Q&A for How to Draw My Little Ponies

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    How do I draw Pinkie Pie?
    Community Answer
    Pinkie Pie might be a little bit harder than the other ponies because she is usually pictured hopping, but if you want to draw an easier version of her, you could draw her in the same pose as say, Twilight, for example. But before you grab your pencil, here are a few tips to get you started: Instead of drawing her mane with straight strokes as you would do for Twilight, you want as many crazy curves as possible. You will also want to draw her mouth in a wide smile like she is happy. If you want, you can also draw her eyes squeezed shut, or you can draw her winking. You can also use a picture from the internet to help you draw.
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    How can I make Rainbow Dash skinny and draw MLP well?
    Community Answer
    When you make the circles for the bodies, make them touch and don't make the circles too big. If you spread them apart like in the last few examples it makes the ponies look very long and fat.
  • Question
    My first try at drawing ended up no good. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it happens to everyone. Just keep on trying, and you'll get the hang of it.
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    How do I draw Twilight's wings? (She is an alicorn now.)
    Top Answerer
    Try using steps from this article as a cheat sheet. Also, you can check out the Tutorials section of Equestria Daily. There you can find a massive list of guides and references.
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    How do I draw elder alicorns like Celestia and Luna?
    Community Answer
    Usually the difference is the elder alicorns have broader snouts and longer legs. You can find many tutorials online if you'd like to follow one. Check YouTube.
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    Is it okay if I add the circles together?
    Community Answer
    Sure, draw it however you want! It's your drawing, you know. Bronies are a loving community. We won't judge you!
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    Do I have to do it with a pencil for the frames?
    My little pony 4ever
    Community Answer
    You can use any erasable utensil you like. Sometimes it's even better to use a different-colored tool.
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    What type of paper do I have to use?
    Community Answer
    Plain white printer sheets have a nice professional look, but perhaps try starting out on notebook paper.
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    Who are Twilight's parents?
    Community Answer
    Twilight Velvet is her mom and Night Light is her dad.
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    How do I draw their snouts (mouth/nose)? I'm awful at snouts.
    Top Answerer
    When drawing the basic head shape, start with a circle. Draw one horizontal line and one vertical line that intersect in the middle. Curve the lines according to the direction the head is facing. If facing straight, draw a small curved line directly underneath the horizontal line (it should curve down, like a frowny face). Add the two nostrils evenly spaced apart underneath that. If facing to the side (left or right), draw a short line extending outwards from the intersection. Dip the line sharply downwards, and gradually curve the line into the pony's neck and chest. To better picture it, imagine drawing a semi-circle with the flat side facing up, starting at the intersection.
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    Can I make random ponies with this art style?
    Top Answerer
    Sure. Most ponies in the show have a similar body type, anyway. As you get comfortable drawing ponies, try changing details up as you go, so that you can give a little more flavor to the ponies you draw.
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    How do I draw Queen Chrysalis?
    Community Answer
    She would have a body like Cadence or Luna, but with holes on her horn and legs and wings. She also has bat-like eyes, and spots on her body. Look at pictures of her for reference.
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    My Little Pony is awesome and all, but why do people draw pictures of them getting pregnant?
    Top Answerer
    Pregnancy is a pretty natural part of life. Shining Armor and Cadence didn't click their heels to make Flurry Heart pop into existence. Sure, it may be a little jarring to see if you're not used to that sort of thing, and if that's the case, you may need to consider filtering what you're allowed to see on whatever site you see these images on.
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    How do I draw My Little Ponies like Queen Chrysalis or Tempest Shadow?
    Community Answer
    For Tempest, instead of drawing your ordinary horn, get about a quarter through and then draw spikes and Sparks for extra detail. For Queen Chrysalis, draw how you normally would for Celestia or Luna, and do larger eyes, A long but crooked and horn with holes, and long but hole-filled legs. For the wings, draw sharp insect wings.
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