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Q&A for How to Clear Land
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QuestionCan you clear land yourself?Benjamin Hansen is a Landscape Contractor and the Owner of Artscape Gardens, a boutique landscaping company in Los Angeles, California. With over 12 years of experience, Benjamin specializes in transforming properties into aesthetic, functional, and drought-tolerant oases. Benjamin uses color scheme, dimension, and water conscious spaces to inspire the design and installation of soft scape, hardscape, patios, pathways, irrigation, drainage, fencing, concrete, lighting, and electrical work. Artscape Gardens covers all areas of the C-27 landscape contractor classification.You can. However, a competent landscape contractor should also be able to do everything you need to clear a plot of land. Demolition, haul away, and excavation can be done with bobcats or by hand, depending on the size and terrain of the parcel.
QuestionI own 3 acre of trees, and I need to get rid of all of them. Would it be best to rent a front end loader to push the trees through with the stumps intact?Community AnswerYes, I would rent a front end loader. You probably don't wants stump all over your land and this will give a better, finished look.
QuestionHow do I clear rats off my land?Community AnswerSnakes and cats. I got rid of rats by spreading used kitty litter all over the lot, especially in hiding places like bushes and felled trees. The smell of cat pee freaks them out.
QuestionCan I use a Bobcat S-570 to "push" uncut trees over on my land?Community AnswerYes, first dig around the base of the tree you want to fell. Get as much dirt as you can from around it, but not so deep as to impede access with your Skidsteer. Raise the bucket about 6' off the ground and start pushing the tree, you may have to come at it from several angles to find the one that offers the most purchase. You'll get there, it just takes time and patience. Experience is the best teacher.
QuestionI have a brush clearing weed eater, I have cleared a lot of brush with it. What can I do about the half 1/2 inch to 3 inch tree stubble that is left on the land?Community AnswerI have had tractor and dozer work done in different areas over the years and always end up with broken-off stubble 1-2 ft. off the ground. All I do is come back with a good pair of loppers and take them off at ground level. I use a saw for bigger cuts. After that, mowing keeps it down to a desired level and they eventually rot away.
QuestionWhat do I do about the water and utilities when clearing land?Community AnswerCall your local utility locates center. In the USA, the online help center is:
QuestionHow do I clear grass on land for farming?Community AnswerPlowing usually works, especially when 10 - 14 inches of soil is turned over, but in some cases of invasive or pest species, you may have to spray or even remove some topsoil to remove the root system. Most grass in the southeast will die for a few years when tilled or plowed.
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