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Q&A for How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Cat
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QuestionHow do I draw the world's cutest cat?Community AnswerMake the eyes (and ears, if you want) as large as possible, and make the other facial features small. Also, make sure you include very cute-looking paws.
QuestionHow do I draw the cheeks well?Community AnswerSketch out the general shape of the cheeks LIGHTLY with pencil. Then go back over it and polish the shape a little.
QuestionWhat can I do if every time I get to the eyes, they come out looking weird or creepy?Community AnswerDraw steadily, and don't be too fast. Have patience and keep practicing.
QuestionAre there different types of cartoon cats that I could learn to draw?Community AnswerYou can look up images of cartoon cats first, and then real cats. Learning about cat anatomy will also help you draw cats, whether cartoon or realistic.
QuestionHow do you make the lines so perfect?Community AnswerPractice, practice, practice! In the meantime, using a ruler can help you make sure you're getting the proportions right.
QuestionWhat do I do if I keep failing at drawing this?Community AnswerYou can only get better at things like drawing by practicing. While drawing does come naturally to some, it doesn't to most.
QuestionHow do I draw the eyes perfectly?Community AnswerIt's just like a lemon with a huge circle on the side. It's real easy. Try different types of eye drawings to find the one you draw the best.
QuestionHow do I draw the ears?Community AnswerYou make a triangle, except it's rounded and pointed at the top. Then you make a curved line down the middle of the ear to separate the inside from the outside.
QuestionHow do I get the head right without making it look long and kind of evil?Community AnswerDraw around a bottle or something round and then carefully sketch in the ears and make it look more realistic.
QuestionWhat color is the tip of the tail?Community AnswerThe picture here has it yellow, but you can make it any color you like. Not all cats have a different-colored tail, so you could just make it all one color as well.
QuestionWhat if I am trying this out on a computer and can't get the shape correct?Community AnswerI would recommend trying it on paper instead. It can be tricky to get the control you need on a computer.
QuestionWhat happens if I can't curve the point the right way?Community AnswerEither fix it or try again, and you will get better with practice and get the hang of it.
QuestionWhy do you draw a curl in the top middle of the head?Community AnswerThat is its head fur.
QuestionHow do I make this into a Pokemon?Community AnswerFirst, decide on a type. Then, add features based upon that type. Check out some tutorials on YouTube about drawing Pokemon characters for inspiration.
QuestionHow do I add angle & depth to my drawings?Community AnswerTry using shading. Take your pencil and the start lightly making lines on the left side of wherever you want shading. For depth, make things bigger and more rounded.
QuestionHow do I make the eyes cute?Community AnswerMake them as big as possible, without them looking TOO big. Look at Happy from Fairy Tail as an example of adorable.
QuestionIs it hard for kids ages 7-9?Community AnswerKids 7-9 should be able to draw a decent cartoon cat, if they take their time and follow the steps.
QuestionHow can I make the kitty and background more realistic?Community AnswerYou can make the eyes smaller, the size a normal cat's eyes would be, and adjust the features to more realistic proportions. For the background, you can look up nice landscapes on the internet for inspiration.
QuestionWhat if I run out of space?Community AnswerIf you run out of space, you can always start again.
QuestionHow do you make it perfect?mayCommunity AnswerIt is perfect because of practice. And this kitty is super easy to draw! But if you don't get it the first time, try again––don't give up. Add big eyes, a swirl hairstyle for example to make it cute.
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