Q&A for How to Become a Self Taught Gymnast

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    I'm scared of doing either one of these tricks. What can help?
    Community Answer
    Try getting a spotter to help. Stretch every day and watch other people doing the particular skill, including using videos. Think about yourself mastering the skill. If it still doesn't help, say to yourself: "I'll be great at this", as a personal pep talk. Finally, take it gradually -- you are not going to master any single skill, let alone all of the skills, in any hurry. All of this takes time, patience and dedication.
  • Question
    How can I do gymnastics without a mat or carpet?
    Community Answer
    Do it on grass. You can still do gymnastics but it would be safer to do it in grass.
  • Question
    How can I get started if I'm scared and weak?
    Community Answer
    Practice by doing pull ups, push ups, planks, etc. Doing these basic exercises will help build your muscle and your confidence as well.
  • Question
    What if I am not able to do those things even though I keep trying?
    Community Answer
    Nothing is achievable without a lot of trying and everything is achievable with a lot of trying. Practice gymnastics for at least one hour every day (no cheating like skipping Friday and doing 2 hours on Saturday) Use other wikiHow articles on gymnastics to broaden your understanding and routines. It is possible to become an elite gymnast starting off with online courses, wikiHow articles and YouTube videos first, and then local classes followed by private lessons and coaches.
  • Question
    What if no one can spot me?
    Community Answer
    It is true, there are times when no one will spot you or you do not want other people around when you are learning the skills. That is all right for some tricks. Try to learn the handstand against a wall. Learn your walkovers by using a raised surface for your feet. (Get into the bridge position, put your feet up on the raised surface and do the walkover from there. Use a trampoline for the other skills first, then try them on grass or a carpet. It is best not to do them on tiles or other hard surfaces as it is hard on the body and could result in injury. At least have a phone nearby in case you need to call someone in an emergency.
  • Question
    What if I cannot buy the proper materials?
    Community Answer
    You can use something soft, like grass, carpet or an air mattress, to protect your body if you fall.
  • Question
    I'm doing these steps one by one, but I'm stuck on step 6; I can't seem to do a backwards roll. How can I do it?
    Community Answer
    If you're not going completely backwards, try putting something small like a scrunchie or toilet paper roll under your chin. If it falls out, you know that you're not tucking in your chin.
  • Question
    What if I am scared I am going to fall and break something?
    Community Answer
    If you are scared then build up your strength and skills to help you build up. Always have a spotter. Being scared is part of life, so get used to it.
  • Question
    How do I do my handstand without falling?
    Community Answer
    Practice doing it against a wall or getting someone to hold your ankles. Make sure you have a strong core and arms to keep you balanced.
  • Question
    What If I don't own a trampoline?
    Community Answer
    You can go to a gymnastics gym near you, or ask a friend of family member that has a trampoline if you can practice on theirs.
  • Question
    How do you stand and walk on your hands?
    Community Answer
    You should start by doing a handstand against the wall and then, try doing it out in the open. And if you can do that, then try walking. If you don't have mats then do it on the grass.
  • Question
    What if I don't have time?
    Community Answer
    Work in time around your schedule and ask for days off. Or, consider a different form of exercise.
  • Question
    What if I'm scared, I'm busy with another sport, my mom won't take me to the open gym, and I don't have a spotter?
    Community Answer
    You can try your best to study on your own, but to progress to a level wherein you can compete, you will need training. If you can find a friend who is also interested in gymnastics, that will be helpful.
  • Question
    How do I safely do a split?
    Community Answer
    Make sure to stretch every day, and slowly push yourself down. The second you feel pain, move up a little, stay 5 more seconds and stop. Make sure you have a spotter.
  • Question
    How can I gain the confidence to do a handstand alone?
    Kimberly Kim
    Community Answer
    Practice doing a handstand in front of a bed so that you'll fall backwards onto it instead of the floor. Continue practicing until you are ready to practice one with a wall behind you and a pillow under your head. Continue to practice until you're ready to do a handstand alone. Don't forget to stretch!
  • Question
    How can I overcome nervousness and lack of confidence when I am around other gymnasts?
    Community Answer
    Give yourself little reminders of how hard you have worked and how good you are. You could repeat positive thoughts in your head, or even write them on notecards to keep in your gym bag for when you need a little boost. Also remember that even professional gymnasts get nervous sometimes. Channel that energy into doing your very best.
  • Question
    How can I do gymnastics at home?
    Community Answer
    You could possibly buy some equipment off Ebay or Amazon so you can build a home gym. You could also coach yourself with tutorials online.
  • Question
    What if I don't have a spotter or trampoline and my mom won't take me to the gym?
    Community Answer
    Find a soft object to do gymnastics on, like grass, and start with easier skills, such as a hand stand.
  • Question
    I'm afraid to do a back handspring. I have a trampoline, if that helps. None of my friends can help me and my mom won't take me to the gym. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try doing a back walkover first, then slowly start to try and bounce back on your hands.
  • Question
    What if I get hurt but can't yell for help?
    Community Answer
    If you're trying a new skill, get someone to help you. Only do skills that are solid and easy on your own.
  • Question
    What if you don't have a spot or a trampoline?
    Community Answer
    Enlist a friend or a family member to spot you before you try any tumbling.
  • Question
    I'm a very good self-taught gymnast, but when I do a cartwheel I keep bending my left leg. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Try going up against a wall or a couch armrest, and do a side split in a handstand. Try to keep your legs straight while in that position.
  • Question
    What if my arms are too short and I can't touch my toes?
    Community Answer
    Try to go down as low as you can. If you can only touch your knee, it is still stretching out the muscle the same way touching your toes would.
  • Question
    What if I don't have grass to practice on?
    Community Answer
    You can practice on the carpet or on another soft material, so that you do not hurt yourself when you are practicing.
  • Question
    How do I learn to do a walkover?
    Community Answer
    if you want do to a front walkover, go into a handstand and slowly kick your legs over your head. If you want to do a back walkover, go into the backbend and kick your legs over your head. Be patient, it takes time.
  • Question
    Is it too late to be a really good gymnast? I started gymnastics at six but had to quit a year later. Now I am 14 and I love gymnastics. I practice a lot at home.
    Community Answer
    You can still become a great gymnast. You might be a bit behind the pack for professional gymnastics, but you can still do it as a hobby or skill.
  • Question
    I know it takes time to build muscle strength, but what are the most effective and fast ways to build muscle without any equipment at home?
    Community Answer
    Do bodyweight exercises, like push ups, curl ups, planks and leg raises, and follow along to workout videos online.
  • Question
    This is really hard for me and I don't think I can do it. Can I have some encouragement?
    Community Answer
    Every master starts as an amateur. Try thinking, "How would I think about how I feel right now if I were a world class gymnast?"
  • Question
    I cannot kick over from my backbend. Any tips?
    Community Answer
    If you have a trampoline, you can try bouncing over, and if not, try pushing your legs up a wall.
  • Question
    I am scared to do a back handspring and I don't have a trampoline. I have a sister to spot me, but she doesn't know how to. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's not safe to do it without training or attempting using a spotter who doesn't know how. Consider signing up for gymnastics, go to an open gym and get spotted, or ask around to see if there's someone who does know how to properly spot a back handspring.
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