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Mewtwo is one of the most popular Pokémon, and very powerful. Mewtwo cannot be obtained in Pokémon Sun and Moon without trading, but in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, it is possible to get Mewtwo from Ultra Space, as well as trade for one.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Catching Mewtwo

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Preparing and Exploring Ultra Space

This method is the the most reliable one, but it's a little challenging. If you don't want a challenge, skip this method.

  1. Status Conditions are effects that harm the other Pokémon, but do not come from moves that inflict unique conditions.
    • "Paralysis" is a Status Condition that lowers the Speed stat by a lot for until it goes away. It also sometimes makes the Pokémon not be able to use a move for 1 turn. It can be inflicted by an Electric type move, or any move that has a chance of paralyzing the target. Speed is pretty important, as the Pokémon with a higher Speed stat always gets to go first, which if it doesn't go first, it might cost you a battle.
    • "Burn" is a Status Condition that deals damage every turn. It can be inflicted by a Fire type move, or any move that has a chance of burning the target.
    • "Poison" is a Status Condition similar to "Burned", except the fact that it can be inflicted by a Poison type move instead of Fire type.
    • "Frozen" is a rare Status Condition similar to "Paralyzed", but it prevents the Pokémon from moving at all until the Status Condition goes away, and it doesn't lower the Speed.
    • "Sleep" is a status condition very similar to "Frozen", but it isn't rare, and it doesn't form a ton of ice around the target, it just closes it's eyes. It also makes it easier to catch the other Pokémon.

    A Clarification on Status Conditions Not all Pokémon statuses are actually Status Conditions. The ones below harm the other Pokémon, but are not Status Conditions or attacks:

    "Confused" - a condition that confuses the other Pokémon into hurting itself occasionally.
    "In Love" - a rare condition that makes the attacker literally fall in love with the enemy, making it only attack it occasionally.
    Any other move that causes a "condition" but does not actually inflict a Status Condition.

  2. TM54, also known as False Swipe, is a Normal type move that inflicts damage, but never faints the opponent, thanks to the fact that it always leaves 1 HP left for the opponent to not faint, unless the opponent faints itself.
    • False Swipe is obtained after you beat the Melemele island kahuna, Hala.
  3. You'll need to complete the game to be able to freely explore Ultra Space, where Mewtwo is located. To complete the game, you have to fight the Elite 4, along with beating Hau in the Champion's room, and you'll be deemed Champion by Kukui.
    • Becoming champion is hard , so be prepared. The Elite 4 specialize in Steel, Rock, Ghost, and Flying.
      • Steel type is vulnerable to Ground, Rock, and Fighting type.
      • Rock type is vulnerable to Water, Ground, Grass, Steel, and Fighting type.
      • Ghost type is vulnerable to Dark and Ghost type.
      • Flying type is vulnerable to Electric, Ice, and Rock type.

    A good team for the Elite 4 includes:

    A Pokémon that's Fighting-Rock type (strong against Flying, Steel, and Rock type)
    A Pokémon that's Ghost-Ice type (strong against Flying and Ghost type)
    A Pokémon that's Fire-Dark type (for backup for the Ghost-Ice type)
    3 other strong Pokémon of your choice.

  4. Ultra Space works like a piggy ride and a train mashed together; you ride on the back of Solgaleo (or Lunala, depending on which one you decide to ride when you defeat Necrozma in Ultra Space), and you go through this big, purple tunnel.
    • To navigate Ultra Space, you use the Circle Pad or your movement of the 3/2DS to go through Ultra Space.


    To easily navigate Ultra Space, first go to Heahea City. Next, go to the Game Freak office, to the left of the Dimensional Research Lab building. Go up one set of stairs, go in the office, and talk to the Aether Paradise scientist in the bottom-left corner. He will show you his secret document, and then you can choose which way you want to control navigating in Ultra Space, Circle Pad or motion censers. Choose Circle Pad; it will now make it easier to navigate Ultra Space using the Circle Pad.

  5. In Ultra Space, there are also wormholes that, if you enter one, transfers you to another world. Besides that, there are also big wormholes that suck you in if you don't have enough speed. These wormholes do the same things as regular ones, the only differences are that they're big, and they can suck you in, no matter if you like it or not.
    • Both, big and normal wormholes are circular in shape, and they can have different colors and rarity. A wormhole with no rings is a completely normal wormhole, while one with 1-4 rings is rare. Generally, you're going to want to go into one with at least 3 rings if you're trying to look for Mewtwo.
    • In Ultra Space, you will encounter gold rings. If you go through those gold rings, you will go faster.
    • In Ultra Space, you will also encounter blue orbs. Those shock you and slow you down if you run into one.
  6. His catch rate is 3, or 0.4%, so don't be angry if you run out of Ultra Balls. You have a Master Ball for a reason... Don't rage quit when he's hard to catch.
  7. Remember that you'll most likely not be able to go to the right wormhole on the first try. Mewtwo's wormhole is very far away, so you'll need to remember that it'll probably take a while to get there. There is also not a 100% chance that you'll encounter Mewtwo even under the right conditions, so be prepared to have to go through Ultra Space a ton before you even hear its cry.
    • If you want a Mewtwo that's competitive, or good for fighting other people around the world, you're also going to want to get a Timid/Modest synchronizer to make sure the Mewtwo is a good nature. Synchronizers work when a Pokémon that has the ability "Synchronize" (Umbreons and the Abra evolution tree are some of the Pokémon that have that ability) appears in battle. Synchronizers have a 50% chance of transforming the other Pokemon's nature into the synchronizer's nature. Timid lowers the Attack and raises the Speed, while Modest lowers the Attack and raises the Special Attack. Special Attack and Speed are very important stats for Mewtwo, while Attack is not.
  8. The portal to Ultra Space is at the Altar of the Sunne/Moone, after Vast Poni Canyon. You should see a warping blue cut in mid-air.
  9. To be able to possibly reach Mewtwo, you have to travel 4,000 light years, go through a green wormhole, and go through one in maximum rarity to boost your chances of finding Mewtwo. This may take a long time, so prepare your snacks and stress ball!
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Encountering and Fighting Mewtwo

  1. It may take a while to reach Mewtwo's wormhole, but when you do enter the correct wormhole, and you hear Mewtwo's cry, you're really close to catching it.
    • You have to save in case something goes wrong, like if you faint it or it doesn't have the right nature/IVs.
  2. If you walk far enough, Mewtwo will jump down and battle you.
  3. It'll be difficult to catch it, but using False Swipe a lot, along with paralyzing, making it fall asleep, or freezing will help.
    • If you don't want to go through the big trouble of trying to catch Mewtwo with a Great or Ultra Ball, now is a good time to use your Master Ball, since that will catch Mewtwo (or any Pokémon in general) without fail, no matter what, at any point during the battle.
  4. The game will ask if you want to give your Mewtwo a nickname. Choose yes. Now type out the nickname you want it to have.
  5. Once you catch it, you have two options: If you want to soft reset (L+R+Start buttons), or keep it and save. You may want to soft reset if you're not happy with your Mewtwo, like if it has a bad nature, or if it has horrible IVs, or you can keep it no matter what or if has a good nature/IVs. It's your choice.
    • If you do soft reset, make sure you didn't save after you catch it, as soft resetting goes to your previous save.
    • If you do keep it, then congrats! You have your very own Mewtwo with your ID number and OT! Brag to your family and/or friends about it! (or don't)
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Trading for Mewtwo

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This method is for people who either want two or more Mewtwos, or simply don't want to catch Mewtwo. Note that this method will not guarantee a good nature/IVs/EVs, so keep that in mind when using this method.

Trading Through the GTS

  1. Press the "X" button on your 3DS/2DS. Next, enter Festival Plaza.
  2. It will ask to save your game and connect to the Internet. Tap "Yes" for both questions.
  3. Click "Seek Pokémon". Then, fill out the list.
    • When looking for where the option "Mewtwo" is when filling out the wanted Pokémon, scroll down, tap "M", then scroll down until you see Mewtwo.
    • If you cannot see Mewtwo, get out of "M" and scroll down to the very bottom, and tap "What Pokémon?". Next, type in "Mewtwo" without quotation marks. Then tap the enter button, which looks like a bent arrow facing the left side, on the right side of the keyboard.
    • Mewtwo has no gender. Because of this, don't be looking for a female/male Mewtwo; that will give you no results.
    • Mewtwos with a very low level are most likely hacked Pokémon, or Pokémon that are created and transported through hacking the game or a Gameshark. Keep that in mind when you trade.
  4. If you have a Pokémon that the other person wants, and if it's not something you treasure in any way, then trade away!
    • Many times, a higher leveled, rare Pokémon will be what the other person wants for a Pokémon like Mewtwo, so be prepared.
    • If you don't have what the other person wants, or if you have it, but treasure what the other person has, then get out of "Seek Pokémon" and tap the other option. Then, deposit whatever Pokémon you want to give away, and ask for Mewtwo.
  5. Press the "X" button, then the "Y" button. You'll be out of Festival Plaza.
    • If you got a trade that you liked, and got the Mewtwo, congrats! You now have Mewtwo!
    • If you set up a trade that you're waiting to be accepted by another person, you'll have to wait until someone decides to trade with you. This will probably take a long time, so you'll probably want to try using another method while waiting.
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Trading Using Quick Link

  1. Both of you have to press the "X" button on your 3DS/2DS, then tap the screen or press "A". Then, one of you has to choose "Link Trade".
  2. If you trade away a Pokémon that the other person wants, then you can trade. If not, trade another Pokémon until he accepts.
    • If s/he wants a Pokémon that you treasure too much, it’s best for you to decline.
    • If you don't have a Pokémon that s/he wants, then unfortunately, you won't get the Mewtwo. If this indeed happens, use another method in this article.
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Wonder Trading

This method of trading is the hardest of them all, and the least reliable. The reasoning for this is Wonder Trading is random; it gives you random Pokémon that other people are Wonder Trading, which are most likely not going to even going to be a Mewtwo, and if it is, it almost definitely has a bad nature, IVs, and/or EVs. Even though this method is the worst way, some people might be open to the risk. Read on if that's the case.

  1. First, press the "X" button on your 3DS/2DS. Next, enter Festival Plaza.
  2. Now tap "Wonder Trade". It will ask to save your game and connect to the Internet. Tap "Yes" for both questions.
  3. It can be anything, just nothing important to you in any way.
  4. This may take more than 30 seconds, so please be patient.
  5. Once the system gives you a partner to trade with out of the blue, it will start a trade. He will give you the Pokémon he Wonder Traded, and you will give him yours.
    • If you don't get Mewtwo the first try, don't be surprised. Wonder Trading, more often than not, is going to give you a weak non-legendary.
    • If you somehow manage to get a Mewtwo, then congrats, you are one of the luckiest people in the whole world. Seriously, not a joke, especially if it's shiny.
    • If you don't get Mewtwo, don't despair. There are other options besides this.
  6. Press the "X" button, then the "Y" button. You'll be out of Festival Plaza.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Getting a Competitive Mewtwo

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If you want a competitive Mewtwo, or a Mewtwo that's good for fighting other real people from around the world, this section is definitely for you.

  1. Decide to catch it instead of trading for one . Even though there's a chance you might find a Mewtwo with a good nature, good EVs, and good IVs from the GTS, Wonder Trade (again, if you find one that's good through Wonder Trade, you are the luckiest person ever .) and Link Trading, but that's unlikely. If you're getting a competitive Mewtwo, you're going to want to catch him yourself to boost your chances on getting a good Mewtwo.
  2. Stats are powers for your Pokémon to use. There are 6 stats in total.
    • Attack is, you guessed it, an attack. More specifically, a stat to make Physical Attacks, or attacks that touch the target, more powerful.
    • Defense is, again, you guessed it, defense. More specifically, a defense to lower the damage from Physical Attacks.
    • Speed is, again , you guessed it, speed. It helps make a Pokémon go first, which can be important.
    • Special Attack is similar to Attack, but it makes Special Attacks, or attacks that do not touch the target, more powerful.
    • Special Defense is similar to Defense, but it makes Special Attacks less powerful.
    • HP is the least important one; it is a stat that keeps Health Points in battle greater (the same value as in the stats). That makes the Pokémon a little bit more difficult to faint.
  3. If you want a competitive Mewtwo, then you're going to want to know what EVs, IVs, and natures are.
    • EVs stand for Effort Values. An Effort Value is a value of training done to a Pokémon's stats. EVs are similar to strength, they can rise and fall. EV Training is a training done to your Pokémon that raises it's/their stats. EVs are similar to IVs, except that they can rise by defeating certain Pokémon or EV Training at Poké Pelago, an Alolan island you unlock after you finish the Fire Trial with Kiawe.
    • IVs stand for Individual Values. Individual Values, like EVs, are values of training done to the stats of your Pokémon. The difference between EVs and IVs, though, is that IVs can only rise, and they can only rise from Hyper Training. Hyper training is unlocked for your Pokémon when it/they reach level 100. Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps are used for Hyper Training. Bottle Caps raise one IV stat, while a Gold Bottle Cap can raise every IV stat. You can get Bottle Caps by fishing (rarely) and from Festival Plaza. However, Gold Bottle Caps only come when you get Surfing Pikachu (beat all 4 Mantine Surfing champions), get some kind of event Pokémon (only some event Pokémon hold a Gold Bottle Cap), or from Festival Plaza. The only place you can Hyper Train, though, is in Hau'oli City Shopping District, in the mall, besides the antique shop.
    • Natures are little personalities for your Pokémon. Depending on which nature your Pokémon has, one stat will rise and another will fall.
      • Adamant increases the Attack stat and lowers the Special Attack stat.
      • Bashful does not do anything, it raises the Special Attack stat, and lowers it.
      • Bold increases the Defense stat and lowers the Attack stat.
      • Brave increases the Attack stat and lowers the Speed stat.
      • Calm increases the Special Defense stat and lowers the Attack stat.
      • Careful increases the Special Defense stat and lowers the Special Attack stat.
      • Docile does not do anything, it raises the Defense stat and lowers it.
      • Gentle increases the Special Defense stat and lowers the Defense stat.
      • Hardy does not do anything, it raises the Attack stat and lowers it.
      • Hasty increases the Speed stat and lowers the Defense.
      • Impish increases the Defense stat and lowers the Special Attack stat.
      • Jolly increases the Speed stat and lowers the Special Attack stat.
      • Lax increases the Defense stat and lowers the Special Defense stat.
      • Lonely increases the Attack stat and lowers the Defense stat.
      • Mild increases the Special Attack stat and lowers the Defense stat.
      • Modest increases the Special Attack stat and lowers the Attack stat.
      • Naive increases the Speed stat and lowers the Special Defense stat.
      • Naughty increases the Attack stat and lowers the Special Defense stat.
      • Quiet increases the Special Attack stat and lowers the Speed stat.
      • Quirky does not do anything, it raises the Special Defense stat and lowers it.
      • Rash increases the Special Attack stat and lowers the Special Defense stat.
      • Relaxed increases the Defense stat and lowers the Speed stat.
      • Sassy increases the Special Defense stat and lowers the Speed stat.
      • Serious does not do anything, it raises the Speed stat and lowers it.
      • Timid raises the Speed stat and lowers the Attack stat.
  4. Once you catch him and check if he has a good nature (Timid/Modest are best, although Timid is better) and good IVs, time to go EV training!
    • The best way to EV train a Pokémon is to go to Poké Pelago, and unlock Isle Evelup. Then click the sign to leave Pokémon to play. Then, select which drink they/it should have (the drinks raise the stats, and there's a drink to raise the XP). If you have 1 set for Pokémon to play with, also known as Isle Evelup level 1, it raises 1 EV. If it's level 2, then it raises 2 EVs. If it's level three, also known as maxed out (where there are three sets to play in), it raises 4 EVs. Maximum amount of sessions you can possibly do is 99.
      • A recommended EV set for Mewtwo is 40 Defense, 216 Special Attack, and 252 Speed. [1] For Defense, it will take 40 sessions at level 1 Isle Evelup, 20 sessions for level 2 Isle Evelup, and 10 sessions for level 3 Isle Evelup. For Special Attack, it will take 216 sessions, or 99+99+18 for level 1 Isle Evelup, 108 sessions, or 99+9 sessions for level 2 Isle Evelup, and 54 sessions for level 3 Isle Evelup. For Speed, it will take 252, or 99+99+54 sessions for level 1 Isle Evelup, 126, or 99+27 sessions for level 2 Isle Evelup, and 63 sessions for level 3 Isle Evelup.
  5. Depending on which mega evolution you want your Mewtwo to be, you can either have it hold Mega Mewtwonite X or Mega Mewtwonite Y.
    • If it's holding Mewtwonite X, make sure you don't use the recommended stats, as Mega Mewtwo X has a higher Attack stat than Special Attack.
  6. Feel free to use your Mewtwo in battle with other people!
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get out of caves when stuck?
    Community Answer
    Use an escape rope to teleport to the entrance of the cave, or use a Max Repel and find your way out without many (or any) encounters.
  • Question
    Is there anything you need before this?
    Community Answer
    You're going to need to teach an Absol both False Swipe and Thunder Wave. TM54 (False Swipe) is obtained after beating the Melemele island Kahuna, Hala. TM73 (Thunder Wave) is in the top-left corner of Malie Garden, but you're going to need to fight some trainers while crossing the bridges there. After that, you just need to get the Master Ball (Gladion gives you one while fighting the Aether Foundation), and you're set.
  • Question
    What are some signs that a pokemon is hacked, because I have a shiny solgaleo and I'm not sure if it is hacked or not?
    Top Answerer
    Usually, hacked Pokemon will already be level 100 and have the purple Pokerus icon by their name.
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      • If you're catching Mewtwo, and if it makes it easier, you can use Quick, Timer, or Heal Balls to use. Timer Balls are good when a lot of turns have passed in the battle with Mewtwo (or any other Pokémon), Quick Balls work best when you use them within the first or second turn of battle, and Heal Balls restores the Pokemon's HP and removes all Status Conditions if it succeeds on catching the other Pokémon.
      • If you try to catch it, and if it becomes too difficult, but you don't want to use your Master Ball, you may use the Catch Rotom Power (which you can get from Roto Lotto) to make it easier to catch.
      • If you are trading, trade away a Pokémon that is (as) rare(r) than/as Mewtwo. It will rise your chances of getting one.
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      • If you try to catch it but it faints, you have to soft reset your game, as you can't try again.
      • Mewtwo isn't the most powerful Pokémon out there, there's another legendary called Rayquaza, and that one is even more powerful. Rayquaza is so powerful that on Smogon, Rayquaza has his own tier, AZ.
      • If you try to catch it but accidentally run away from it, you can't try again unless you soft reset.
      • If you turn off your game while trading, you might just lose the Pokémon that you're trying to trade, along with not getting Mewtwo.
      • If you're trading for Mewtwo, do be aware that if you get a Mewtwo with a bad name, you can't change it.
      • If you caught it, and you don't save right after you catch it, you might lose your Mewtwo if you soft reset, and will have to do the entire process all over again.
      • If catching Mewtwo, do not, and by all means, do NOT inflict Burn or Poison status conditions. Even though Mewtwo knows Recover, if Mewtwo doesn't use it, and if it has 10 or less HP, it will faint, causing you to have to soft reset your game.
      • Don't use Wonder Trade. Sure, this article includes it, but only for people who are really bored, not wanting to catch Mewtwo, and/or just want a challenge.

      Things You'll Need

      • Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
      • 3DS or 2DS

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