Q&A for How to Ask Someone to Hold Your Hand

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    How can I hold hands with this guy who is really cute but I'm not sure what we are. He put his hand on top of mean while I was recounting trauma, that means something right?
    Community Answer
    If a guy does that, it is usually a sign of affection but it can also mean other things, such as a friend zone. Know that is usually only if you are close friends but it is possible he like likes you. The best thing to do is to have your friend walk past you two and say: "Are you two dating?". Sometimes it can set a spark.
  • Question
    How do I compare hand sizes without seeming like a pick me?
    Community Answer
    Rather than seeming like a pick me, you might come off as flirty and cute! You'll never know until you try it!
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    He asked me to show a riddle by grabbing my hand. I was dumb. I didn't take the hint. Now I'm looking for ways to hold his hand. ahhh I'm so stupid!
    Community Answer
    You're not stupid. Just be flirty about it, and try "playing his game," meaning try thumb war or high-fiving him.
  • Question
    How do you ask to hold someone's hand without making it weird or uncomfortable?
    Max Wolf
    Community Answer
    It depends on how well you know this person. If you are friends, even if you like this person more than a friend, you can usually get away with holding their hand. You could simply hold your hand out. They might grab it or ask what you're doing. If they ask, say you want to hold hands. Don't be weird about it. Just say you're feeling clingy or some other excuse. Hand-holding needn't be awkward unless you don't know the person. Then this method might be a bit weird.
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    What if a girl has to make the first move?
    Community Answer
    Just do it. If you're shy, work up to it. Be confident. Most boys like that in a girl. If you're not sure if they like you, watch for hints. Give hints of your own, too.
  • Question
    How can I hold my boyfriend's hand without making things awkward?
    Community Answer
    Smile at him. That will open a lot of doors. If you've held hands before, he will most likely appreciate the closeness and enjoy it.
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