What's the meaning behind angel number 888?
Anybody know anything about the significance of the angel number 888? I have always felt as if this number was following me in some ways, and someone told me recently it may have a bearing on my life, which I hadn't thought too much about, honestly! So, tell me, should I interpret this number any particular way?
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888 represents the balance between the higher and the lower, so the spiritual movement and the material. The circle on top represents the spiritual aspects of things or the creativity or your mind, and then the bottom represents the material world. So, it's like bringing heaven on earth … its spiritual or creative energies into the material world.
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888 is the number of balance. Think about what your life is like right now...the opposite of that may be coming your way. I saw 888 at a time in my life when I was going through a lot of hardship. I had lost my job and gotten dumped. After I saw 888, I landed a new job that I liked even better than the last and am now in a relationship that is really promising!
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You might have some financial success in your future! 888 is associated with abundance, prosperity, and success. If you come across an opportunity to make some money, take it!
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