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Q&A for How to Be a Classy Lady
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QuestionWhat does it mean when to stand up for yourself with dignity?Community AnswerIt means that you say what you stand for (believe in) or defend yourself in a calm and well mannered way. That means without shouting or using profanities (no cursing). This way, you not only state your case but also gain respect.
QuestionCan I be a classy lady if I have short hair?Community AnswerYes, short hair can be classy if it's kept neat.
QuestionDoes your financial status affect whether or not you're classy?Community AnswerAbsolutely not. We can be well-mannered and polite without any cost. It all depends on how we interact with other people.
QuestionCan you be classy if you're a single mother?Community AnswerSure. It's about your personality, not about your relationship status or living situation.
QuestionHow can I come out of my shell and show everybody that I'm classy and not just a bookworm?Community AnswerJust do it. Come out one day wearing a nice outfit and just have confidence. Once people see that you're walking with your head high and great posture and you look great, they will think you're classy. Just try to look classy and have a classy vibe.
QuestionDoes this mean that people who are not really sociable can't be classy?Community AnswerNo it doesn't. Actually if you are not sociable, you can actually use it to your advantage. If you're not sociable you could either try to be social or you could choose to come off as reserved. Doing the latter will add some mystery to people's perception of you thus enhancing your social standing, as long as you're not doing anything creepy though.
QuestionHow can I stop hanging around with friends who aren't classy without hurting anyone's feelings?Community AnswerLearn to say no politely when they send you invitations or asked you to eat out. You may tell them that you're busy or that you have other plans in mind. This will give them an impression that you are an independent lady.
QuestionAm I a snob? I don't eat lunch in the break room because the other girls talk about customers and work. I lunch outside the store to relax and clear my mind.Community AnswerNo, you are not! If anything, you are the mature one in this situation. Being different is not wrong.
QuestionDo I have to be good looking to be classy?Community AnswerNo, being classy and being good looking are not the same. You can be one without being the other.
QuestionIs it okay to write about my relationship on social media if I'm not married?Community AnswerNo, as it is your private life. Honestly, it is up to you what you wish to share on social media, but your relationship is really nobody else's business. A classy lady will usually just keep these details to herself.
QuestionDo I need high heels to be classy?Community AnswerNot necessarily, but it depends on the situation. It's usually more about manners and behavior than appearance.
QuestionWhen trying to be classy, do I need to remind people of this fact?Community AnswerNo. Just act classy and people will know that you're classy.
QuestionCan I be classy as a preteen?Community AnswerYes. A classy girl becomes a classy lady, always respecting herself and others, feeling confident, and being good mannered.
QuestionWhy can't classy girls kiss in public? Sounds boring.Community AnswerThis is because some people find it disturbing to watch PDA (Public Display of Affection) and somewhat offensive. The fact is that it isn't classy to deliberately offend people's sensitivities. And sometimes you have to do a little boring to get places in life.
QuestionCan I enjoy doing messy hobbies, such as hiking and painting, yet still remain classy?Community AnswerYes! These can absolutely be the hobbies of a classy lady. Just make sure you clean yourself up afterwards.
QuestionDoes being sociable mean being flirty?Community AnswerIt depends on how you address the situation. If you're making "risqué" implications towards the person you're being socialable with, it could come off as a little flirtatious. Try to stay within your own personal limits, so that you don't come on too strong. Think to yourself "if someone said this to me, would I think of it as flirting?" That should help you weed out your actions; you should think carefully. It's okay to be open. It's okay to be flirtatious. But there is a time and place for everything. You just need to know when to blend it all in.
QuestionHow can a 12 year old get the boy of her dreams?Community AnswerTwelve years old is typically considered a little young to start thinking seriously about romance. Nonetheless, just be yourself and stay confident.
QuestionDoes a lady watch Netflix and listen to modern music?Community AnswerYes, as long as it does not contain much profanity or explicit content.
QuestionCan you be gay and still be classy?Community AnswerYes, your sexual orientation has nothing to do with being a nice and classy individual.
QuestionCan I still be classy if I have tattoos?Community AnswerYes. Part of being classy is acceptance and moving on. Tattoos are permanent and so are your limbs. Accept them. If people don't like them, accept it and don't worry about them.
QuestionHow can I become classy if the school uniform does not suit me and makes me feel even more self-conscious than I do in my own clothes?Community Answer
QuestionClass isn't something that is generally appreciated in middle schools. How can I show people that class is cool?Community AnswerBe confident. Show them that being classy is fun and that it makes you look sophisticated.
QuestionWhat novel or author should I read to be more classy?Heidi KaricherCommunity AnswerYou read up on the classic novels, like Jane Austen novels, Little Women, and other classic books.
QuestionHow can I maintain an air of subtle confidence around a friend who has been trying to show me up?DeShun AllenCommunity AnswerContinue to project good manners and be polite. It is important to be especially polite if your "friend" has been trying to show you up. Others can see what they are doing as well as you can. Confidence always wins over brashness or lack of basic good manners. Also, you may want to consider distancing yourself from the friend in the future. Avoiding rudeness is always the best option.
QuestionI always push my opinion to the very limit. Should I change or keep fighting no matter what?Community AnswerPushing too far will make it seem as if you are trying to justify yourself too much. If you have made your point in a calm and respectable manner, people will respect your opinion. Changing your opinion to suit a different circumstance will make you seem undecided and not rooted. Classy women do not change their opinions to suit others. Stay grounded in what you believe and people will begin to believe in you.
QuestionI am only 15, and I want my classmates to find me classy. What should I do?Community AnswerDress with class (nothing too revealing) and keep your language clean. Be respectful and kind to your teachers and your peers. Read up on etiquette so you know how to behave properly in every situation.
QuestionHow can I be a sociable person when also being classy?Community AnswerBy being yourself, and also by respecting the person or group you are talking to. A classy woman should know how to communicate respectfully.
QuestionDoes who I date have anything to do with me being classy?Community AnswerNo, because a classy lady should never discriminate. But it would be best if you dated someone who was classy as well!
QuestionHow do I be a classy lady if I don't have classy friends?Community AnswerShow them how to be classy. Lead by example, or if they're being really rude, politely correct them.
QuestionHow can I feel classy if I'm overweight?Community AnswerThere's nothing about being overweight that prevents you from being classy, but if you're unsure how to style yourself, you might want to read the article on How to Dress Well When You're Overweight .
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