Which Mean Girls Character Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

On Wednesdays, we wear pink…and take personality quizzes.

We know you’re not a regular reader, you’re a cool reader—which is why you need to know which Mean Girls character you’re most like. Maybe you’re a confident leader like Regina, a smart, compassionate new girl like Cady, or a sweet and silly bestie like Karen. There’s only one way to find out and make fetch happen: answer these totally awesome personality questions!

A stylized depiction of the Mean Girls movie poster, featuring The Plastics and Cady Heron.

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Questions Overview

1. How would your friends describe you?
  1. Intelligent, caring, and unique.
  2. Clever, pretty, and outgoing.
  3. Friendly, charismatic, and fun.
  4. Creative, outspoken, and independent.
2. If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be?
  1. Strawberry shortcake with lots of whipped cream.
  2. Chocolate mousse cake with a raspberry topping.
  3. Rice Krispie treat drizzled with chocolate.
  4. Vanilla cupcake with pink frosting.
3. What totally useless thing would you bring with you on a deserted island?
  1. A notepad. What? I always have one on me.
  2. A mirror. I could start a fire with the reflection and check my hair.
  3. A tube of lipgloss. I would definitely get chapped lips.
  4. A stuffed animal. I couldn’t bear to be alone.
4. What’s your favorite subject in school?
  1. Art
  2. Math
  3. Science
  4. Theatre
5. You’re planning a weekend getaway. Where are you headed?
  1. A tropical island where I can lounge and drink out of a coconut.
  2. An amusement park full of fun rides.
  3. An art museum that has an installation on human rights.
  4. A savannah with exotic animals I’ve never seen before.
6. Which of these items would we be most likely to find in your bedroom?
  1. A cluttered bookshelf and homemade macaroni picture frame.
  2. Band posters and a colorful shag rug.
  3. A full-length mirror and makeup station with bulb lighting.
  4. Stuffed animals and glow-in-the-dark stars.
7. You win the lottery. What do you do?
  1. Donate to charity. I want to give back.
  2. Buy my dream house and car, duh.
  3. Get a new wardrobe. When you look good, you feel good.
  4. Buy a treehouse. That would be so fun!
8. Your friend’s having a rough day. What do you text them?
  1. “Want me to punch them?” I’m here for whatever they need.
  2. “I love you, and don’t you forget it!” I just want to make them smile.
  3. “Guess what I heard.” I’ll distract them with the latest gossip. Juicy drama heals all wounds.
  4. “Get over it.” What? They’re just being dramatic. A little tough love will be good for them.
9. Are you a morning bird or night owl?
  1. Morning bird, 100%.
  2. Night owl, definitely.
  3. A mix of both! It depends on my schedule.
  4. Huh? I’m not a bird—I’m a person, silly!
10. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
  1. Dog
  2. Bunny
  3. Bird
  4. Cat
11. What iconic line from Mean Girls is your favorite?
  1. “She doesn’t even go here!”
  2. “One time she punched me in the face. It was awesome.”
  3. “I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me, but I can’t help it that I’m popular.”
  4. “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom!”
12. You’re participating in a talent show. What’s your act?
  1. Dancing to a trendy song.
  2. Making water glasses sing.
  3. Roasting people in the audience.
  4. Performing magic tricks.

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Either way, you\u2019re on a special journey. You may make mistakes along the way, but at the end of the day, we know you\u2019ll follow your heart. And with your genuine heart and awesome personality, you\u2019re totally the Spring Fling Queen in our eyes!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Have-More-Self-Confidence-and-Love-Yourself"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Make-Friends"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Have More Self Confidence and Love Yourself","id":846183,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Have-More-Self-Confidence-and-Love-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/42\/Have-More-Self-Confidence-and-Love-Yourself-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Have-More-Self-Confidence-and-Love-Yourself-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Have More Self Confidence and Love Yourself"},{"title":"How to Make Friends","id":8041,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Make-Friends","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/53\/Make-Friends-Step-19-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Make-Friends-Step-19-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Make Friends"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Regina George.","meaning":"Babe, you are a force to be reckoned with. But you probably already know that!

When people say your name, they fawn over the idea of just being in your presence\u2014you\u2019re that powerful. What can you say? You command a room. You\u2019re a natural-born leader, and we won\u2019t judge if you use your powers for good or evil\u2014you do you! At the end of the day, you\u2019re a trendsetter, an icon, the moment. You\u2019re Regina George<\/i>. And when you want something, you\u2019re not afraid to make it happen.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Act-Confident"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-a-Good-Leader"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Act (and Feel) More Confident","id":806445,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Act-Confident","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6d\/Act-Confident-Step-29-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Act-Confident-Step-29-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Act (and Feel) More Confident"},{"title":"How to Be a Good Leader","id":799684,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-a-Good-Leader","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/47\/Be-a-Good-Leader-Step-20-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-Good-Leader-Step-20-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Be a Good Leader"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Gretchen Wieners.","meaning":"You\u2019re a total Gretchen. We bet your (fabulous) hair is so big because it\u2019s full of secrets. You know what\u2019s up with everyone, all the time. People may accuse you of being dramatic, but at the end of the day, you know they\u2019re jealous. And you can\u2019t help that you\u2019re so popular!

But seriously, your bright and caring energy draws people in. People share their secrets with you because you\u2019re warm, understanding, and you give great advice. You\u2019re the definition of a people person\u2014others totally admire you for your charisma. And we applaud you, too (after all, keeping all those secrets can\u2019t be easy).","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Keep-a-Secret"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Increase-Charisma"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Keep a Secret","id":134781,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Keep-a-Secret","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/42\/Know-if-a-Cat-Is-a-Stray-Step-2-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Know-if-a-Cat-Is-a-Stray-Step-2-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Keep a Secret"},{"title":"How to Increase Charisma","id":2132285,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Increase-Charisma","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/8e\/Increase-Charisma-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Increase-Charisma-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Increase Charisma"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Karen Smith.","meaning":"Sweet, caring, and oh-so-adorable? Yep, it sounds like you\u2019re most like Karen! You\u2019ve got a bubbly, carefree personality that everyone loves. You\u2019re the definition of a pocketful of sunshine!

You see the best in every situation. Some may say you\u2019re naive, but in reality, you know that you march to the beat of your own drum. And with your generous spirit and genuine nature, we already know for sure that your future is bright! Don\u2019t ask us how we\u2019re so certain\u2014call it ESPN or something!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Carefree"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Positive"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Carefree","id":717312,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Carefree","image":"\/images\/thumb\/3\/3b\/Be-Carefree-Step-11.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Carefree-Step-11.jpg","alt":"How to Be Carefree"},{"title":"How to Be Positive","id":112541,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Positive","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/1b\/Be-Positive-Step-22-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Positive-Step-22-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Positive"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Janis Ian.","meaning":"Just like Janice, you\u2019re a firecracker. You\u2019re creative, confident, and independent. Some may say you\u2019re opinionated, but you don\u2019t care. You\u2019d rather be outspoken than a total sheep!

At the end of the day, you want to do what\u2019s best for the people around you (even if it takes a little scheming on your part to get there). You\u2019re eclectic, but you wouldn\u2019t have it any other way. In a world of plastic, you\u2019re as real as it gets!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Yourself"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Creative"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Yourself","id":108432,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/76\/Be-Yourself-Step-19.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Yourself-Step-19.jpg","alt":"How to Be Yourself"},{"title":"How to Be Creative","id":24473,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Creative","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/c9\/Be-Creative-Step-17-Version-6.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Creative-Step-17-Version-6.jpg","alt":"How to Be Creative"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Color<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Color Season Quiz"},{"title":"Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz","id":14117189,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Dear-Peachie-Makeup-Quiz","image":"\"Dear<\/picture>","alt":"Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Pretty Quiz","id":14354462,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Am-I-Pretty","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Pretty Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Personality, totally.","result":"How fetch! Check out these quizzes next:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Am I a Likable Person Quiz","id":14061268,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Likable-Person-Test","image":"\"Likable<\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Likable Person Quiz"},{"title":"Type A B C D Personality Test","id":13714623,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Type-A-B-C-D-Personality-Test","image":"\"Type<\/picture>","alt":"Type A B C D Personality Test"},{"title":"Do I Have Rizz Quiz","id":14006700,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Rizz-Quiz","image":"\"Rizz<\/picture>","alt":"Do I Have Rizz Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

Who Are the Mean Girls?

In 2004, the dramatic comedy Mean Girls took the world by storm. The smash-hit movie would become an ultimate classic, later becoming a Broadway musical in 2018 and adapted a second time into a musical film in 2024. What makes the movie so iconic? Along with popular lines like “That was so fetch” and “On Wednesdays we wear pink,” Mean Girls conveys a story compiled of stereotypical characters in a refreshingly hilarious way. No matter your age, you can relate to the characters one way or another. So, who are these characters, and what makes them so unforgettable? Check out the list below:

  • Cady Heron is the new girl and desperately wants to fit in. Raised in Africa and home-schooled, Cady doesn’t want to be a loner anymore. So, she finds solace with Janis and Damian, the school’s outsiders. They soon come up with a plan to get revenge on the most popular girls in school (The Plastics), which leads Cady down a slippery slope of discovering who she truly is.
  • Regina George is the most popular girl in school and the leader of The Plastics. She comes from a wealthy family and is very used to getting her way. She’s clever, manipulative, and beautiful, which made gaining control and reigning over the school easy. People hate her, but they also want to be her.
  • Gretchen Wieners is Regina’s second in command and a fellow member of The Plastics. Her father is the inventor of Toaster Strudel, and she’s a lover of all things gossip. She’s Regina’s most loyal friend and is influenced by her most; however, she has a kind heart and approaches situations with kindness.
  • Karen Smith is the third member of The Plastics. Her bubbly, ditzy personality makes her the comedic relief of the group. She’s extremely impressionable but is the most approachable out of all the Plastics, thanks to her friendly personality.
  • Janis Ian is an outsider and the first friend Cady makes. She used to be best friends with Regina, until Regina ultimately humiliated and bullied her in front of the entire school. Janis sees things for what they are and isn’t afraid to call people out.
  • Damian is Janis’s best friend. He has a heart of gold and is very protective over his friends. He sees the world through a positive light and is always down for a good time.
  • Aaron Samuels sits in front of Cady in math class and is Regina’s ex. Cady soon develops a crush on him, which ultimately fuels her revenge scheme on Regina, who takes him back to get under Cady’s skin.

Reader Success Stories

  • Emma H.

    Jun 15

    "The quiz said I got Janice Ian. I've always looked up to her and thought she was the best character and she ..." more
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