Q&A for How to Celebrate Shabbat

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    What do I do on Sunday during Shabbat?
    Community Answer
    Sunday isn't a part of Shabbat, so you just treat it like a normal weekday.
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    If making fire is prohibited, why are candles allowed?
    Community Answer
    The candles must be lit before or at the start of the Shabbat, not during. It's not the light itself that's prohibited, but the act of kindling the candle, as it's considered a form of work.
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    Do you always have to eat kosher if you are Jewish?
    Community Answer
    Not all Jews practice as observantly as others, therefore some don't ever eat kosher, but some always do. You have to decide what's best for you.
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    Am I allowed to drive my car on Shabbat?
    Community Answer
    Everyone celebrates Shabbat differently. Some more observant Jews wouldn't drive during Shabbat, but many less strict ones do.
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    If a lady is divorced, does she light one candle or two?
    Community Answer
    If she has kids, she lights for each of them, and according to Halakha, she still lights two candles, not one.
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    How do I find out if I'm Jewish? I was told I'm Jewish after my mother's passing.
    Community Answer
    Talk to whoever knew your mother, as well as to a rabbi. You also could try tracing your lineage on your mother's side.
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    What if I can't afford all the food?
    Community Answer
    Not everything you eat has to be strictly kosher, and you don't have to celebrate Shabbat at all if you don't want to. Not everything has to be perfect.
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    Why can't you turn on lights during Shabbat?
    Community Answer
    Turning on a light is like making a fire, and on the day of Shabbat, we rest.
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    What do Messianic Jewish people do for Shabbat?
    Tamerah Leigh Duncan
    Community Answer
    Sabbath is upheld on the commonly known day, Saturday. Friday is preparation day for Saturday regarding grocery shopping, cooking, chores, work, etc. so that Friday at sunset we can begin observing the Sabbath. Some do traditional things to commemorate the beginning and ending of the Sabbath like Jew brethren do (matzoh for Passover and unleavened feasts used as substitute for kitka, as we also keep the feasts and eat kosher). We abstain from worldly influences and our own desires to focus on the word of God by attending Bible study, praying and singing songs. Some spend time sharing a lunch with brethren or visiting family afterward.
  • Question
    When do we turn off the candles during the Shabbat?
    Community Answer
    Most Jews let the candles burn out and do not blow them out. For electrical candles, If you observe the prohibition against using electricity, you will want to either leave them on until Shabbat is over or use a lamp timer to have them turn off after you go to bed. Using a lamp timer is not against Jewish law because the prohibition is not against having electricity, but is against switching things on and off/ changing the electricity.
  • Question
    When are the activities done? I need to make a timeline.
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    18 minutes before sundown, you light Shabbat candles. Jews then typically go to synagogue. Depending on the service, this may take 1 - 2 hours. Afterward, there is the Friday night meal. Morning services (Shacharit and Mussaf) may range from 8:30 - 1:00 AM, for example. After this there is a kiddush at the shul, followed by a meal at home. This is followed by studying or socializing. The afternoon service may take place 1 - 2 hours before sunset, followed by the "third meal" at some synagogues or homes. The evening prayers are then recited, followed by Havdalah approximately 1 hour after sunset.
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