Q&A for How to Bridge an Amplifier

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    How do I bridge a subwoofer in a car?
    Steven Racz
    A/V Expert
    Steven Racz is an Audio, Video, & Automation Expert and Owner at Altitude Audio Video based in Littleton, Colorado. With over 15 years of professional experience, Steven and his team of technicians specialize in installing residential and commercial audio systems, theater design and installation, Josh Ai voice & control systems, and Control4 automation. At Altitude Audio Video, they strive to tailor the perfect system for your needs.
    A/V Expert
    Expert Answer
    So if you have two subwoofers and a four-channel amp, four channels can be bridged to two channels. Another example is that if you have a two-channel amp with one subwoofer, you could bridge both of the channels for one subwoofer. Typically, the amp will stay on it and be bridgeable, meaning that you'll use one positive and one negative from the two different channels being brought into one.
  • Question
    How can I play two speakers on one amp using bridged mode?
    Community Answer
    You will need a 4 channel amp to run 2 speakers in bridged mode. Typically the speakers will be hooked to the positive side of one channel and the negative side of another thus bridging the channels, but this is not always the case. Look for the diagram near the speaker connects to see how yours is bridged. Once the speakers are hooked up, there will be a switch marked Stereo, Mono, or Bridged. Set this to Bridged.
  • Question
    Can I connect one dual-coil speaker to a four-channel amplifier?
    Community Answer
    Surely - this is possible. Simply handle the two voice coils like they were from two separate speakers. (And like the description of "Method 2".) Don`t interchange their connections (+ of one vc to - of another). But beware: you'd better feed the four channels with the same signal (which means: all inputs fed from the same source,mono, not stereo), and surely not 4 different signals ("quadrophonic"), to get best results. Treat the voice coil's terminals as they're marked, + as +, - as -.
  • Question
    How do I bridge my CD player to 2 separate stereo receivers?
    Community Answer
    If your CD player has a line output, you are not going to be able to bridge it. Only amplifiers can be bridged. You are only spltting the audio signal into your receivers and you will need a splitter for that.
  • Question
    Can I bridge the four-channel amp like the two-channel amp?
    Community Answer
    If your amplifier is able to do that, you can bridge the two in each pair together.
  • Question
    Can you show an image on how to bridge the wires on subs?
    Kevin McGuire
    Community Answer
    This is a simple, and requires no image. Take one negative to one positive on each sub. Then run the other positive and negative to the box. You can also reduce the ohms further by bridging it at the amp.
  • Question
    Can I connect two woofers to a two channel amplifier?
    Dimitrios Hloros-Diehl
    Community Answer
    Yes, simply connect the left woofer’s positive to the positive of the left channel on the amp and then do the same for the negative. Repeat the process for the right woofer and the right channel of your amp, positive to positive and negative to negative.
  • Question
    What is crossover frequency?
    Community Answer
    The crossover frequency is the point in the graph of frequencies at which the "roll off" is started. It indicates the point at which you would normally have your amplifier for your main speakers start being full power.
  • Question
    How do I bridge an amplifier with two mid range speakers and a subwoofer? It is a 4 channel amplifier.
    Community Answer
    Use channels 1 and 2 for main Left and Right and bridge the remaining channels for the subwoofer.
  • Question
    How can I connect 2 woofers to a 4 channel amp?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can either connect your first woofer to. For example, channel 1 and your second woofer to channel 2 or bridge your first woofer to channels 1 & 2 and then bridge your second woofer to channels 3 & 4.
  • Question
    How do I bridge three subwoofers to a four channel amp to get the most power?
    Community Answer
    Bridge 2 channels to one of the subs and then 1 channel to each of your other subs, otherwise you have to merge all of your channels then split them which could be harmful to your amp.
  • Question
    How do I bridge an amplifier? How do I determine the amount of power needed?
    Community Answer
    Find the RMS wattage of your speaker and your amplifier. And try to match them. You should only bridge your amplifier if it is half or less than half the RMS of your speaker.
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