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2-ingredient recipes that prove slime doesn’t have to be complicated
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You don’t have to skip out on making slime just because you’re running low on supplies. Whether you’re looking for a no-glue, no-Borax slime alternative or you just want to find a slime recipe you can make with whatever’s on hand, we have you covered with our favorite 2-ingredient slime recipes.

4 Easy Ways to Make 2-Ingredient Slime

  • Nonstick slime: Mix 1 2 cup (120 ml) dish soap & 1 cup (120 g) cornstarch.
  • Taste-safe slime: Stir together 1 cup (240 ml) water & 1 tbsp (3.4 g) fiber powder.
  • Squishy slime: Mix 1 2 cup (120 ml) school glue & 1 4 cup (59 ml) liquid starch.
  • Fluffy slime: Combine 1 cup (240 g) yogurt & 3/4 cups (180 g) cornstarch.
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Non-Stick Slime: Dish Soap & Cornstarch

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  1. Start by pouring 1 cup (120 g) of cornstarch into a large bowl. Then, slowly add 1 2 cup (120 ml) of dish soap to the bowl. [1]
    • If you don’t have dish soap on hand, use clear shampoo or hand soap instead.
    • This makes a squishy, stretchy slime with no glue and no Borax. It’s not very sticky, so this can be a low-mess slime option.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Use a spoon or stick to stir together the cornstarch and dish soap until the ingredients are fully combined. Then, use your hands to knead the mixture until it comes together. [2]
    • If the mixture feels too dry, add a little more dish soap.
    • If it’s too runny, add a little more cornstarch.
    • After a few hours, this slime will turn crumbly, so it’s best to play with it right away—it won’t keep long.
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Taste-Safe Slime: Fiber Powder & Water

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Pour about 1 cup (240 ml) of water into a large, microwave-safe container. Then, stir in about 1 tbsp (3.4 g) of fiber powder . Mix until the fiber powder is completely dissolved—this usually takes about 1 minute. [3]
    • It’s best to use a psyllium-based fiber powder for this slime.
    • This creates a sticky, stretchy, taste-safe slime. It does tend to be messy, but it’s a lot of fun to play with! And since it’s Borax-free, soap-free, and glue-free, this slime is great for toddlers and babies who still explore by putting things in their mouth.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Set your microwave timer for 5 minutes, but don’t leave the mixture unattended or it could boil over and make a big mess. Once you see the fiber mixture starting to bubble up, carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and stir it well. Then, return it to the microwave. [4]
    • Be very careful stirring the hot mixture. An adult should handle this step.
  3. Remove the mixture from the microwave and stir it one last time, then let the slime cool down completely. It will be very hot, so if you try to play with it right away, you could get burned.
    • To cool your slime faster, try pouring it onto a large plate or a baking sheet.
    • Because of the high fiber content, this isn’t exactly an edible slime, so don’t let children eat large quantities—but it is perfectly safe to taste.
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Fluffy Slime: Glue & Liquid Starch

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    In a large bowl, stir together 1 2 cup (120 ml) of school glue with 1 4 cup (59 ml) of liquid laundry starch . [5]
    • You can use any glue you want for this recipe—white glue makes a fluffy opaque slime, while clear glue or colored glue makes a shinier slime. You can even make sparkly slime by using glitter glue .
    • The proportions of this recipe are easy to adjust, so you can make as much or as little as you want!
    • This makes a fluffy, stretchy slime. It’s gooey and squishy but holds its shape well, making it fun for hours of play.
  2. Use a spoon or a stick to mix the ingredients at first, but once the mixture starts to come together, pour it out onto your table or a plate and start kneading it by hand. The more you knead, the stretchier the slime will become.
    • As you’re kneading, add more starch if the slime feels too thick or sticky. Add more glue if the slime is too slimy or runny.
    • This slime needs to be kneaded for at least 5 minutes. Adding a few drops of water to the mixture at the start of the kneading process may help it come together more quickly.
    • This slime keeps especially well—if you place it in a covered container, it will stay squishy for weeks!
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Butter Slime: Conditioner & Cornstarch

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Pour 2 cups (240 grams) of cornstarch in a large bowl, then pour in 1 cup (240 ml) of hair conditioner or body lotion . Use a spoon or stick to stir the mixture the ingredients are fully combined. [6]
    • Any conditioner will work, so feel free to use an inexpensive store brand. But since this slime will smell like whatever product you use, choose something that smells good to you!
    • This mixture creates a fluffy butter slime with a dough-like texture that’s fun to squish and squeeze.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    After you stir the ingredients to combine them, knead the slime with your hands to test the consistency. If the mixture feels too dry or crumbly, add more conditioner. If it’s too runny, add a little more cornstarch. If it’s just right—enjoy your slime!
    • You’re more likely to get a good stretch with this slime if you hold it up and let gravity pull it down.
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Jiggly Slime: Shampoo & Baking Soda

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Pour about 1 4 cup (59 ml) of clear gel shampoo or dish soap into a bowl, then add about 1/2 tsp (3 g) of baking soda. Use a spoon or stick to stir the mixture together. [7]
    • If you prefer, you can use 1 tsp (2.1 g) of sugar instead—the results will be about the same. [8]
    • This makes a clear, sticky slime. It’s jiggly, runny, and pretty messy. But if it sets up correctly, it should have a decent amount of stretch.
  2. It can take a long time to stir this mixture together, so be patient. First, you’ll see small bubbles appearing in the soap. As you continue to stir, the soap will get thicker, and eventually it will turn opaque.
    • The more you stir the soap, the better your slime will turn out.
  3. Refrigerating the soap will help the mixture set up and turn into slime. Take it out after about a day, then remove it from the container and enjoy your slime. [9]
    • You can also try putting it in the freezer for an hour or letting it sit at room temperature for 2 days.
    • Try adding mix-ins for a gooey tactile experience.
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Fluffy Slime: Yogurt & Cornstarch

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Scoop 1 cup (240 g) of yogurt into a bowl, then sprinkle in about 3/4 cups (180 g) of cornstarch. Mix the cornstarch into the yogurt with a spoon until the mixture clumps together. [10]
    • You may be able to get the same result by using flour instead of yogurt.
    • Don’t use yogurt with fruit chunks in it, as this will affect the texture of the slime.
    • This fluffy mixture is somewhere between play dough and slime. It’s not quite as runny or stretchy as regular slime, but it’s squishier than regular play dough.
  2. Once the ingredients are combined, use your hands to pat and roll the yogurt slime into a ball. You may need to knead the mixture a little to finish combining it.
    • This slime is taste-safe, and if you use fruit-flavored yogurt, it will have a pleasant fruity smell.
    • The yogurt won’t keep, so use this slime the day you make it, then toss out whatever is left.
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  1. To store your slime, keep it covered in an airtight plastic or glass container. Most types of slime can last for a few weeks if they’re covered.
    • Slime made out of dish soap and cornstarch gets crumbly after the first day, so toss it after you play with it.
    • Slime made from yogurt and cornstarch will spoil and shouldn’t be stored.
  2. Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid, which means it’s not really a solid or a liquid—it’s somewhere in the middle. That’s why it feels squishy and gooey if you let it run between your fingertips, but solid if you smack it with your open hand.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make 2 Ingredient Slime
    Most slime needs to be stretched slowly. If you pull it too quickly, the slime will tear instead of stretching.
    • If your slime is too runny or crumbly, you may need to adjust the ingredients.
  4. Slime is science, so this is a great STEM activity for kids! With older children, you can talk about the different states of matter, like liquids, solids, and non-Newtonian fluids.
    • Slime is also a soothing sensory activity for kids and adults of all ages!
  5. For clothes, dab a little white vinegar onto the slime to help dissolve it. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash it away with soap and hot water.
    • If you're trying to get slime out of hair, try coating the slime in conditioner to help it rinse out more easily.
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