How Narcissistic Am I?

Take this quiz to find out.

Narcissism. It’s likely a word you’ve heard in recent years, but is it something that relates to you and your personality?

A narcissist (or someone with narcissistic personality disorder) is someone who has an elevated sense of self-importance and puts their own needs above others. Believe it or not, everyone has narcissistic traits. That’s part of being human! But when it comes to the spectrum of narcissism, are you a full-on narcissist or totally selfless?

Disclaimer: This quiz is not an approved test for diagnosing narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). If you believe you have NPD, contact a psychologist for a diagnosis.

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Questions Overview

1. Close your eyes and imagine your future. What do you see?
  1. Unlimited success, power, and money.
  2. Social status, health, and achievement.
  3. Friendship, love, and happiness.
2. Everyone in the room is listening to you tell a story. How does that make you feel?
  1. Amazing. I love being the center of attention.
  2. Fine. I don’t mind being the focus.
  3. Stressful. Being the center of attention makes me nervous.
3. Do you think you’d make a good leader?
  1. 100%. Everything would be better if I was in charge.
  2. Yeah, I guess. But it depends on what or who I’m leading.
  3. Probably not. I don’t think I have strong leadership skills.
4. Say you have to betray a friend to get something you want. You:
  1. Betray them. Sometimes, you have to make a sacrifice to get what you want.
  2. Weigh the pros and cons first. If it’s really worth it, maybe I would—then I’d ask for forgiveness.
  3. Don’t betray them. I would never do that.
5. How do you feel about compliments?
  1. I live for compliments. I really, really care about how others view me.
  2. I like them—they help me feel more confident sometimes.
  3. I don’t like them. They make me feel weird and sort of self-conscious.
6. In an alternate reality, you get the chance to rule the world. Do you take it?
  1. Obviously.
  2. Maybe! I could make the world a better place...
  3. Absolutely not. That’s way too much responsibility.
7. Would you say you’re a cautious person?
  1. Not at all. I’ll do anything if the reward is worth it, no matter the risk.
  2. Sometimes. But I’m not afraid to take a chance every now and then.
  3. Definitely! I like to think through every decision I make.
8. There’s a mirror next to you. What do you do?
  1. Take a long moment to look at myself and admire my face.
  2. Sneak a quick glance at myself to make sure I look okay.
  3. Avoid looking.
9. What are your thoughts on authority?
  1. I’m the only authority I need. I make my own rules and hate to follow orders from others.
  2. I like being in charge, but I’ll follow the rules if I have to.
  3. I don’t mind following the rules. Rules create structure.
10. How would you describe yourself?
  1. Better than the average person. I don’t know how to describe it, but I just know I’m special.
  2. Average. I try to feel confident in myself, but I know I’m no better than anyone else.
  3. Sometimes I worry I’m below average.
11. Do people say you’re a showoff?
  1. Yeah, but I don’t mind. I have a lot to brag about.
  2. Sometimes, but I try not to be.
  3. No. I try not to show off if I can help it.
12. A friend comes to you for help. You:
  1. Tell them to talk to someone else. I’m not a therapist.
  2. See if I can help, but silently wish they wouldn’t have put their problem on me.
  3. Help them as best I can. That’s what friends are for!

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The beauty of the world is you get to choose who you want to be. Maybe you\u2019re comfortable with where you\u2019re at (and that\u2019s awesome!), or perhaps you want to work on being more empathetic and less selfish. If that\u2019s the case, we\u2019ve got you covered.

Here\u2019s how you can be less narcissistic and improve your relationships:

What Is a Narcissist?

A narcissist is someone who has a grand sense and puts their own needs above others. This is also known as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and is a mental health condition that causes an exaggerated ego and lack of empathy.

So, does this mean that everyone with a big ego or prideful personality is narcissistic? Nope! Believe it or not, many people have narcissistic tendencies–it’s a part of being human. If you like to show off or be the center of attention, that’s normal to do occasionally. But if that’s the case, what makes someone narcissistic? There are nine common signs and symptoms of a narcissist:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement.
  • Lives in a fantasy world that supports delusions of grandeur.
  • Sense of entitlement.
  • Needs constant praise and admiration.
  • Belief of self-superiority.
  • Exploits and manipulates others for personal gain.
  • Lacks empathy.
  • Frequently envious.
  • Arrogance.

Experts aren’t entirely sure why narcissists or those with NPD act the way they do, but they have narrowed it down to a few leading factors :

  • Genetics. Those with parents or close relatives with NPD are more likely to inherit the condition.
  • Observation. Children with narcissistic parents are more likely to replicate narcissistic behaviors.
  • Negative or traumatic childhoods. Those who had a difficult or traumatic childhood are more likely to develop narcissistic tendencies as a coping mechanism.

The best way to diagnose and test narcissism is to see a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist. The provider determines if someone has NPD with a test using the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (also known as DSM-5-TR). In the test, the provider will determine if the patient has at least five of the nine criteria for NPD. If a patient is diagnosed with NPD, treatment includes mental health therapy and/or antidepressants or antianxiety medications.