How to Learn to Say No
Q&A for How to Block Emails
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QuestionHow do I block junk email?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can often unsubscribe from junk email ––look for an unsubscribe option at the base of the email. Or, you can set your mail filter to dispose of certain email addresses instantly upon arrival. For Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook, specific instructions on blocking junk mail can be found here: How to Block Junk Mail .
QuestionHow do I block an email address on my phone?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe method will depend on the type of phone you have. For example, you can get help with blocking emails on an iPhone here: How to Block an Email Address on an iPhone .
QuestionHow do you stop unwanted emails?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou have several options here. First, you could send an email to or call the sender and ask for the emails to stop; this would be most appropriate where you have a friendly relationship with the sender and they’re just sending annoying jokes or other distracting mails. Second, you can unsubscribe from the emails; this is the standard approach for stopping emails from companies, websites, media outlets, etc. Third, you can block the sender; this is best where you’ve tried other avenues but the emails keep arriving or where the sender is being a nuisance or the emails are unwanted. Finally, if the sender is being abusive, threatening or is trying to scam you, consider speaking to the police; you might also consider contacting your ISP to see if they can help.
QuestionCan I block someone from emailing me?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, you can usually block someone from emailing you but the method required to do so depends on which service you’re using. The article above explains how to block someone on Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and iCloud, which are some of the more popular email providers. Check the Help section of your email provider if you’re not sure how to block an incoming address.
QuestionHow can I stop an email that I sent to someone? Is there a measure I can take to prevent me from contacting a person if I am not strong enough on my own?Community AnswerFind someone else to occupy your time and thoughts. Usually you cannot stop it once it's sent, at least not easily, and definitely not once the person has opened it. So make drafts without the address attached to let you get the urge to write them out of your system but then sleep on them and bin them the next morning. Often you'll see sense the next day.
QuestionHow can I block spam to Windows Live Mail from Tumblr?Community AnswerIs it a user or just feed? If you just want to stop receiving emails such as newsletters, there should be an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. If it is a particular user, try blocking that user on Tumblr. What email service are you using? Try asking your email provider what their recommended method is.
QuestionHow do I get rid of an e-mail that is repeatedly keeping incoming mail from being loaded?Community AnswerUnsubscribe from the e-mail address (there should be a hyper-link labeled "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of the e-mail) and delete the e-mail. If that doesn't work, try restarting the application through which you are viewing your mail, or restart your computer or cell phone entirely.
QuestionHow do I block someone through the mail app on my Mac if I have a Gmail account?R2_d2000Top AnswererBlock them through the Gmail web interface, this will stop the mail from reaching your Mac.
QuestionI want to block email in my spam account on my iPhone 7 plus. How do I do this?Community AnswerYou cannot block them via your iPhone. However, if your email can be reached via a computer, you should be able to block spam account emails there. This will also stop them from coming to your iPhone.
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