Q&A for How to Develop Your Chi

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    How do you practice chi energy?
    Frank Blaney
    Certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor
    Frank Blaney is a Certified Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor with over 15 years of teaching experience. Passionate about making Qigong more accessible to people, Frank is the author of "Qigong: The Quick & Easy Start-Up Guide." He also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Jujitsu and trains executives and staff of corporations, NGOs, and communities in self-care, personal performance and conflict resolution. He holds an MA in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding from California State University Dominguez Hills.
    Certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor
    Expert Answer
    Focus on your energy to help increase your chi. For instance, you might breathe in and focus on sending your chi to places in your body where the energy is low.
  • Question
    What is it helpful for?
    Community Answer
    It can help with healing and self-actualization.
  • Question
    Can I fly using Chi energy?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. Chi is more of a Life Energy. Of course, if you believe in Chi and train, surprising things are possible.
  • Question
    How can I develop my chi to be able to manipulate the elements?
    Community Answer
    Cultivate your chi to a level where you can feel all of your room and object; comprehend the law/origin of the element that you want; train your chi to become like the element.
  • Question
    How do you access your chi and use it for healing?
    Community Answer
    After you get full-control of all of your Qi (chi), handle it and keep it in a position and then only think about the spot which are you looking to heal. Then release your Qi (chi) and it will be healed.
  • Question
    Is kamehameha real?
    Community Answer
    Yes, in a way. Apparently, if your chi is strong enough, you can focus your life force on a subject, and he should cease to attack you, due to a strong pressure he will feel throughout his body. But you cannot create a mass of plasma traveling at the speed of light.
  • Question
    Does this produce power?
    Community Answer
    All energy can produce power, Chi is life energy. If you were to practice Kung Fu you would learn how to control your Chi into power when striking or even blocking. It is mental, physical and, most importantly, spiritual.
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    Is it possible to concentrate my chi to one place?
    Community Answer
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    How do I know if I have chi?
    Community Answer
    Every living thing has energy flowing through them. This energy is chi.
  • Question
    How can I use my Chi to transmit good energy to other people?
    Community Answer
    First, you must be able to control your Chi, know how to keep your energy, and not let the Life Leeches drain your Chi. Once you have accomplished this, you can transfer your good Chi to the person you choose just by being around them and talking to them. If you're strong enough,you might be able to transfer your Chi just thinking/praying about them.
  • Question
    How can I bring chi from an open field into my house?
    Community Answer
    Memorize the feeling you get when you are in the open field. The wind, the grass, the smells the sounds. Is your body happy? when you go home try to turn off any electronics, close all windows to avoid distractions and try to remember the field. try to focus on the field and the senses. With practice, you should get the same feeling faster and faster.
  • Question
    Will doing tai chi everyday help my chi?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Not only that, but you'll also have more powerful chi when you start to control it!
  • Question
    When I reach a state of controlling my chi, how can I develop a shield around myself to heal me and others close to me?
    Community Answer
    Just visualize a shield and program it to protect you.
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    How can I use dark Chi?
    Community Answer
    Dark Chi can increase your power through negative thoughts and a negative influence. But beware that when using a dark force you run the risk of sucking the chi life out of you.
  • Question
    How can I sense chi energy at the beginning of the exercise?
    Community Answer
    You can feel the energy in your palms to grow stronger and stronger. You will also start to feel more calm and more relaxed with out even thinking about it.
  • Question
    Does chi affect awareness and concentration?
    Community Answer
    Kind of. All parts interact but chi isn't concentration - it would best be thought of a carrier of life-force and intention.
  • Question
    How can chi help in my daily life?
    Community Answer
    It can enhance your senses, re-direct damage, lighten your body, and strengthen your mental faculties. It can also lengthen your life.
  • Question
    Can I use my chi to recover faster from exercise?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Can I have online lessons on developing chi?
    Community Answer
    This is not something that you can learn online! Find your inner peace first and then move to a more vivid area where you could blank your mind and do a proper set of breathing until you get an inner energy flowing within. That's when you could say you are ready.
  • Question
    Is chi considered dark magic or witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    No, it's the natural essence deep within you which you must access to become more enlightened.
  • Question
    In Chinese, "chi" means air. But when you refer to it here, it sounds like energy. Which one is accurate?
    Community Answer
    The symbol does not just translate to air - it can be spirit, energy, etc., etc. Much like some English words have varying meanings, Chinese characters are the same.
  • Question
    How do I know if I have chi?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has chi energy. When you start practicing the above-mentioned steps, you will feel it too. This energy just needs to get in a proper flow.
  • Question
    Does chi have any special properties?
    Camilo Sanchez
    Community Answer
    Yes, it has been shown that chi (qi) has infrasonic, far infrared, magnetic field, electric and stream particle characteristics. Also, you can develop and modulate the training of chi in various forms. The quality or properties of chi that can be developed depend on the method of training, type of practice, background of the practitioner and physical constitution.
  • Question
    Can I fly in the air after awakening my Chi?
    Community Answer
    Subconsciously, yes. But, to physically levitate, you would have to be so deep in meditation you won’t know you ever “flew.” You can, on the other hand, have an out of body experience, in which you can control and experience flight.
  • Question
    How does it physically feel when chi is flowing or developing in my palms?
    Community Answer
    If you have little chi, it feels warm, but as the amount increases, you will feel cooler and even cold.
  • Question
    Can I develop a chi even if I'm fat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you will still be able to develop your chi. If you want to see it, then you need to get to a strong level of control.
  • Question
    How long should I practice every day?
    Community Answer
    You can practice as long as you see fit. Start small and progress over time. Beginners will not be able to meditate for an hour at a time. Start with 5-10 minutes and work up to longer sessions.
  • Question
    How do I burn paper using my chi?
    Community Answer
    1. Hold your finger on the paper. 2. Center your mind's eye to your life force. 3. Focus your chi through your fingertip. 4. The paper should begin to vibrate as your chi energy heats up the atoms. 5. Believe in yourself.
  • Question
    How can I generate enough chi to cloak my entire body and increase my durability?
    Community Answer
    With strict adherence to the rules of tai chi, the following of the laws of chi, and practice, years of practice, you might be able to fully control your muscles to the point where you not only increase the durability of your skin, but you also can raise or lower your body temperature.
  • Question
    Will this work if I practice in my house?
    Suryakant Gargesh
    Community Answer
    Yes, the only thing needed is a silent and calm place without distractions where you can concentrate deeply without thinking about anything else.
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