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Q&A for How to Change Your Wi Fi Password
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QuestionWhat should I do if I don't have a computer?Community AnswerOpen any web explorer in your handheld device and enter the url in the search bar provided.
QuestionHow can I find my router's password?Community AnswerIf it has not been changed, it should be on the manual or on the router itself. If it has been changed, and the original/factory password doesn't work, then you need to reset it. You can do this by pressing the small, red reset button on the router. Note that this will reset ALL settings to their default positions.
QuestionHow many times can I change my WiFi password in year?Community AnswerYou can technically change your WiFi password as many times as you want in a year. How many times you choose to do it depends on how secure you want your network to be. If you want to keep it really secure, you might choose to change your password as much as once a month. However, you should also consider convenience when making your decision. Every time you change your password on your router, you'll also have to enter the new password on all the devices that regularly connect to your network.
QuestionI forgot my old password. Can I enter a new password and use WiFi?Community AnswerNo, you generally need to log in with your existing password first before changing the password. See How to Find Your WiFi Password when You Forgot It if you need help.
QuestionI can't open my router's configuration page. What should I do?Community AnswerGo to google and then search for "MY IP". Then google will show you an ip address. Copy it and paste it in your browser's url column and press enter. Then it will ask your for a username and password. By default, both are "admin". Type those and you can log in. (You should be connected to the wifi from that router.) Then go to the settings page and look for PRE SHARED KEY. That is the wifi password. Just change it.
QuestionWhat if I have forgotten the password?Shubham TomarCommunity AnswerPush the reset button on the router for 30 to 40 seconds and the router will reset to default, then you can use the default password on your router.
QuestionWhat is the password of the login admin?Community AnswerTry any of the following: admin, changem, or password. Some routers don't require a password, so you could also try leaving it blank. As a last resort, you could check your router; it will most likely have the default admin password written on the back or on the bottom.
QuestionI clicked the wrong setting and the WiFi has gone. What can I do to remedy this?Community AnswerPress the reset button on the router (small, red). This will reset everything.
QuestionCan visitors to your home access your WiFi automatically, and what happens to their access (if any) after they leave your home?Community AnswerThe only way visitors can access it automatically is if you have no password enabled, or if they've received the password prior and successfully logged into the network. Once they leave, the connection will be remembered and will attempt to connect the next time visitors are at your house. If you change your WiFi password, however, they will be unable to automatically connect/reconnect.
QuestionWhat do I do if I get a message saying the site can't be reached when I try to change my WiFi password?Community AnswerThis means that you are offline, or that the IP you inserted in the search bar is invalid. Consider using a LAN cable (if you are using a computer) and typing the IP in the search bar anew. If you have just hit the reset button on your router (referred to as modem in some places), give it some time. Most likely it's just loading.
QuestionCan a visiting guest with my WiFi password access my credit card accounts through my messages?Community AnswerNo, this doesn't make any sense. No one can access your credit card through online messages unless you explicitly wrote your credentials there. Regarding your WiFi password, it just allows the guest to access the internet in your home.
QuestionHow can I get the password without going to AnswererYou can check your device's menus to see if it is saved. If you haven't changed it, then you can find the password on a sticker on the router. If you have changed the password, and none of your devices have it saved, then the only way to get the password is by going to that address.
QuestionHow do I change my Wi-Fi password on my iPhone?Top AnswererYour iPhone should ask you for the new password when it realizes that the old one is no longer valid. If you are asking how to change the password from your phone, then you can probably download an app to configure the router. Check the router's setup guide to see what app you need.
QuestionHow can I change the authentication username and password from the default "admin"? (Not the Wi-Fi password.)Top AnswererTypically, this setting will be under the advanced settings under something like "admin" or "login" password. You can check your router's manual for more detailed instructions. The manual normally does not come with the router, but it can be found online. Do note that some routers don't allow you to change the username, but every router will let you change the password.
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