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Q&A for How to Apologize to Your Girlfriend
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QuestionHow do I avoid conflict with my girlfriend?Michelle Shahbazyan is a Life Coach, Author, and Speaker based in Los Angeles, California. She is the Founder of The LA Life Coach, a concierge life, family, and career coaching service. She has over 15 years of experience with life coaching, consulting, motivational speaking, and matchmaking. Michelle has helped thousands of clients achieve peace, fulfillment, and a healthier mindset. Her ultimate goal is to provide her clients with the tools, perspectives, and resources needed to create the life they desire. Michelle specializes in supporting individuals and couples with a wide array of concerns, including depression, anxiety, love and relationship issues, ADHD, grief, stress, anger management, and career planning. Her approach is informed by neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, and behavioral biology, ensuring that the strategies she develops with clients are both effective and enduring. She has a BA in Applied Psychology and an MS in Building Construction and Technology Management from Georgia Tech University, and a MA in Psychology with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Phillips Graduate University.We're human beings. Any two people you put in a room together long enough are going to experience some kind of conflict. It's undoubtedly going to happen. Try to use the experience of conflict as an opportunity to create a stronger, more positive relationship.
QuestionHow do you make sure your apology feels sincere?Michelle Shahbazyan is a Life Coach, Author, and Speaker based in Los Angeles, California. She is the Founder of The LA Life Coach, a concierge life, family, and career coaching service. She has over 15 years of experience with life coaching, consulting, motivational speaking, and matchmaking. Michelle has helped thousands of clients achieve peace, fulfillment, and a healthier mindset. Her ultimate goal is to provide her clients with the tools, perspectives, and resources needed to create the life they desire. Michelle specializes in supporting individuals and couples with a wide array of concerns, including depression, anxiety, love and relationship issues, ADHD, grief, stress, anger management, and career planning. Her approach is informed by neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, and behavioral biology, ensuring that the strategies she develops with clients are both effective and enduring. She has a BA in Applied Psychology and an MS in Building Construction and Technology Management from Georgia Tech University, and a MA in Psychology with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Phillips Graduate University.Be able to tolerate the other person's wave of hurt coming your way, whatever that may look like. Sit with their reaction and continue to stay apologetic.
QuestionMy girlfriend said she no longer has feelings for me. I really love her. What can I do?Community AnswerIf she said she no longer has feelings for you, start by asking her why. If she seems confident in her answer, you should probably move on. You can’t really change how someone feels.
QuestionI doubted my girlfriend and that angered her. How can I apologize?Community AnswerBe blunt and upfront. Simply tell her you’re sorry for doubting her and that you won’t do it again.
QuestionMy girlfriend is very busy and we hardly ever have time to spend together. How can we deal with this?Community AnswerIf it’s possible, try to rearrange your schedules. Make more time for dates. Talk to her about it, and see if you can figure out a time for you to be together. Maybe schedule a block of time each week, sort of like an appointment.
QuestionMy girlfriend has posted a photo in a bra showing her cleavage. How do I tell her that is not good?Community AnswerYou can tell your girlfriend that you are uncomfortable with other people seeing provocative images of her, but understand that she may be offended or feel that you're trying to control her. Be gentle and polite and make sure it's coming from a place of care and concern, not jealousy.
QuestionI heard something about her and didn't ask her whether it was true or not. I got angry and avoided her for a while. What can I do?Community AnswerYou probably need to ask if you’re still unsure about the rumor, or whatever it may be.
QuestionHow can I get someone to stop ignoring me after I break up with them?Community AnswerSometimes, it's best to give it some time. If someone broke up with you, your feelings would probably be hurt and you might not want to be around that person for a while. Try talking to them in a few days or a week, and if they're still ignoring you, just accept that you're not going to be friends right now.
QuestionWhat do I do if I've been apologizing to my girlfriend for days and they're rejecting me?Community AnswerLeave her alone for a while. Give her some time and space to get over it. If she truly is not going to get over it and wants to break up, there is nothing you can do about that.
QuestionWhat do I do if someone is trying to break up my relationship?Community AnswerIt depends on who is trying to break it up and why. If it is someone else who wants to date your boyfriend/girlfriend, tell them to stay out of your relationship and then just ignore them. If it's your girlfriend/boyfriend's friends, try talking to him/her about this and see if you can find a way to make them like you more.
QuestionI lied to my girlfriend, because I panicked and didn't know what to do at the time. She is mad about this, and I respect that. I want to demonstrate how I really feel for her. Any ideas?Community AnswerIf you've already apologized, give her a little time to get over her anger first. If you don't do this, her reaction to whatever you try will not be good. Once you've given her time, try writing her a heartfelt note about how you feel about her (don't include any excuses for your lies/bad behavior), then deliver the note to her with flowers (ideally her favorite kind if you know what it is).
QuestionHow do I apologize to my girlfriend for getting out of the car and leaving her?Community AnswerBe blunt and honest, tell her you’re sorry for walking out on her, you just needed to cool down. Try your best not to do it again.
QuestionHow do I say sorry if I had a big fight with my significant other?Community AnswerBe upfront about it. Simply apologize for anything you said that may have offended your significant other. Tell them you understand that you hurt them.
QuestionI told my girlfriend I need some space. I don't - I just wanted to see her reaction. How can I apologize?Community AnswerBe honest and tell her just that, then apologize immediately. Tell her why you did it without making excuses for yourself, i.e., "I was feeling insecure, and I wanted to see if you'd care, but I know it was wrong, and I'll never do it again." Expect her to be upset for a little while, but she will probably get over it.
QuestionHow do I apologize to someone who is hard to convince?Community AnswerAll you can do is sincerely tell them you're sorry. Admit what you did wrong without making any excuses for yourself. Then just give her some space so she can calm down and think things over. If she does not want to forgive you, there's really nothing you can do about that.
QuestionI have been dating a girl for a few weeks now. I asked her to borrow some money, which angered her and made her block me. What can I do?Community AnswerApologize to her in person, if possible. If not, the only thing you can really do is move on.
QuestionMy girlfriend thought I had a previous relationship, but I did not. How can we straighten this out?Community AnswerExplain to her how/why she has misunderstood. If she is simply refusing to believe you or understand what you're telling her, this might not be the right relationship for you. You don't want to be with someone that doesn't trust you.
QuestionHow do I write an apology letter to my girlfriend?Community AnswerJust be honest. Tell her you're sorry for whatever you did or said that offended her. Let her know you understand the hurt your actions caused. Try to end the apology letter on a positive note and tell her some of the things you like about being with her.
QuestionWhat should I do if I can tell that she hasn't really fully accepted my apology?Community AnswerGive her time. If whatever you apologized for happened recently, she's probably still a little hurt. That doesn't necessarily mean she hasn't forgiven you. Treat her kindly, and consider a small gesture of reconciliation, like flowers or candy. But again, give her time and be patient.
QuestionWhat do I do if my girlfriend thinks I'm cheating on her due to what her friends said, when I'm not?Community AnswerI have experienced this. Just tell her that you feel let down, and that it's sad that she thinks so little of you to believe that you'd actually cheat. Tell her how you feel and try to figure out together why her friends might have said this (maybe they don't like you, maybe one of them is an ex, etc.).
QuestionWell I lied to my girlfriend and told her that I was sick, but she found out that I am not sick. How should I apologize to her?Community AnswerStart with "sorry", and explain how and why you had to tell her you lied. It's very important that you are truthful and attentive to your partner while you are explaining, so if she has any questions or comments she would be able to tell them to you. Ask them what they feel about it, and ask why that is. If it is because you had done something wrong, see if it's something worth changing -- relationships are hard and trust is very important.
QuestionI was accused of cheating. How do I apologize?Community AnswerThe way you apologize can vary, depending on whether you did cheat or not. If you did, explain why you did and how you were feeling. If you did not - tell her that you did not and ask her why she believed you did. You can make her trust you by asking questions and complimenting her: "why would I cheat, I already have a good enough partner!' etc.
QuestionHow can I apologize to a very close male friend? I discovered he was still on the phone while I talked badly about him to my friends.Community AnswerFirst of all, say sorry. If he doesn't want to answer, it's best to understand that he may be experiencing things that are unimaginable. Then, explain to him why it was and reassure him that this would not happen again. This will help you gain trust and rekindle your relationship. It's best if you do this while you have the other's attention. Doing this through calls, video calls or in-person is best.
QuestionHow do I gather the confidence I need to own up to mistakes I've made regarding my girlfriend?Grace ChanCommunity AnswerTake a deep breath and think about how she feels. If you really love her, think about how much happier she would be owning up to your mistakes, instead of hiding them from her.
QuestionWhat should I do if I tell my girlfriend about my past and she's mad at me?Grace ChanCommunity AnswerYou may feel that keeping this away from your girlfriend may be the better option. However, in the long run, it may be worse. It's best to tell her now so she isn't angry later for you not telling her. If she truly loves you, she will respect you for the way you are now, rather than judging you on your past.
QuestionHow do I apologize to my boyfriend after I broke a promise with them?Grace ChanCommunity AnswerTry to apologise in person. By doing this, he will be able to tell by your expression that you mean well and know that you are sincere about your apology. Get straight to the point, and tell them that you will never do it again.
QuestionHow do I apologize to my girlfriend if I let them down?Grace ChanCommunity AnswerAsk her if she will forgive you for what you have done. Leave her for a bit to calm down and don't pester her about how you can make it up to them. Be well aware that she won't forgive you immediately, and give her time and space to think about whether she believes you deserve a second chance. If she turns you down don't curse her but leave peacefully, and tell her how you feel before you leave: a last ditch attempt as you have nothing left to lose and this may change her thoughts about you.
QuestionHow can I apologize to a girl I ask that already had a boyfriend?Community AnswerYou could say something like: "I'm sorry for asking you out. I didn't know you were already in a relationship. It won't happen again." Then be gracious and offer friendship.
QuestionHow do I apologize to my boyfriend after I let a third party in on our argument?Behnam MehrCommunity AnswerTell him you understand why he is upset with you, and that you shouldn't have done that and won't do it again. Tell him his opinions mean to you far more than the/any third party. You may need to back up your words with a kind deed or gift if he is really upset.
QuestionThere's someone who's really special to me. She seemed to be the only person I feel completely happy with. I tried to to test how she felt for me but she broke down crying. What can I do?Community AnswerComfort her and wait to try again, give her some time. If she wanted to reject you then she would have said that. She is probably just in a bad place currently and isn't in the right mental state to tell you how she feels. Keep your head up.
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