Q&A for How to Become a Famous Artist

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    How do you get noticed in the local art community?
    Laura M. Johnson
    Mural Artist
    Laura M. Johnson is a Mural Artist and the Owner of Laura Margo Murals & Custom Art in St. Paul, Minnesota. She has over five years of experience in the industry and has worked professionally across venture capital, communications, the arts, and beyond. She helps empower small and growing businesses to find their voices, share their stories, and grow their impact. Laura received her Master of Business Administration from the University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management, and her Bachelors in Journalism and Communication Studies with a minor in Fine Arts from the University of Oregon.
    Mural Artist
    Expert Answer
    Ask around and see if any local businesses are in need of illustrated posters, window painting, window design, and/or artwork for their walls—coffee shops in particular frequently showcase the work of local artists.
  • Question
    Can I still be an artist at the age of 15?
    Community Answer
    Becoming a good artist takes time, and the earlier you start, the better. Start practicing and look up books of famous artists. Don't forget to learn art history, as it's the key to understanding the current state of the art world, whether you want to fit in or not.
  • Question
    Can I still become a famous artist if I have epilepsy?
    Top Answerer
    Of course. Some notable famous artists with epilepsy include Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, and Michelangelo. Do a bit of online research to find other artists with epilepsy and the possible difficulties you could face. It's sometimes possible to contact artists directly through the internet or mail or other means, as long as they're alive of course, and you could potentially talk to a well-known artist with epilepsy about their experiences. It's definitely possible for you to be a great artist.
  • Question
    Do I have to graduate to be an artist?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily, but it's good to have an education to fall back on (not to mention the artistic skills you will develop if you go to art school). If you end up wanting a career in curating, teaching art, etc. you will definitely need at the very least a Bachelor's degree.
  • Question
    Can you suggest some blogs where I can publish my drawings?
    Community Answer
    Try some of these: eatsleepdraw.com, winterhouseinternational.com and curatingtheunseen.blogspot.com.
  • Question
    What website can somebody under the age of 18 use to publish their art?
    Community Answer
    Deviantart or Tumblr are great websites to start, anyone can show their artwork and progress in those sites. After some time, when you consider your art to be powerful enough to be in a professional site, you can try with more serious sites.
  • Question
    What types of arts can I try if I want to be a famous artist?
    Community Answer
    Do not try to make art to become famous. Most artists aren't famous until after they die, and famous artists are famous because they have vision and passion, not because they want to be famous.
  • Question
    What should I draw first when I practice?
    Community Answer
    Draw a ball or some other simple object. Practice the highlights, shadows, shape etc.
  • Question
    What classes should I take to pursue a career in this field?
    Community Answer
    Try a life drawing or figure drawing class. These usually contain gesture drawing so you can improve in both areas with one class. You can usually find these courses at your local community college or art school.
  • Question
    How can I draw beautiful color combinations?
    Community Answer
    Use the GROBVY rule of complementary colors. Use opposite colors on the GROBVY circle to make things stand out, and try to not to make colors next to each other on the GROBVY circle come in contact with each other.
  • Question
    Do I have to be a certain age to sell my artwork?
    Community Answer
    Nope! If you're good enough, you can even sell your artwork when you're a kid, but that's very rare.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am not satisfied with my color mixing?
    Community Answer
    Add more color or start over. If you are not sure how to mix the color the way you want, do research about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Time and experience will help you get it right.
  • Question
    How do I sell my paintings?
    Community Answer
    You can sell them on places like Etsy or through social media. There are many options for selling artwork.
  • Question
    How can I find my true passion?
    Community Answer
    Try new things. Think outside the box. Don't just stand there, and enjoy life as it is. In this way, you will find your true passion.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to go to art classes in order to become a great painter?
    Community Answer
    It is not. Many of the great artists did it all without classes. Classes can help, but are not necessary.
  • Question
    How do I draw anime well?
    Community Answer
    Try watching videos to draw the figures or trace pictures till you get the hang of it.
  • Question
    What can I do if I cannot use social media?
    Community Answer
    Telling friends and family may help. You can try to put up posters around town, as well.
  • Question
    Can I be a painter as a child?
    Community Answer
    You can be an artist at any age.
  • Question
    How can I make art as a beginning professional?
    Community Answer
    To answer this honestly, you just make art. Practice daily and continue to grow your profile. If you know your skills aren't where they need to be, sign up for some classes.
  • Question
    Can I still be a famous artist if I'm under 13?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it will be much more difficult.
  • Question
    How do I become an art teacher?
    Community Answer
    You can read through wikiHow's article on becoming a school teacher for some advice!
  • Question
    How can I become a professional artist if I am still a child?
    Community Answer
    Just start practicing first and sharing your work online. You can decide whether or not if it is for you and if it is, you could go to study art in college while you continue sharing and improving.
  • Question
    I have a small budget. Can you suggest what kind of paper I can use to practice acrylic painting?
    Community Answer
    Try gluing cotton cloth to cardboard and then priming it. It works wonders for me and costs next to nothing.
  • Question
    How can I make my art work well known to other countries and can I become successful with sketch art?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you could become successful with sketch art, with hard work and some luck. To become well-known in other countries, simply market yourself to other countries.
  • Question
    Can I sell art on paper?
    Community Answer
    Sure. But what I've found works is to draw in pen, some watercolor, and acrylics. Most of what I draw is on printer paper. Then I take it to Staples or a local print shop and have them copy to card stock, which runs about $1.50 for the prints (make sure they are good quality). Then I frame and matte it with supplies from Hobby Lobby. I get some good money for these.
  • Question
    What if these 13 steps don't make me famous?
    Community Answer
    There is no guarantee that following these steps will make you a famous artist. You have to work extremely hard and be extremely devoted to your craft to be a successful artist. If you're serious about art, go to art school.
  • Question
    Does it have to be professional art or can I just draw cartoons?
    Community Answer
    Art is imaginable and you can draw whatever you wish.
  • Question
    What are some apps with which I could publish my paintings?
    Community Answer
    Flickr, Fandom, Discord,or Pintrest are just some examples of apps you can use.
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