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Q&A for How to Change a Sentence from Active Voice to Passive Voice
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QuestionHow do you write in passive voice?Richard Perkins is a Writing Coach, Academic English Coordinator, and the Founder of PLC Learning Center. With over 24 years of education experience, he gives teachers tools to teach writing to students and works with elementary to university level students to become proficient, confident writers. Richard is a fellow at the National Writing Project. As a teacher leader and consultant at California State University Long Beach's Global Education Project, Mr. Perkins creates and presents teacher workshops that integrate the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the K-12 curriculum. He holds a BA in Communications and TV from The University of Southern California and an MEd from California State University Dominguez Hills.Well, word choices are everything! Try to describe actions with more powerful synonyms whenever possible. For example, "The boy heard a loud sound and became scared" is an okay sentence, but "The explosion rocketed the room and the boy hid under his bed" sounds better. Why? Because the word explosion makes it loud and tells me it is dangerous.
QuestionWhat is the passive voice of; "Mark changes the flat tire?"Community Answer"The flat tire is changed by Mark" would be the passive version of that sentence.
QuestionHow do I change, "The teacher will correct the papers"?Community Answer"The papers will be corrected by the teacher" is the passive voice of this sentence.
QuestionHow do I put this sentence in the passive voice: "He said he is a good man"?Community AnswerAre both of the pronouns in the sentence referring to the same person? If so, to change the sentence to the passive voice, you should write "He was said to be a good man by himself." If not, and the sentence refers to two different people, to change it to the passive voice, you would write "He was said to be a good man by him." If you want to leave the phrase "he is a good man" as a direct quote from the subject, you would write "'He is a good man' was said by him(self)."
QuestionHow do I write the passive voice version of "Rama killed Ravana"?Community AnswerYou would write "Ravana was killed by Rama." This shifts the focus of the sentence. Instead of Rama, the subject, acting upon Ravana, Rama is now being acted upon.
QuestionHow do I transform this sentence into passive voice: "Farmers often raise several crops at the same time."Community AnswerIn passive voice, the subject (the farmer, in this example) does not directly do the action (raise crops). In passive voice, the sentence becomes "Several crops are often raised by the farmer."
QuestionHow do I change the sentence "the sum you have been insured for" from passive to active?DonaganTop AnswererThat's not a sentence. It's a clause and therefore has no voice. In other words, there is no main verb.
QuestionHow do I change "I'm going for a bath" into passive voice?Community AnswerThe transition would sound a little awkward because of the verb "going." An easier way to write this sentence in active voice would be "I'm going to take a bath," which in passive voice becomes, "A bath is going to be taken by me."
QuestionHow do I change this sentence, "The sea water has damaged some of the cargo", to the passive voice?Community Answer"Some of the cargo has been damaged by the sea water."
QuestionIs the sentence "Don't go in the sun" written in an active or passive voice?Community AnswerIt's active voice because of an implied subject (you).
QuestionHow can I change the voice in this sentence? "There was a wave of reaction in favor of the story."DonaganTop AnswererThe sentence has no voice, because the verb "was" is a form of "to be."
QuestionWhat is the passive form of the sentence "Who has stolen my purse?"Community AnswerMy purse has been stolen by whom?
QuestionHow can I change this sentence to passive voice? "Social capital brings about benefits to society as a whole."DonaganTop AnswererBenefits to society as a whole are brought about by social capital.
QuestionWhat would be the passive voice of the sentence 'He is dancing'?DonaganTop AnswererDancing is done by him.
QuestionHow can I change the voice of the sentence "pray for me"?DonaganTop AnswererAn imperative sentence (a command) cannot be converted to passive voice. If the sentence were restated as "You pray for me," it could be changed to "I am prayed for by you."
QuestionHow would I change "Do you understand me?"DonaganTop AnswererAm I understood by you?
QuestionHow would I change "You should look for the girl with the broken smile"?DonaganTop AnswererThe girl with the broken smile should be looked for by you.
QuestionHow do I change "he was not given the information he needed"?DonaganTop AnswererThe information he needed was not given to him.
QuestionHow do I change the sentence "You could train your brain that this time in the classroom was for learning'' from active voice to passive voice?DonaganTop AnswererThat sentence is too syntactically convoluted to be converted to passive voice. (If the sentence were "You could train your brain," it could be converted to "Your brain could be trained by you.")
QuestionHow do I change, "Will you convey my regards to all?"DonaganTop AnswererAs either a command or a question, the sentence has no voice. If restated as the active "you will convey my regards to all", it can be changed to the passive "my regards to all will be conveyed by you."
QuestionHow can I change "I am sure the board will have revised this syllabus before the next session" into the passive voice?DonaganTop AnswererBecause the main verb "am" is a form of "to be," it has no direct object, so the sentence is not in active voice and cannot be changed to passive voice.
QuestionWhat is the passive voice for "she went out"?DonaganTop AnswererBecause the verb "went" does not have a direct object, that sentence cannot be changed to passive voice.
QuestionHow do I rewrite "Children make a loud noise" to an active voice?DonaganTop AnswererIt's already in active voice.
QuestionWhat is the passive voice of the sentence, "You may remember receiving a letter from us"?DonaganTop AnswererIt's an awkward usage, but the passive voice is "receiving a letter from us may be remembered by you."
QuestionHow would I change "The men are building the house"?DonaganTop AnswererThe house is being built by the men.
QuestionPakistan expected to win the match. How do I change this into passive voice?Community AnswerThe match was expected to be won by Pakistan.
QuestionHow can I change "Singh was awarded Padma Vibhushan for his astute leadership of the Air Force"?DonaganTop AnswererThat sentence is expressed in passive voice, but the awarder is not identified, and so the sentence cannot be changed to active voice.
QuestionHow would I change, "What did he do with money?"DonaganTop AnswererWhat was done by him with money?
QuestionCan you show me how to convert the following sentence to present perfect passive voice? "He has blamed me."DonaganTop AnswererIt is already in the present perfect tense. To convert to passive voice, it would be "I have been blamed by him."
QuestionHow do I change "What are you doing?" into passive voice?DonaganTop AnswererWhat is being done by you?
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