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How well-liked is your horoscope?
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Some zodiac signs get a bad rep. In a world where astrology has become more bite-sized, negative stereotypes have quickly become associated with certain planetary placements. While all zodiac signs have good and bad qualities, the constant hating on certain horoscopes is unwarranted. In this article, we’ll give a comprehensive ranking of all the zodiac-signs from most to least hated and debunk the cliches. Keep reading and you’ll see no sign is bad; they’re all just a little misunderstood!

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Gemini is given the worst reputation of the zodiac. People see them as “two-faced,” but their adaptability makes them better communicators than anyone.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) can feel boring and too achievement-oriented, but they almost always help you achieve your goals.
  • Sagittarius is the least-hated zodiac sign for their charisma and optimism.
  1. As a mutable sign ruled by Mercury (the planet of communication), Gemini is great at changing to fit the vibe of whatever person they’re talking to. This leaves a lot of people feeling like they can never fully trust a Gemini. Hence, there is a belief that the twins who represent Gemini portray each of Gemini’s “faces” and mercurial personalities. [1]
  2. Because of their keen communication abilities, Gemini has a natural gift for seeing everyone’s thought process. This doesn’t mean they lack loyalty or don’t have their own principles. They’re just great at adapting their personalities to make each unique person feel comfortable opening up. Whether you're dating a Gemini or just a friend, you'll see how fun they are to be around!
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  1. Like the scorpions that represent them, people think Scorpios are edgy, just waiting to sting those around them. Ruled by Mars (the planet of aggression), Scorpio is often considered untrusting, sometimes even combative. But, because Scorpio is a water sign, they’re also incredibly great at picking up on emotional cues. This combination can make certain Scorpio interactions feel invasive and probing.
  2. Nobody embodies the phrase “still waters run deep” more than Scorpio. As a water sign, they feel things intensely, but use their calm demeanor and deadpan humor as a defense mechanism for the deep well of emotion that swirls inside them. If you spend enough time with a Scorpio, though, the waters of this well are replenishing. Scorpios are patient, empathetic, and wonderful listeners. [2]
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  1. Ruled by the sun, Leos are bright and can feel like they want the world to revolve around them. When this attention is not met, they get frustrated and their fiery nature comes out. They can become aggressive and temperamental, and their passion will stir the pot. Lots of people feel Leos are self-obsessed, and as fixed signs, their “my way or the highway” mentality only aggravates this belief.
  2. Leo’s fiery natures also make them great leaders and friends. Their courage to stand out from the crowd means they’ll stand up for people when nobody else will and voice things everyone else is afraid to. They’re also one of the most giving zodiac signs and their generosity is inspirational. [3]
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  1. Ruling the sixth house of service, Virgos love to “heal” people, start new projects, and help people become better versions of themselves. This all seems great in theory, but over time, it can feel like nothing is enough for them. Their constant desire to improve makes them come off as restless, like they see those closest to them as inadequate. [4]
  2. Kindness and virtue are embedded in Virgo's nature. Their desire to help people grow is rarely rooted in any mean-spirited dissatisfaction. They’re mutable signs ruled by Mercury; they just want to communicate the best ways to adapt. Spending time with a Virgo is healing as long as you trust them and don’t take their ambitions personally.
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  1. The youngest on the zodiac's chart, Aries’ childlike nature can be frustrating. They have mood swings where they act petty and emotional. Plus, since they’re ruled by the aggressive Mars, they can be very protective. This can feel territorial and, with their fiery element, things can get explosive. [5]
  2. Aries’ straightforwardness is also refreshing. Aries doesn’t have time to manipulate or beat around the bush. When Aries likes you , they’ll make it known. They don’t hold grudges and their fiery passion brings joy wherever they go.
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  1. As an Earth sign, Taurus is all about the pragmatic and practical. Their approaches to life are rarely the most creative, the most unique, or the most friendly. On top of that, Taurus is fixed, meaning they’re very set in their ways and leave little room for spontaneity.
  2. Because they’re so driven by routine, Taurus is the most reliable sign in the entire zodiac. Once you’ve earned Taurus’ trust, they will always have your back and their pragmatism makes them highly-accomplished. They may not be visionaries, but Taurus will help you see your goals through and be by your side every step of the way. Plus, they have high-quality taste. [6]
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  1. Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, Libra loves attractive people and status symbols. Symbolized by the scales, they’re also known for providing balance by seeing both sides of every argument. However, this flip-floppiness can eventually grow tiresome, and their obsession with prestige and aesthetics can feel superficial.
  2. Libra is sensitive and insightful. A cardinal air sign, they’re able to communicate effectively, but aren’t all-over-the-place like Gemini or in their head like Aquarius. Plus, they have an exaltation in Saturn (the planet of responsibility), which means they know how to put others first and problem-solve better than almost anyone. [7]
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  1. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction and responsibility, Capricorn is obsessed with duty and is often described as “the workaholic of the zodiac.” Add on the fact they’re fixed signs, Capricorn rarely factors in others’ opinions when it comes to their work. Sometimes, this Earth sign gets accused of zapping the fun out of a situation.
  2. On the flip side, Capricorn’s Saturnian rulership means they’re great judges of character. They’re unafraid of commitment and are masters of self-improvement and longevity. They’re the opposite of “here for a good time, not a long time” and, while that mantra isn’t always great for parties, somebody’s gotta handle the hard stuff. That somebody is Capricorn. [8]
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  1. Oftentimes described as aliens, Aquarius is hard to grasp. As an air sign, they love intellectual challenge and going against the grain. However, as fixed signs they’re fiercely independent and often fail to see others’ point-of-view. This is frustrating, as it makes them feel like two different people at once, both with completely opposite values.
  2. Ruled by two planets, the restrictive Saturn and the revolutionary Uranus, dichotomy is ingrained in the Aquarian experience. While it can feel disconcerting, learning to co-exist with both parts of Aquarius can help you learn to master two parts of yourself at once. Their Saturnian rule teaches pragmatism and stability, while their Uranian rule promotes innovation and individuality. [9]
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  1. A water sign co-ruled by Jupiter’s higher sense of purpose, Pisces is highly emotional and feels called on to sympathize with everything around them. But not everyone wants to be sympathized with all the time. Highly receptive, Pisces will often pick, prod, and offer insight into your situation, even when you didn’t ask for any.
  2. Pisces is intuitive like no other sign. The oldest of the zodiacal chart, Pisces offers awe-inspiring enlightenment to those closest to them. Like a sage, their emotional intensity and focus on higher self teaches you to do things you never thought possible. [10]
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  1. People think Cancers are overly sensitive. A cardinal water sign, Cancer is easily the most emotional sign of the entire zodiac. They’re quick to emotionally react to things and don’t have the thickest skin. Their moon domicile also makes them very reflective. The energy you give them will come back at you tenfold. [11]
  2. Cancer’s watery ways make them extremely loving people to date or be friends with. The polar opposite of Capricorn who is often distrusting of emotion, Cancer believes in feeling everything deeply. They’re excellent caretakers with extraordinary maternal instincts.
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  1. As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is extremely passionate. But what they’re passionate about changes rapidly. Highly adaptable, Sagittarius isn’t inhibited by the ego of admitting they’re wrong. However, this can make it extremely hard to gauge where they stand. Their intense opinions are always evolving and their constant movement (they rule the ninth house of travel) means it’s hard to keep them in the same place intellectually, emotionally, or physically. [12]
  2. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Sagittarius is intuitive and inherently lucky. They take all negatives as learning lessons and believe, at their core, that things will work out. And, because they’re so naturally charismatic, if you spend enough time with a Sag, you’ll find yourself looking at the glass half-full just as often as they do.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can your zodiac not fit your personality at all?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Your "zodiac" is your "sun sign." There is a lot more in a person's horoscope (and "personality") than just their sun sign. For some people, for instance, their moon sign is as important as (or even more important than) their sun sign. There are many other factors -- including the "rising sign" -- that can significantly impact a person's character.
  • Question
    What is the bad side of people born under the sign of Taurus?
    Naf Elle
    Community Answer
    They are boring and stubborn as the article states. Furthermore, they are sometimes characterized as tight-lipped, overly lenient and lethargic. (This ignores the many very good attributes of Taurus.)
  • Question
    I did an interview that led me to understand that Sagittarius is most hated and Scorpio most loved.
    Naf Elle
    Community Answer
    Opinions can differ. All signs have both positive and negative traits. There truly is no universally hated sign. It's all personal views.
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      • Mari G.

        Feb 6

        "I just wanted to know why Some Zodiac signs are hated and I saw mine! Which I'm happy about at least."
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