Q&A for How to Calculate Standard Deviation

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    What is the standard deviation of 10 samples with a mean of 29.05?
    Community Answer
    Depends on the 10 samples of data. If all ten numbers were 29.05 then the standard deviation would be zero. Standard deviation is a measure of how much the data deviates from the mean.
  • Question
    How do I calculate the standard deviation of 5 samples with the mean of 26?
    Community Answer
    You take the average of 26 and 5, divide by b squared and multiply by deviation equation constant.
  • Question
    How do I find the standard deviation of 10 samples with a mean of 29.05?
    Community Answer
    Take each sample and subract the mean. Next, square each result, getting rid of the negative. Add the 10 results and divide the sun by 10 - 1 or 9. That is the standard deviation.
  • Question
    What is the minimum number of samples needed or preferred to make a standard deviation valid?
    Community Answer
    It is usually preferred to have at least five samples when conducting standard deviation.
  • Question
    The number of students in five classes are 46, 54, 42, 46 and 32. What is the range? What is the standard deviation? Why do we prefer the standard deviation to the range?
    Community Answer
    Range is 22; standard deviation is 19. Standard deviation is preferred because more data falls within the standard deviation than the range.
  • Question
    How do I find the range and standard deviation of a group of numbers?
    Community Answer
    Find the range or mean by adding all the numbers and dividing by the total sample. Then subtract 1 from the number and divide by the mean, and you'll get the variance. Then square root the variance, and that is the standard deviation.
  • Question
    How can I calculate standard deviation from height and weight?
    Community Answer
    Convert height in inches to a decimal (e.g. 4"/12"=.33) and follow the steps above. So a person that is 6'4" is 6.33 in pure numerical terms.
  • Question
    How do I find the standard deviation of 10 samples with a mean of 38.5?
    Community Answer
    Standard deviation is the square root of variance, but variance is given by mean, so divide by number of samples. That is : 38.5/10 = 3.58. But standard deviation equals the square root of variance, so SD = the square root of 3.85 which is 1.96.
  • Question
    How do I count standard deviation if I have 13 digits?
    Community Answer
    You still do the same process. N would be 13; you would find the sum of the numbers, then divide it by 13 to get the mean. Then follow Method 2 onward.
  • Question
    What is the mean of 2+4+1+50+14, as well as their variance and standard deviation?
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  • Question
    Given the following scores compute the mean, standard deviations, and variances. a.22,23,35,45,37,50
    Community Answer
    Add all the numbers up and divide by 6 to find the mean. Then subtract 6 from each of the scores. Square each difference. Add them up. Divide by (6 - 1) or 5. That's your variance. Find the square root of the variance to get your standard deviation.
  • Question
    What is the standard deviation of 7,8,9,10,11,12,13?
    Community Answer
    Add all the numbers up and divide by 7. You get 10. That's the mean. Now subtract 10 from each of the terms. You get -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and 3. Square each of those terms to get 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4, and 9. Add them up to get 28. 7 - 1 = 6. 28/6 is reduced to 14/3. That's the variance. Then take the square root of 14/3, which is 2.16. That's the standard deviation.
  • Question
    What are the variance and standard deviation of this data: 11, 8, 7, 14, 8, 12, 15, 6, 12, 12, 8, 10, 10, 11, 8, 9 and 15?
    Community Answer
    You will need to find the mean. Then subtract the mean from each of the numbers and square the differences. Then divide by (n - 1). (n is the number of numbers in the data set). That's the variance. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
  • Question
    what is the and standard deviation of 38, 40,12 and10
    Community Answer
    Find the mean by adding 38 and 40 and 12 and 10. You get 106. Divide 106 by 4 (n) to get a mean of 26.5. Then 38 - 26.5 = 14.5, 40 - 26.5 = 14.5, 12 - 26.5 = -14.5, and 10 - 14.5 = -4.5. Then square everything and add them. You get 651. The variance is n - 1. 4 - 1 = 3. 651/3 = 217. The square root of 217 is 14.7 approximately, so there's the answer.
  • Question
    What is the standard deviation of the number of spots that appears when a dice is rolled?
    Community Answer
    So the possible outcomes of a die are {1,2,3,4,5,6} Here n=6 Mean=(1+2+3+4+5+6)/6 = 21/6 =3.5 Step2: subtract mean from each number 1-3.5= -2.5 2-3.5= -1.5 3-3.5=-0.5 4-3.5=0.5 5-3.5=1.5 6-3.5=2.5 STEP3: Square each number and add (-2.5)²+(-1.5)²+(-0.5)²+(0.5)²+(1.5)²+(2.5)² =6.25+2.25+0.25+0.25+2.25+6.25 =17.5 Step 4: divide sum by (n-1) to find variance 17.5÷5 = 3.5 Step5: std deviation is sq root of variance √3.5 =1.871
  • Question
    Which equation would I use to find the standard deviation from the variance, when the standard deviation is 2.19 and the variance is 4.8?
    Community Answer
    No equation is needed. Simply take square root of variance √4.8 = 2.19. You can try solving few more such questions and compare the results with some online standard deviation calculator.
  • Question
    What if the numbers I'm subtracting from are larger than itself?
    Community Answer
    You can consider it positive or negative, and it won't make a difference since in the next step it will get squared (squares of all numbers are positive).
  • Question
    Is it possible to have a negative standard deviation?
    Community Answer
    No, a standard deviation is the square root of variance and therefore it can never be a negative.
  • Question
    What's the difference between standard deviation and variance?
    Community Answer
    Standard deviation is the squarer oot of variance, variance is labelled as σ^2 while standard deviation is labelled as σ.
  • Question
    How do I calculate standard deviation of a single number?
    Community Answer
    The standard deviation would be 0 or X, as the difference between one number is nothing.
  • Question
    Can my standard deviation be a zero?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If all of your samples are the same, then your standard deviation can be zero.
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