How Rare Is My Birthday?

Take this quiz to find out!

Did you know that some birthdays are more common than others? How common is yours? Do you share it with other people every year, or do you get to take the spotlight?

Answer these quick questions about your birthday, and we’ll tell you how rare it is!

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Questions Overview

1. Does your birthday come before the 15th of the month? Or is it on the 15th or later?
  1. Before the 15th
  2. On or after the 15th
2. Were you born on an odd or even number day of the month?
  1. Odd
  2. Even
3. What range does your birthday fall within?
  1. January - April
  2. May - June
  3. July - Early October
  4. Late October - Early December
  5. Late December
4. Have you had your golden birthday yet? (A golden birthday is when your age matches the day of the month you were born.)
  1. Yes
  2. Nope
5. What season were you born in?
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Fall
  4. Winter
6. What letters does the name of your birthday month end in?
  1. "-y"
  2. "-mber"
  3. Something else
7. Does your birthday fall on or near a major holiday?
  1. Yes!
  2. Not really.
8. It it usually hot or cold during your birth month?
  1. Hot
  2. Cold
  3. Mild
  4. It depends

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What are the rarest birthdays?

Have you ever looked at a calendar and thought, “Woah, why do so many of my friends all have similar birthdays?” There are only so many days in a year, after all, and we all have to share them, but why are some days bigger birthdays than others?

First, let’s take a look at the most common birthdays in the US:

  • 1. September 9
  • 2. September 19
  • 3. September 12
  • 4. September 17
  • 5. September 10

And the rarest:

  • 1. December 25
  • 2. January 1
  • 3. December 24
  • 4. July 4
  • 5. January 2

Notice anything? It’s hard to miss how all the most common birthdays are in September. Why is that? Well, what comes about 9 months before September? That’s right, the holidays! Researchers tend to think that more babies are conceived during this more festive period, when people are generally happier and more lovey-dovey.

But what about the rarest birthdays? What’s going on there? It’s not quite so obvious, but researchers guess that people are planning to conceive their kids at times that dodge holiday births, so their kids don’t have to “share” their birthdays with things like Christmas or New Year’s. Also, planned births like C-sections just don’t happen around the holidays, when doctors and nurses are off work—they usually happen on the surrounding days.