wikiHow Forums Dating

What do I wear on a first date?

06/27/24 11:02 AM
Going on my first date in a long time and want to look good. What do guys like women to wear? Does anyone have a go-to outift or like rules for a first date? Thanks for the tips!
wikiHow Expert
06/27/24 6:18 PM
For women, your number one priority should be your comfort! Plan an outfit with shoes that are comfortable. Don't feel like you have to go for a big sexy look. You don't want to feel like you're coming out of your top or your feet are hurting like crazy when you've walked two blocks. Everybody's styles are a little different in terms of what clothes or makeup they like to wear, so you do you! Just make sure not to be overdone with crazy amounts of makeup or jewelry.
wikiHow Expert
06/27/24 8:21 PM
Confidence is the best thing to wear on a date, and confidence comes from looking and feeling confident in your own skin. Focus on accentuating your best assets, whether that’s defining your waist with a belt, wearing a form fitting dress to show off your hourglass frame, wearing high-waisted bootleg jeans to accentuate your long legs or a sweetheart neckline to flatter your bust. Whatever your best feature is, make that the key focus of your look and pare down the rest of your outfit.

To look and feel your best, the key is to be comfortable. Wear clothes that best compliment your body shape and your lifestyle. Opt for colours that complement your skin tone and hair and eye colour. Consider working with a stylist to get clarity on what colours, cuts, prints and fabrics best compliment you. It’s an investment that pays for itself time and time again, it means you can avoid mistakes and ill-fitting buys.
06/29/24 9:45 PM
I'm going on a first date with this guy i really like and I want to make a good impression :/ how do I do this?
wikiHow Expert
06/29/24 10:20 PM
If you're meeting someone off of the internet, the best way to make a good first impression is to actually have posted a photo that looks like you and that is recent, because it's not good luck when you don't look like your photo. You should put an accurate photo of yourself on your profile; the person that wants to be with you will want to be with you.

The second way to make a great impression is to actually look the part for the date. So, what I always say is if you're going to go on a date after work, try to do a stop in between the date and the work just to get out of your work mindset: stop at Starbucks for a coffee or a tea, or talk to a friend first. Get out of the work mentality and go into your date mentality. Those are totally different people, especially for most women.

Look the part, hopefully put an effort into the impression you want to give to this person. That means wearing either well-fitted jeans or a nice dress, nice shoes, heels or flats. Look like you're taken care of, make sure your hair looks good, and overall you're comfortable. A first date is not the place to wear something you just bought that you're not comfortable in yet. The first date is a time to wear something that you definitely feel comfortable in, that makes you feel good and makes you look good.
06/30/24 6:45 PM
That last part about not wearing something you just bought is such good advice! One time I bought a cute new dress and heels that I was so excited to wear on a first date, but wearing the shoes for hours on a date was a mistake without breaking them in first! They were biting into the back of my ankle until I was bleeding...the date itself went well but I was uncomfortable the whole time.

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Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Reader Tips from How to Look Great on a Date
Anonymous wikiPigeon
Anonymous wikiPigeon
Be absolutely conscious of the expectations about appearance that you set up from the beginning. The more high-maintenance of a look you present from the start, the more work you'll have to keep this look up for the next dates.
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
If you know you only have limited time to get ready, don't rush. Take your time and just omit a few things that are more for the pampering than the cleanliness.
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Anonymous wikiOcelot
If he or she compliments you on your outfit, don't say "I know." That immediately signals that you're more wrapped up in your looks than in being a whole package.
Reader Tips from How to Prepare For a Date
Anonymous wikiBear
Anonymous wikiBear
If you can, avoid obsessing over your makeup, outfit, or hair as you are on the date. Check out your date rather than looking at a reflective surface to make sure your hair is okay. If you are constantly fidgeting with your hair or clothes, you won't come across as confident, and your date may notice.
Anonymous wikiHamster
Anonymous wikiHamster
If you are going out with someone new, it can be helpful to let a friend or family member know in advance where you are going and who you are with. This way, someone knows your whereabouts in case of an emergency.
Anonymous wikiOcelot
Anonymous wikiOcelot
While you get ready, play your favorite music to boost your mood.
Anonymous wikiBear
Anonymous wikiBear
If you’re uncomfortable in heels, dressy flats work just as well!
Anonymous wikiLynx
Anonymous wikiLynx
Remember that the purpose of a date is to get to know the person you are dating and to spend time with them. A hike in the wilderness will accomplish that goal far better than an equal amount of time spent in a movie theater.