite foods? How she likes to spend her time? Little things that make her happy? If you can think about the answers to these questions, you'll have some ideas for gifts you could get her for her birthday that she would enjoy. If you're struggling to answer these questions, I'm gonna be honest: you need to pay more attention to your girlfriend and get to know her better. Depending on how far away her birthday is, you might still have time to observe her or ask her questions so you can get a better idea of what she might like for her birthday. But try not to make it too obvious.
06/07/24 7:59 PM
If you're struggling to figure out what to get your girlfriend for her birthday, you can also try asking her friends and family for ideas. When you reach out to them, don't just go "What should I get [girlfriend] for her birthday?" The way I'd phrase it is something like "Hey [family/friend's name]! [Girlfriend]'s birthday is coming up and I was thinking of getting her [xyz], but wanted to check with you about what you're getting her so we don't accidentally get her similar things. What ideas did you have?"

That way it makes you look considerate and doesn't make you look like you're struggling and desperate for ideas. If they answer, you'll get one example of a gift someone close to her is getting her and the person will also probably be happy to give you feedback on your idea or give you additional ideas you can draw from.
06/08/24 11:57 PM
Your girlfriend is not going to necessarily like the same things as my girlfriend but I can share some of my experiences with getting her gifts. Last year I got her an organizer and mini trash can for her car and she loves it. Whenever we drove places together, she used to always apologize about how messy her car is and it would take her a while to find her things. Now, she's able to throw away trash right away so it doesn't pile up and it's easy for her to find her stuff because there's a place for everything. All you have to do is pay attention to the things your girlfriend says and does, and if you hear a problem or a want, make a note of it and get a gift that solves that problem or fulfills that want.

That doesn't extend to cleaning supplies though. For instance, steel wool for scrubbing pans and pots might make her life easier, just like a car trash can, but it's way less romantic and might make her feel insulted. If you need steel wool to clean your pans, just buy it separately and NOT as a gift.

What do other wikiHow readers have to say?

Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Anonymous wikiPigeon
Anonymous wikiPigeon
Try to get something that brings back a fond memory of a special moment you share, giving her something special that she will cherish forever.
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
Spend quality time together, either out on the town or cozy at home. The point is celebrating each other, not how much you spend.
Anonymous wikiFox
Anonymous wikiFox
Don't give plain money or a gift card. It’s a gift that often feels impersonal and nonspecific.
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Anonymous wikiSquirrel
Don’t feel like you have to spend a ton of money to surprise your girlfriend for her birthday. Focus on things you know she enjoys that are also within your budget; she’ll appreciate the thought you put into it even more than the amount of money you spent.
Anonymous wikiPony
Anonymous wikiPony
If you’re not sure what kinds of gifts your girlfriend enjoys, try asking her throughout the year what she wants for her birthday and write down her answers. She’ll most likely forget you asked by the time her birthday rolls around, so it’ll still be a surprise!
Anonymous wikiParrot
Anonymous wikiParrot
You can also try asking her friends and family for gift ideas; just make sure they won’t spoil the surprise for your girlfriend by telling her!
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
When you look for gifts, don’t just buy something at random—make sure it’s something your girlfriend will actually like!
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Keep your girlfriend’s love language in mind to personalize her surprise.