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Q&A for How to Draw a Girl
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QuestionHow do I make a cartoon girl as a beginner?Community Answer
QuestionHow can I draw Liv and Maddie?Community AnswerStart with a circle. Create a line longways in the middle of the circle (for a guideline). Add eyes, a mouth, a nose, etc. For Liv, add glasses and maybe a ponytail.
QuestionHow do I draw a full grown woman?Community AnswerJust make the head smaller, the body longer, the eyes smaller and breasts larger.
QuestionHow do you draw a girl in school siting at her desk working?CaTsArEsOcUtECommunity AnswerYou can look at references pictures, but basically make the thighs flatter and wider, since she is sitting, and draw her hair covering her face a bit. You can make her sitting up straight (her hair should be in her face less), or you can draw her hunched over, where her hair should be covering her face.
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