Q&A for How to Become a Model

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    How do you get noticed?
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach.
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    Send quality information about yourself, look like a professional, do your research, and send exactly what the agency is looking for. Unfortunately, some people send what they want to send, and not what agencies can use.
  • Question
    How do I submit to be a model?
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach.
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    Some agencies no longer hold open calls and only screen through emails. For instance, all of Los Angeles modeling is done through online submissions.
  • Question
    How can you become a model with no experience?
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach.
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    Do your research, plan accordingly, and take advice as you go. Sometimes, people are fed the wrong information, which leads down the wrong path. It all comes down to researching, knowing what you're doing, and knowing how to put yourself out there.
  • Question
    Can I be a model and still go to school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can be a model and still go to school. If you're fully committed to being a model, you'll have to make time for modeling. Getting your education is very important even if you plan to be a model.
  • Question
    What should my workout routine include when I'm a model?
    Community Answer
    It will usually involve something like this: Use the treadmill for about 15 minutes a day, some model agencies prefer some muscle on the girl/boy models, so get about 30 minutes of going to the gym and lifting weights. You might also consider about 20 minutes of yoga. Cycling, swimming and jogging can be helpful too, if you have time and sufficient energy on your low calorie intake.
  • Question
    Can you be younger than 15 to model? If so, what are the requirements?
    Community Answer
    You can be younger than 15 but the kid's market is your target and there will be many requirements to ensure your safety and well-being, such as parental accompaniment, continued schooling and fitting into set work hours beyond which you cannot work.
  • Question
    Do I have to have a pretty face in order to become amodel?
    Community Answer
    Not at all! You don't have to have a pretty face, or even an attractive body, in order to become a model. The things you need to achieve your dreams, are: drive, passion, and confidence.
  • Question
    How do I break into the modeling world for the first time?
    Community Answer
    Get photos from a professional shoot, contact agencies, and attend open calls until you get a response. Create a profile on an online modeling platform. Get a reputable agency or experienced model to look out for you, since there are people who take advantage of young models.
  • Question
    I have braces; do I still have a chance of being a model?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    There are still modeling agencies that will accept your application even with braces.
  • Question
    Can I still be a model if I have scars on my legs?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. In a lot of modeling jobs, you're wearing pants. A lot of jobs also just take shots from the waist up.
  • Question
    What is the most difficult thing about being a model?
    Community Answer
    Models face constant rejection, uneven work, and constant criticism of their appearance. If you don't have a thick skin and a backup plan, this field might not be for you.
  • Question
    What are the age restrictions placed on modeling?
    Community Answer
    While there really aren't any age restrictions, you can model at whatever age, some countries and agencies are putting restrictions on younger runway models due to unhealthy eating patterns among such young models. Models tend to have a peak time between the ages of 14 to early twenties for high end fashion (runway, magazine, etc.) but things are changing dramatically, with models in their 80s now making a comeback too and everyone else in between reflecting the reality that consumers exist at all ages. It really depends on the sort of modeling you're aiming to do.
  • Question
    Are there modeling opportunities for petite women?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Not everyone has to be 5'8 or taller to be a model. Editorial models can be shorter than that, also alternative or promotional models can be any size depending on the job. And petite range clothes petite women!
  • Question
    How tall do I have to be to be a model?
    Community Answer
    While there are models of every size, high fashion models are typically at least 5'8" tall.
  • Question
    How do I eat like a model?
    Community Answer
    If you want to achieve the ultra-thin look and stay healthy, advice from a registered dietitian (RD) is invaluable. Stay skeptical of advice from nutritionists (a term that requires no certification in the US) and don't trust anything you get from a magazine.
  • Question
    What can I say if I'm asked by a photographer what my long term expectations are?
    Community Answer
    Be honest. If you're seriously considering a modeling career, tell them so. If not, tell them your specific goals.
  • Question
    Could I be a model although I have pimples?
    Community Answer
    Use makeup or use like green or purple primer and concealer over it. If the pimples are severe and ongoing, get help from a dermatologist as they will affect your chances at getting modeling work.
  • Question
    Will having some scars prevent me from becoming a model?
    Community Answer
    Given that appearance is a big deal in modeling, it is quite possible that the scars will affect your ability. It will depend on what type of model you're planning on becoming and where the scar is. In some cases, it might be viewed as a desirable quirk but it isn't guaranteed. Talk to a modeling agency to get their perspective on it and to find out whether using makeup will deal with any issues.
  • Question
    Do I have to be tall and skinny to be a model?
    Community Answer
    To model on a runway or magazine cover, yes, almost always. The good news is, there are many other types of modeling! From television commercials to glamour photography, there are many niches where a wider array of body types is desirable.
  • Question
    Is a person with short hair less likely to get a modeling job?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what the client is looking for. Some clients want models with long hair, while others want models with pixie cuts. Having short hair certainly doesn't decrease the possibility of becoming a successful model.
  • Question
    How can a shy person become confident in the modeling industry?
    Community Answer
    When you get into the modeling industry you will receive many compliments which will boost your confidence.
  • Question
    What kind of healthy food do I have to eat to become a model?
    Community Answer
    You should aim to eat foods high in protein and vitamins, such as an apple or banana. You could also research different foods that have certain nutrients to help with certain parts of your body.
  • Question
    I have a dark complexion. Can I be a model?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you will face more challenges than a light-skinned model, such as (sometimes) having to bring your own makeup. Practices are improving steadily, but they are still far from perfect.
  • Question
    Will it affect your career if you have large feet?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Most of the time, no it won't.
  • Question
    How skinny do I have to be to become a model?
    Community Answer
    There is no specific size you have to be to become a model, and there are models of all weights and shapes at different agencies.
  • Question
    If I became an alternative model doing nudes, would it best to have a stage name to protect my private information and life?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is a great idea. You don't want any bad stories leaking out, as the fashion world is not very forgiving.
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