Q&A for How to Be Well Groomed

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    How can I keep my hair neat and tidy throughout the day without any hairspray? I have untamable flyaways and loose hair.
    Fruity Rumpus
    Community Answer
    It may be a good idea to use more conditioner. If this doesn't work, you can use a little hair gel.
  • Question
    My parents never take me to the dentist. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Not going to the dentist ever can seriously damage your teeth. Talk to your parents about why it is important. If they don't listen, talk to another adult, like a family member or teacher.
  • Question
    How do I become a well groomed butler?
    Community Answer
    Always brush and style your hair neatly everyday, also make sure your hair is properly washed. Make sure your uniform is always clean and tidy with no wrinkles.
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    How can I maintain well-groomed nails?
    Community Answer
    Put on cuticle oil and go to a nail salon to get your nails professionally done. They will look nicer that way.
  • Question
    What do I need to do to be well-groomed as a butler/valet?
    Community Answer
    No matter what, you must maintain proper hygiene: shower daily (wash your hair a few times per week), wear clean clothes and deodorant, maintain good oral hygiene, and make sure your breath is always fresh. For men, well-groomed facial hair is important. Honestly though, manners and social skills are equally important for a job as a butler or valet.
  • Question
    Why do I need to have tidy hair at work?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you work. If you work in an office/professional environment you don't want to look unkempt, people won't respect you or take you seriously. If you work around machinery, it could be a safety hazard. In a restaurant, you risk contaminating the food with untidy hair. Regardless, you want to look your best at work.
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    How can I maintain fresh breath all day long?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend buying some minty gum and a small bottle of mouthwash to keep with you. Using these throughout the day will make sure that your breath stays fresh.
  • Question
    Do girls like beards and mustaches?
    Community Answer
    Some do, some don't. Not all girls like the same things!
  • Question
    How can I have white teeth?
    Community Answer
    Brush with a whitening toothpaste 2 times a day.
  • Question
    I am going to a dance and I don’t know how to style my hair that is just above my shoulder. I also have layers and I am very self conscious about it. What should I do?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Look up online "shoulder length hairstyles" to find inspiration. A classic style is always clean and down, with a simple piece such as a flower or clip. At the dance, take lots of deep, slow breaths when you get self-conscious about your layers, and remind yourself that no one is thinking about your hair as much as you are thinking about it.
  • Question
    What if I have a fear of baths/showers?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Strongly consider seeing a therapist to help with that. Otherwise, start with small things that scare you, like watching the shower run or even just looking at pictures of full bathtubs online, then work your way up slowly to bigger things as you get more comfortable, then finally try taking a short bath or shower. In the meantime, use dry shampoo frequently and wash you face and any parts of your body that smell unpleasant in the sink or with a sponge or washcloth.
  • Question
    I know the essential steps of grooming but what can I do if I cannot maintain it?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Start with something small but high-impact, such as deodorant or washing your face. Once that's a habit and part of your routine, add something else small. Eventually, you can work your way up to however complex of a grooming routine you want.
  • Question
    For an oily scalp, how many times can we wash our hair for a week?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Every other day is a good frequency to wash your hair to keep clean without hurting your hair. If your scalp is oily, consider using slightly less conditioner than shampoo.
  • Question
    Do I shave hands and chest if they're graying?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Shaving your chest can certainly be a good idea if you don't want hair there, whether or not it's graying. Shaving your hands would be difficult, and if your hair is graying it's likely your skin is loosening, which would make it more difficult to shave. So, shaving your hands is not a recommended idea.
  • Question
    How can my husband look groomed?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Suggest that he keep his facial hair neat, if he has any, or stay clean-shaven if he doesn't want facial hair. He could also comb his hair daily, even if it's quite short. Showering every day or every other day, even if he doesn't wash his hair every time, can help him look groomed.
  • Question
    What’s the best way to get a haircut for curly hair that’s very long? Haven’t cut it in about 6 years.
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    You can go to a hairdresser and tell them what you want it to look like and tell them it has been a long tim since your last haircut. If you don't know what you want it to look like, search online for "curly hairstyles" and either "long" or "short" depending on how you want it. Print or save the images you like to show the hair cutter so they know what look to go for.
  • Question
    My breath always stinks and people say it stinks all the time (I brush my teeth 2 times a day).
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    If you brush your teeth twice a day but your breath still stinks, call a dentist about it. That can be a sign of mouth disease that a dentist needs to look at. In the meantime, try mouthwash and flossing.
  • Question
    I've lost my hair due to serious typhoid when I was child. Now I'm 22 years old and I don't even have a single hair on my head. What to do to get respect, attention and love from everyone?
    Community Answer
    You will always be respected and loved, no matter what. As for those people who don't respect you, don't mind them. They just enjoy having someone to insult. If you're particularly sensitive about having no hair, you can wear wig or a hat. But it doesn't matter. I know a girl at my school who is bald, and she is actually quite popular. Some models are also bald, so I don't see how having no hair is as bad as you describe it. Remember, people love you for who you are, not how pretty or ugly you look.
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