Q&A for How to Communicate with a Non Native English Speaker

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    What kind of equipment or aids can be used?
    Community Answer
    Carry an English-to-native-language dictionary, or if you are really proficient in the language, get an English dictionary. If you have a cell phone, Google Translate is helpful.
  • Question
    How do I tell a person who speaks another language to speak clearly and slowly so that I can understand?
    Community Answer
    Say something like "____ is not my first language. Could you please talk slowly so that I can understand better?"
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    What conversations can I start with them?
    Community Answer
    You start the same conversations you would start with a native English speaker. Try using common icebreakers, such as the weather, or their hobbies.
  • Question
    If you can't speak the local language, how would you communicate with other people?
    Community Answer
    Be sure to be very polite; smile, use gestures to indicate what you need or wish to communicate and learn a handful of words such as please and thank you.
  • Question
    What can I do if the person is too shy to ask the meaning of the word?
    Top Answerer
    Offer to define the word if you think the person is uncertain.
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