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Spice up your vocabulary with this fun slang term
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So someone said “goated,” and you’re not quite sure what they meant? You might be surprised that the slang term “goated” has nothing to do with the animal. This derivative of “G.O.A.T.,” or “greatest of all time,” is a fun way to describe something out-of-this-world awesome, and in this article, we’ll teach you how!

Things You Should Know

  • “Goated” is a derivative of the slang term “G.O.A.T” or “greatest of all time” and can be used to describe something or someone awesome.
  • You can use “goated” as a way to compliment someone in an informal setting, like with friends and family. For example, you could say, “Thanks, Anna, you’re goated!”
  • Say “goated” to describe your favorite gamers and athletes, like the O.G. Muhammad Ali.
Section 1 of 3:

What does it mean when someone says “goated”?

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  1. The slang term “goated” is a variation of the term “goat,” an acronym used to describe things as being the “Greatest Of All Time” or “G.O.A.T.” [1] This fun word is an excellent way to show your support for the things or people you think are awesome!
    • “You’re so goated. I can’t thank you enough for all your help.”
    • “Ok, this milkshake is the most goated thing I’ve ever had.”
  2. Muhammad Ali is famously known as the G.O.A.T., so it’d make sense to describe his boxing skills as “goated.” You can use “goated” to describe athletes and sports teams who are the greatest ever to do it. [2]
    • “Steph curry is so goated!”
    • “I know you like the Celtics, but the 49ers are goated.”
  3. “Goated” is a popular phrase amongst the video gaming community and is used to describe awesome power-ups or simply compliment a game well played. [3]
    • “Dude, that was so goated. Great game.”
    • “My favorite power-up is the jetpack, it’s goated.”
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When and How to Use “Goated”

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  1. If you can’t get enough of a certain restaurant, love a band, or just had the best pizza of your life, it might be time to try “goated” on for size! Just like positive words like “fabulous” or “wonderful,” “goated” can be used in the same way. [4]
    • “Can you believe how goated that band was last night?”
    • “I couldn’t even begin to describe how good the croissant I had this morning was—totally goated!”
  2. “Goated” is a fun slang term that works great for complimenting in informal situations like at home or with friends. Keep in mind that this is a newer term that some people might not be familiar with. If they look confused, just follow up with, “It means greatest of all time!” they might love it and want to use it in the future themselves. [5]
    • “Thanks so much, mom. This dinner is goated.”
    • “This project is so well done, Lucy. You’re goated!”
  3. If you’ve just played an awesome video game, watched someone else perform like a star, or got an epic power-up, why not use “goated” to express how much you enjoyed it? “Goated” is a very popular term often used in the sports and gaming communities, so you likely won’t have to worry about whether or not anyone knows what it means— just go for it! [6]
    • “You are so goated! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone play through that level so well.”
    • “Mario Kart is goated. It’s a classic, and I love it!”
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Section 3 of 3:

Replying to “Goated”

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  1. If someone says something is “goated,” and you agree, why not say it back? It’s always fun to add a new word to your repertoire, and “goated” might just be the greatest of all time! [7]
    • “I agree, that coffee shop is totally goated.”
    • “You’re so right—Anna is goated. She brought me flowers just to surprise me!”
  2. If someone used “goated” to describe something to you, but you’re uncomfortable using the term yourself, don't worry! Simply choose another positive word to use in its place, like awesome or fantastic. Never feel pressure to respond in a certain way—just do what’s right for you. [8]
    • “Seriously! That movie was awesome.”
    • “Haha, ya, that restaurant is definitely super good.”
  3. If someone said something was “goated,” and you disagree, you can use “goated” as a way to make a point that you don’t think whatever you’re talking about is the greatest of all time. [9] Always be respectful when disagreeing with someone—you wouldn’t want to insult something they love.
    • “Ya, that book was ok, but I wouldn’t say it’s goated.”
    • “Eh, that burrito was fine, but we really have to go to the place down the street—it's goated!”
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