Q&A for How to Deal With the Police when They Come to Your Door at a Party

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    What will the police do with minors drinking? Will they take everyone to the police station and arrest them if there are a lot of teenagers?
    Community Answer
    It is possible they could - but it is more likely for them to issue citations.
  • Question
    How do I keep a retired police officer from coming onto my property?
    Community Answer
    If they are retired, they have no more right than any other civilian to enter your property. Depending on your state, call the police the take him away. Serving police aren't going to be terribly impressed with a retired cop playing cops.
  • Question
    The police came to my home asking to speak to me. How long can I avoid them?
    Community Answer
    I suppose it depends what they want to speak to you about. It's best just to answer their questions. If you try to avoid them, you will look suspicious.
  • Question
    What if the police officer is racist and arrests me because I'm black?
    Community Answer
    If he arrested you without cause, then ideally you'll be able to prove that in court and have the charges dropped. Police discrimination is an unfortunate reality in our country.
  • Question
    Can the police keep me out of a car or room in my home, until they come back with a warrant?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. Your home is your home, and the police cannot order you to do anything with it without a warrant. They can detain you, however; in this case, you will be in police custody temporarily.
  • Question
    How can I ask a police officer out without being inappropriate?
    Community Answer
    You could try getting his name and going to the department to talk to him another time. It's probably best not to ask him while he's trying to work though.
  • Question
    Will police come to different states to find me?
    Community Answer
    Not for a party, but they will notify the local police. For example, if someone moved from LA to Salt Lake City but the LA police want to find them, they may notify the Salt Lake City police instead so they can stay focused on what is happening in LA.
  • Question
    How difficult is it for a police officer to get a warrant, and how fast can he get it?
    Community Answer
    The police officer needs to submit a warrant request to a judge for approval. This depends on the availability of a judge to sign, but the paperwork could conceivably be drafted and signed within an hours. However, it would most likely take longer, especially during weekends, holidays, or hours when the court is closed.
  • Question
    What if the cop calls my guests mean and vulgar names?
    Community Answer
    Be as civil as possible and apologize. You will get into further trouble if you talk back. No matter what they say, just stay calm and respond to their questions and requests politely.
  • Question
    Can the police make me leave my car?
    Community Answer
    If he has probable cause to detain you or search you then yes. Probable cause could be you acting nervous or impaired, him smelling weed or alcohol, something illegal in plain sight, as well as strange behavior or having weapons in the car whether illegal or not.
  • Question
    What happens after your name is taken and they question you?
    Community Answer
    They will either ask you to lower the music/noise, or they'll ask you to clear everyone out. I suggest you comply.
  • Question
    Are police officers allowed to shoot a person for not complying?
    Community Answer
    No. But you could be arrested.
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    If the police knock on your door do you have to answer? How long are they allowed to knock?
    Community Answer
    If they knock, you don't have to answer ,but if there is a lot of yelling and screaming, they will most likely stay there or enter (they will say they had probable cause). If you are not home and no lights are on and they go up to the door and knock, there is no reason that they should stay unless they have a warrant for your arrest, in which case they may decide to stay until you get home.
  • Question
    When the police come to my house at night and I want to avoid them, do I leave my lights on or off?
    Community Answer
    Leave them on and answer the door. They came for a reason and will know you were home.
  • Question
    Can you ask the police to go to someone's home to do a drug test?
    Community Answer
    No. You can make a formal complaint and tell the police your suspicions, but the police are not going to go drug test people that are in their own homes.
  • Question
    Policeman came to my door due to a complaint. Is that the same as a warrant?
    NotATrap Natsuki
    Community Answer
    No. A complaint from a neighbor does not equal a warrant. In order for police to get a warrant, they need their request to be approved by a judge.
  • Question
    Police detective keeps calling and telling me I have to come to his office, what do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Ask what it is about and why you need to present yourself. If this is a legal requirement, they have a right to come and get you and you will no longer have the choice to pick a time that suits you.
  • Question
    Is it mandatory that I remain in my car when pulled over?
    Top Answerer
    It is mandatory that you follow the officer's instructions. If you're not told to get out of the car, stay in. If told to come out, leave the car.
  • Question
    Can I politely ask the police to leave if I don't want them there?
    Top Answerer
    If they have no warrant and no reasonable grounds for suspicion, then in most countries the police do not have the right to enter your home. If they have asked to enter and you have allowed that, then they have the right to stay until you withdraw your consent, which does not make what they said or did before consent was withdrawn illegal. They have to leave if you ask them to, but if they have a good reason to be there, then your desire for them to be somewhere else is subordinate to their decision.
  • Question
    Can I do a citizen's arrest for a loud party?
    Community Answer
    No. Having a loud party is not a crime. Call the police and complain, they will check out the situation and ask the people having the party to keep it down.
  • Question
    Can I be arrested for disturbing the peace without a warning first?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Can cops enter and search the house without a warrant?
    Community Answer
    No, the police need a warrant to enter the house. But if the have reason to believe that something illegal is happening inside the house, then they can enter without a warrant.
  • Question
    What do I say when an officer asks me to shut it down?
    Community Answer
    If you still want the party to keep going then you can send home people who are making the most noise. And keep some people who know not to make to much noise. Just make sure to keep it under control or else you’ll be in more trouble.
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