Q&A for How to Calculate a Square Root by Hand

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    Is 28 a perfect number?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. A "perfect" number is a positive integer which is the sum of all of its positive divisors (except itself). Thus, 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14.
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    What is the square root of 0.000121?
    Community Answer
    .011. If you are calculating it by hand, here's what to do: 121's sqrt is 11. To get .000121, you simply find an amount of 0's after the decimal point and the number 11 afterwards. Then multiply by itself. .011*.011= .000121.
  • Question
    Can I write the cube root of x as (1/x)^1/3?
    Top Answerer
    No, it's (x)^1/3.
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    What is the square root of negative eight?
    Top Answerer
    It is the "imaginary" number 2i√2.
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    How do I solve the BODMAS rule?
    Top Answerer
    BODMAS is an acronym to help you remember the proper order of operations in evaluating an algebraic expression. B means "brackets": do everything inside brackets, braces or parentheses first; O means "orders" (powers and roots); DM means "divide and multiply" (left to right); and finally, AS means "add and subtract" (also left to right).
  • Question
    What is the square root of 169?
    Top Answerer
    √169 = 13.
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    How do I solve 3.5^3/2?
    Top Answerer
    First cube 3.5, then find the square root of that number.
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    Can you provide some quicker and easier methods for when an exam is in two hours, not two days?
    Community Answer
    Take a quiz on the internet regarding about that topic. Try to solve examples given by your instructor.
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    What is the square root of 196?
    Top Answerer
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    How I can solve square roots in an easier way?
    Top Answerer
    Use a calculator. Otherwise, you're stuck with the method shown above.
  • Question
    I tried 354.8 and I got an incorrect answer. Should I add a zero at the end?
    Community Answer
    At the end of the eight you must place a zero next to it. No matter what, your number must be separated in pairs starting from the decimal place, evaluate it as 354.80, and break up the pairs as follows: 3,54,80 etc and keep adding pairs of zeroes after 80. Don't forget to place the decimal place properly in your solution, and be sure to not include the decimal when you are doubling the solution to find the next digit.
  • Question
    How do you calculate the square root of 18,100?
    Community Answer
    Without a calculator, you would go through the process of estimation: we know that 100² = 10,000, so the answer is well above 100. 150² = 22,500, so that's too high. 140² = 19,600, so we're getting closer. 135² = 18,225, so we're really close. 134² = 17,956, so that's a little low. 134.5² =18,090.25, still just a little low. 134.6² = 18,117.16, so the answer is slightly less than halfway between the last two guesses. 134.54² = 18,101, so with a bit more estimating, we can say that √18,100 is approximately 134.537. This process can involve a great deal of multiplication. That's why it's nice to have a calculator.
  • Question
    Whats the square root of 10005?
    Community Answer
    Let's assume you want to do this by hand. We know that the square root of 10,000 is 100. Therefore, the number we're looking for is slightly above 100. By trial and error we discover that 100.01 is too low and that 100.02 is just slightly low. If we square 100.025, we find that that's just perfect.
  • Question
    What is the square root of 441?
    Community Answer
    The square root of 441 is 21 because 21 x 21 is equal to 441. 21 x 20 is 420, and 21 x 1 = 21. 420 + 21 = 441.
  • Question
    Community Answer
    The square root of 25 is 5. The square root of 16 is 4. The square root of 9 is there. 5 + 4 + 9 = 18.
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    What is the square root of 2.6?
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    What is the answer of 5^(1/10)? How to calculate it manually?
    Top Answerer
    It's doubtful that anyone has ever been able to calculate the tenth root of 5 manually. It would take a computer to do that.
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    How do I find log 0.897?
    Top Answerer
    Consult a logarithm table or simply ask a search engine.
  • Question
    How do I solve square root of x over 1200. That is, the square root of the fraction?
    Top Answerer
    √(x / 1200) = √x / √1200 = √x / 34.64.
  • Question
    How do you put square root in algebra calculator and what is the sqare root of 16?
    Top Answerer
    Most calculators come with a square root key. √16 = 4.
  • Question
    Is this faster than Newton's method?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, in most cases.
  • Question
    Is zero considered a perfect square?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Because zero is considered an integer (a whole number), its square (which is also zero) is called a "perfect square."
  • Question
    Is there an easier method to calculate square roots by hand, cause it's kinda hard?
    Top Answerer
    There is no easier method that is as accurate as the above method. "Newton's method" is superficially easier, but it is generally slower and usually less accurate.
  • Question
    Is 980 a perfect square?
    Top Answerer
    No. "Perfect square" means the square of a whole number. 980 is the square of 31.304951.
  • Question
    Square root of 6401.12?
    Community Answer
    The answer is approximately 80.007. For square roots of decimals, you can always use a calculator.
  • Question
    If roots over 15 equal to 3.88, how to show that roots over 5/3 equal to 1.293?
    Ayden Bales
    Community Answer
    The square root of 5/3 is equivalent to the square root of 5 divided by the square root of 3. If you calculate these square roots you will find that the square root of 5/3 is 2.24/1.73 or about 1.291.
  • Question
    If I were to use this method for other radicals such as cube roots, would I just find three perfect factors instead of two?
    Community Answer
    No, you cannot use this method for solving cube roots. If you are solving cube roots, it is better to use a different method or to use you calculator.
  • Question
    I have looked all over the web and haven't found how to solve radical 10. How do I do it?
    Community Answer
    Draw a tree diagram first and you find out all of the factors of 10. 10- 2,5. If there are doubles of factors, you but one of the number on the outside. Is there are no repeats of a number, it is the simplest it can be. In the case √10 is the simplest that it can be.
  • Question
    What is the square root of 12, is it 3.4?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, approximately.
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    What is the square root 81 plus squre root 25?
    Top Answerer
    √81 + √25 = 9 + 5 = 14.
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