To catch all of the Pokémon you'll need to collect all of the Hidden Moves. There are 7 HMs in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen: HM01 Cut, HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, HM04 Strength, HM05 Flash, HM06 Rock Smash , and HM07 Waterfall. This wikiHow will show you how to get all of the HMs in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. You'll want to gather the HMs in numerical order because you need previous HMs to achieve some later ones.
Go to Vermilion City and head south to the dock. [1] X Research source
Board the ship "SS Anne. "
- If you don't have a ticket, you need to go to Cerulean City and battle the trainers on the bridge. [2] X Research source After you've defeated all of the trainers, head east and battle the trainers (and catch any wild Pokémon you come across).
- Once you've battled all of the trainers, go into the house. The Pokémon Researcher Bill will be there looking like a Pokémon. Go up and talk to him and help him out. When you have gotten Bill out of the Pokémon costume, he'll thank you and give you the S.S. Anne Ferry ticket and ask you to go in his place.
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Find the Captain. If you can't find him, battle the trainers you find on the ship.
- You can find him by following the initial hallway south, then turning west and taking the stairs up at the end of that hallway. Once you're up the staircase, follow the hallway south, then east, then north, and take the stairs at the end of that hallway. Those stairs will take you into the room the Captain is in. Talk to him to start the dialog where he gives you "HM01 Cut."
Head west onto Route 16 out of the city. You'll pass a man talking to his Poliwrath, then follow the road south and west again around a park. [3] X Research source The buildings will disappear and trees will line the road, indicating that you're not in the city.
Cut the tree down. As soon as you leave the city, you'll see a tree that's smaller than the others and next to a fence. Interact with the small tree to initiate the dialog box. Once the tree is cut down, you can walk through to the path behind it. [4] X Research source
Follow the path behind the fence. You'll pass some kids waiting outside a house.
Enter the house and follow the path. You'll walk west through a hallway, past an old man, and through the other doorway to the back of the house.
Enter the second house. You'll see a girl and a Pidgeot.
Talk to the girl. She'll ask you to keep the house a secret; say yes and as a reward, she'll give you HM02 Fly." "Fly" lets you use flying Pokémon to go to any Pokémon Center you have before.
Go to Fuchsia City. If you use Fly to get to the Pokémon Center, you're not in the Safari Zone.
Walk to the Safari Zone. From the Pokémon Center, you'll want to jump off the cliff to the east and walk north until you get to a building, then turn east. [5] X Research source Follow the path east until trees block your way, then turn north, until a fence is in your way. Walk west until you encounter a building, then enter that building. That's the entrance to Safari Zone.
Go to Zone Four. Since this is quite far, you'll most likely want to equip Super Repel from your bag to prevent Pokémon from appearing in your path. From the entrance, head east of the house and then north through the tall grass to the sandy path and continue east to the next zone.
- Follow the path lined with bushes on one side and trees on the other east into the grass patches. Go north up the first set of steps, then head west and down the next set of steps, and follow the path west. Once you get to the sandy spot, head north to another set of steps, go east, and down the set of steps. Walk east to the tall grass and head north around the big dirt pile you were just on. Walk west around the large dirt pile to another sandy spot with a sign. Follow the path there west to the next zone.
- Walk west until you see a large patch of grass. Go up the second set of stairs that are located just north of the grass patch and go down the set of stairs on the west side of the plateau. Walk around the plateau to the west, into the tall grass. Head north until some bushes block the way. Walk east into the tall grass, then immediately turn west to bypass the blockade of bushes. Continue west into the tall grass and walk south to a pole-lined path that leads to the next zone.
- Walk toward the sign and head west past it until you see a building.
Enter the building and talk to the attendant. The attendant will give you "HM03 Surf." "Surf" will let you move in bodies of water with a Water-type Pokémon.
Go to Fuchsia City. You'll need to get gold teeth from the Safari Zone to get HM04.
Go to Zone Four in the Safari Zone. [6] X Research source If you don't remember how to get to Zone Four, use the steps from the method on getting HM03 (Surf')".
Find the Gold Teeth. They are scattered around Zone 4 in Pokéballs.
Go into the Warden's house. It's the first house to the east of the Pokémon Center after you jump off the ledge.
- Talk to the Warden and he'll reward you with "HM04 Strength." Strength lets you move boulders in your way (such as caves, etc.).
Go to Vermilion City.
- You'll need HM01 Cut already.
- You'll need to have at least 10 Pokémon in your Pokédex.
Head south-east to Route 11. You'll leave the city and find a cave.
Enter the cave. You'll see "Diglett's Cave" in the upper left corner of your screen as well as a man next to a ladder down.
Go down the ladder. If you step on the ladder, you will load into the floor below. Follow the path west and north until you find another ladder.
Go up the ladder. If you step on the ladder, you will load into the floor above. You'll see a digger and the words "Diglett's Cave" in the upper left corner of your screen.
Exit the cave. You'll appear on Route 2, so follow the path south.
Use Cut on the tree blocking your path south. You'll see the tree growing between poles. Once you cut down the tree, continue south.
Enter the building. You'll see two people. Speak to the guy without the hat, and he should give you "HM05 Flash" if you have ten Pokémon in your possession. "Flash" lights up dark caves (like the Rock Tunnel).
Go to One Island. One Island only unlocks once you defeat the Cinnabar Island gym. You can get to the island by boarding a ship.
- You'll need HM03 Surf .
Go to the east end of the island on Kindle Road.
Surf north to the sandy beach. Continue heading north through the tall grass to another sandy area. Keep walking north until you see a cave opening.
Enter the cave. You'll see "Ember Spa" in the upper left corner of your screen. Follow the path north, then climb a set of stairs, then head east to a man between two waterfalls.
Talk to the man. He'll give you "HM06 Rock Smash". "Rock Smash" will smash small crumbling boulders in your way.
Go to Four Island. From the Pokémon Center, head southeast until you climb down a set of steps and follow the path north.
- You'll need HM03 Surf to continue north to the cave.
Enter the cave. You'll see "Icefall Cave" in the upper left of your screen. Use Surf again to go through another cave entrance to the north.
Walk north over the patch of ice. The patch will shatter when you step over it. You'll walk over the first ice patch above you, then continue north to break two more patches of ice. Immediately turn west to follow a path that leads to one more patch of ice. Walk over it twice to reveal a hole.
Go down the hole. You'll see a ladder to the east.
Go up the ladder. This brings you back to the main level on the other side of some rocks you couldn't get by before.
Walk south over the patches of ice. There are two patches of ice, but when you walk over the southernmost ice patch twice, you will reveal another hole.
Go down the hole. You'll appear on a large patch of ice that you slip on. Move south until you come to another ladder.
Go up the ladder. You'll see a PokéBall on the ground. Interact with the PokéBall to learn "HM07 Waterfall. "Waterfall" can be used to scale waterfalls that are blocking your path.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhere can I find Lapras?Community AnswerA person gives you one on the 3rd floor of the Silph Co. building. You may also find them in the wild by surfing in the back part of Icefall Cave on Four Island.
QuestionHow do I locate the Four Island?Community AnswerYou have to beat the Elite Four first, then catch 60 kinds of Pokemon. This will cause Prof. Oak to give you the national Pokedex and the Rainbow Pass. You can then board the Seagallop Ferry and go to any of the Sevii Islands.
QuestionWhich is the best starter in Leaf Green?Community AnswerSquirtle has the most type advantages over the gym leaders making it a good choice.
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- Getting the HMs won't be easy and will take the whole gameplay so try not to rush to get them.Thanks
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- "I needed the strength and I finally found it when I read that we need gold teeth. Thanks very much!"