Q&A for How to Be a Theatre Kid

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    Would being on stage crew work?
    Community Answer
    Of course! The stage crew is just as important as the actors in the theater program.
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    How should I prepare for an upcoming school play?
    Kellan Awesomeness
    Community Answer
    Just practice. Go over lines and songs and focus. Work with fellow actors or actresses and try to make it perfect.
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    How can I avoid being called a "poser" in the theater field?
    Community Answer
    The bullying of theater kids never stops. As one myself, I know many of the nicknames. Just ignore them, because you don't need to worry about what others think of you, and that's what being a theater kid is all about.
  • Question
    I used to be a theatre kid, but now my parents want me to focus on academics. If I continue to perform music and join stage crews, will I still be a theatre kid?
    Tessa Metzger
    Community Answer
    There are really no theater-kid guidelines. As long as you like acting and singing and contribute to a musical or play now and then, you're a theater kid.
  • Question
    What about if I not a musical theater kid but a cooler gay play acting theater kid?
    Top Answerer
    Nothing wrong with that. There are all kinds of theater kids, and many of them are gay or otherwise LGBTQ+.
  • Question
    When can I get into stage crew?
    Top Answerer
    It depends on the group. Some will let you go into stage crew right away, while others want you to be a certain age or do a few shows first.
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    How can I get better at singing and dancing at the same time?
    Top Answerer
    Practice helps, of course. Make sure you are breathing into your belly rather than your chest or shoulders. Try singing lightly and dancing gently, then slowly increase the intensity of both until you can sing super loud while jumping around.
  • Question
    My friend said I am not like a theater kid because she thinks I am not outgoing enough. Am I not a theater kid?
    Top Answerer
    If you participate in theater, you are a theater kid. Your friend probably did not realize she hurt your feelings, so you should reach out and talk to her about it.
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    What if your school play doesn't include any songs?
    Community Answer
    That's okay! Not every play is a musical. If you're in the play, you'll practice lines instead of songs.
  • Question
    I always wanted to be a theater kid and my extra friend is a big theater kid, and I do not want people to think I am copying her, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just do you! If you want to be a theatre kid, be a theatre kid. If someone accuses you of copying your friend, ignore them. Just make sure you are into different musicals, but you can still like some of the same stuff as your friend!
  • Question
    Can you not be in a show and still be a theatre kid?
    Community Answer
    Of course, you don’t have to be in a show. You just need to love theatre! Just talk about theatre and show you appreciation of musicals.
  • Question
    I am not bad at singing, but I can't dance very well. I can remember choreography and perform it, but I am not good at it. What can I do to get better?
    Community Answer
    Practice makes perfect! Keep trying until you are able to work out all of the kinks in your performance. You can also ask someone else (a director or a friend who is into dance) to help you and give you some pointers. The arts are all about trial and error, so keep trying!
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    What do I do if I'm having trouble with my solo as a theater kid?
    Community Answer
    Listen to the solo on YouTube with the voices and without the voices. I know my directors always have a Google Drive or Google Classroom with both rehearsal and accompaniment tracks that we can use. The best advice is to talk to your music director about any concerns you might have.
  • Question
    What soundtracks should I listen to if I want to be a theater kid?
    Sage Hallock
    Community Answer
    Listen to musical soundtracks. Even Disney would be good such as Frozen, Jungle Book, Cinderella. Those movies are amazing and always teach good values. Best part is, they spark your imagination so you can be anyone you want to be. Check out Disney Junior Asia for contests!
  • Question
    What can I do if I lack any singing skills?
    Community Answer
    Just practice, the more you practice the better you will get. First practice songs that have the range of voice you are comfortable with, if you go too high too often, then your voice will get raspy.
  • Question
    What can I do to avoid losing friends who don't like theater kids after joining the theater class myself?
    Community Answer
    Friends should be lifting you up, not putting you down. If they don't like theater kids, find out why and prove them wrong. However, in theater class, you'll likely find others who are just as much into theater as you are. Stay strong and don't throw away your shot!
  • Question
    How do I not lose friends if I want to be a theatre kid and my friends don't like it?
    Community Answer
    Don't give up your passion just because your friends don't like it. Friends should support you no matter what, and if they don't, then they aren't real friends. Are they jealous or worried they'll not have time to spend with you? Ask them why they don't like it and see if you can sort out their concerns but also let then know you're not changing your mind.
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