Q&A for How to Clean Up Your Desk

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    How can I decorate my shelf?
    Community Answer
    You can buy some fairy lights, paint, paper flowers, and other things to personalize the shelf just for you.
  • Question
    How can I make my desk more interesting?
    Community Answer
    You can add some decorations or put some items on it that you like: books, a plant, candles, figurines, a vase, a clock, a globe, a little bowl to keep small items in, a nice lamp - those are just some ideas. If your desk is very basic and you have a lot of plain wall space above it, you can hang a poster, a tapestry, some pictures, a cork board or dry-erase board, and/or a calendar. Just be sure whatever you put there will not distract you from your work or take up too much space.
  • Question
    I have too many things on my desk. I can't get another shelf as I already have two very large ones filled. How do I organize my desk?
    Community Answer
    Try getting some storage bins or drawers to store extra desk items until you have to use them.
  • Question
    How can I get ink stains out of my desk?
    Community Answer
    Soak a cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol, then rub the ink stain with it until the stain comes off. If the ink stain does not come off, try using nail polish remover or acetone instead.
  • Question
    My desk is small, and I have a laptop and a lot of books. How can I organize my desk?
    Community Answer
    You can buy a shelf or a basket and keep your books in it. On top of it you can place your laptop (when not needed). You can keep the basket on the floor or on the desk. This would reduce the amount of space covered by your materials.
  • Question
    My desk is always full of my siblings' stuff. How can I stop them from putting their stuff there without being rude?
    Community Answer
    Is the desk yours, or do you have to share it? If you're expected to share that space, you could make a small pile of your stuff and put a post it note with your name on it on top of the pile. If it's yours and your siblings could be using other desks or surfaces, talk to them politely about clearing their stuff off your desk. If they won't cooperate, you could always get your parents involved.
  • Question
    What do I do with stuff that I don't need but I can't throw away?
    Community Answer
    You can donate the stuff that you don't need or give it to a friend or family member.
  • Question
    How can I stop people from putting things on my chair?
    Community Answer
    You can ask the people putting things on your chair politely to stop, or you can put a note on your chair reminding people not to put things on your chair. If those things don't work, you can simply remove the items and put them where they belong.
  • Question
    How stable is a handmade shelf?
    Community Answer
    As long as the shelf is constructed well and installed correctly, it should be as stable as a store-bought shelf.
  • Question
    Where should I put my makeup?
    Community Answer
    If you use your desk as a vanity and a study desk, you can just put it on your desk. You could also keep your makeup in a plastic bin or organizer in a bathroom drawer.
  • Question
    Where should I put my old pens?
    Community Answer
    You can put them in a pencil holder on your desk if you use them often. Otherwise you should either throw them out or put them in a pencil case. Every once in a while you should check to see if the pens even work, you could be wasting space.
  • Question
    What if I get a new desk?
    Community Answer
    That's great. Just go through everything you have in/on your current desk, get rid of what you don't need, and organize everything you're keeping. Then just transfer all of your supplies, important papers, etc. from the old desk to the new!
  • Question
    How can I take steps to make sure that my clean desk is consistent?
    Community Answer
    Make a daily checklist. Stick to that until it becomes a habit for you to keep a clean desk. If that doesn't work, put notes around your room or on your phone reminding yourself to clean up your desk.
  • Question
    Can I use craft sticks for a pencil case holder or decoration?
    Community Answer
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    My desk doesn't have a lot of space for my books. It and my room are both very small. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You should move things that you don't really need into a big bin or basket and place it in the corner. You could also move your furniture around to create more space.
  • Question
    I have only one drawer in my study table, and I have a laptop and a lot of books, as well as a watch and a pen holder on my desk. How can I organize them properly?
    Community Answer
    Go through the items in your drawer. Organize them in these categories: trash, desk, and other. Try putting your books on a bookshelf or set them on the corner of your desk. Your laptop should go in the middle, then your watch, then your pen holder.
  • Question
    How can I clean up all the little things inside of my desk?
    Community Answer
    Take everything out and go through each thing one by one. Ask yourself: "Do I care about this? Do I use it?" If not, then get rid of it. If so, find a place to keep it other than your desk.
  • Question
    Where do I put other stuff? My father only wants me to have my computer, lamp, pencils and pens on my desk. Where should I put the other things?
    Community Answer
    You can buy storage bins and store them under your desk or beside the desk. Another thing you can do is talk to your father, and tell him why you want more things on your desk, just make sure not to include junk items!
  • Question
    How can I decorate my desk?
    Community Answer
    You can buy all sorts of things from stores, but make sure there not going to distract you. Also you can check out the wikiHow article called ' How To Decorate Your Desk.' It might help.
  • Question
    How do I stop my parents from dumping stuff on my desk? It is usually my stuff, but it is craft supplies, or similar stuff that doesn't have a place to be.
    Eneida Chavez-Theiss
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about it. Once you have it talked over, they might be eager to find a new home for all the miscellaneous stuff on your desk. After all, your desk is your space and if they want you to do well at school, you need a clean space to work on every single day!
  • Question
    I want to have plants in my bedroom, but my mom is saying no. What can I do?
    Top Answerer
    Ask her why not. It is likely she is worried about it being looked after. You could ask about having a low-maintenance plant, such as a cactus. You could also ask about getting a fake plant. They look like real plants, but don't require looking after. Keep your room tidy to prove that you are responsible and can care for a plant.
  • Question
    How can I clean our table so it's more aesthetic?
    Sophey RIchardson
    Top Answerer
    Add plants (fake or real) along with candles, white things, and kawaii items.
  • Question
    What if your annoying siblings keep putting their stuff on your desk?
    Sophey RIchardson
    Top Answerer
    Ask them to politely to leave your room (or wherever your desk is located). If this doesn't work, tell a parent.
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