How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Draw SpongeBob SquarePants
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QuestionHow do I draw the shoes?Community AnswerDraw a bean to represent the shoe. Then from there, just draw a tiny rectangle as the heel and that is it.
QuestionHow do you do the last step?Community AnswerUse markers, pastels, colored pencils etc. to color in SpongeBob. To get the correct color of his holes, find a light-brown marker and a yellow marker. Color lightly with the brown, and fill in with yellow. This also works with colored pencils.
QuestionHow do I draw Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants?Community Answer
QuestionCan I color Spongebob a different color?Community AnswerYes, but try to keep a color scheme. For example, if you want to make him look sick, keep the clothes the same color, and make his skin a little greener by using a colored pencil.
QuestionHow do I do the nose?ToddCommunity AnswerPractice by drawing sideways letter C's on a seperate sheet of paper. One end is longer than the other.
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